
package model

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  1. model
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait BodyPartEntity extends HttpEntity with javadsl.model.BodyPartEntity
  2. sealed trait ByteContentRange extends javadsl.model.ContentRange with ContentRange
  3. sealed trait ContentRange extends javadsl.model.ContentRange with ValueRenderable
  4. sealed trait ContentType extends javadsl.model.ContentType with ValueRenderable

    A ContentType represents a specific MediaType / HttpCharset combination.

    A ContentType represents a specific MediaType / HttpCharset combination.

    If the MediaType is not flexible with regard to the charset used, e.g. because it's a binary MediaType or the charset is fixed, then the ContentType is a simple wrapper.

  5. final case class ContentTypeRange(mediaRange: MediaRange, charsetRange: HttpCharsetRange) extends javadsl.model.ContentTypeRange with ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable
  6. final case class DateTime extends javadsl.model.DateTime with Ordered[DateTime] with Renderable with Product with Serializable

    Immutable, fast and efficient Date + Time implementation without any dependencies.

    Immutable, fast and efficient Date + Time implementation without any dependencies. Does not support TimeZones, all DateTime values are always GMT based. Note that this implementation discards milliseconds (i.e. rounds down to full seconds).

  7. case class EntityStreamException(info: ErrorInfo) extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class EntityStreamSizeException(limit: Long, actualSize: Option[Long] = None) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    This exception is thrown when the size of the HTTP Entity exceeds the configured limit.

    This exception is thrown when the size of the HTTP Entity exceeds the configured limit. It is possible to configure the limit using configuration options akka.http.parsing.max-content-length or specifically for the server or client side by setting akka.http.[server|client].parsing.max-content-length.

    The limit can also be configured in code, by calling HttpEntity#withSizeLimit on the entity before materializing its dataBytes stream.

  9. final case class ErrorInfo(summary: String = "", detail: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

    Two-level model of error information.

    Two-level model of error information. The summary should explain what is wrong with the request or response *without* directly repeating anything present in the message itself (in order to not open holes for XSS attacks), while the detail can contain additional information from any source (even the request itself).

  10. abstract class ExceptionWithErrorInfo extends RuntimeException

    Marker for exceptions that provide an ErrorInfo

  11. final case class FormData(fields: Query) extends Product with Serializable

    Simple model for application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data.

  12. final case class HttpCharset extends javadsl.model.HttpCharset with SingletonValueRenderable with WithQValue[HttpCharsetRange] with Product with Serializable
  13. sealed abstract class HttpCharsetRange extends javadsl.model.HttpCharsetRange with ValueRenderable with WithQValue[HttpCharsetRange]

    A charset range as encountered in Accept-Charset.

    A charset range as encountered in Accept-Charset. Can either be a single charset, or * if all charsets are supported and optionally a qValue for selecting this choice.

  14. sealed trait HttpEntity extends javadsl.model.HttpEntity

    Models the entity (aka "body" or "content) of an HTTP message.

  15. abstract class HttpHeader extends javadsl.model.HttpHeader with ToStringRenderable

    The model of an HTTP header.

    The model of an HTTP header. In its most basic form headers are simple name-value pairs. Header names are compared in a case-insensitive way.

  16. sealed trait HttpMessage extends javadsl.model.HttpMessage

    Common base class of HttpRequest and HttpResponse.

  17. final case class HttpMethod extends javadsl.model.HttpMethod with SingletonValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

    The method of an HTTP request.

  18. final case class HttpProtocol extends javadsl.model.HttpProtocol with SingletonValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

    The protocol of an HTTP message

  19. final class HttpRequest extends javadsl.model.HttpRequest with HttpMessage

    The immutable model HTTP request model.

  20. final class HttpResponse extends javadsl.model.HttpResponse with HttpMessage

    The immutable HTTP response model.

  21. case class IllegalHeaderException(info: ErrorInfo) extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo with Product with Serializable
  22. case class IllegalRequestException(info: ErrorInfo, status: ClientError) extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo with Product with Serializable
  23. case class IllegalResponseException(info: ErrorInfo) extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo with Product with Serializable
  24. case class IllegalUriException(info: ErrorInfo) extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo with Product with Serializable
  25. case class InvalidContentLengthException(info: ErrorInfo) extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo with Product with Serializable
  26. sealed abstract class MediaRange extends javadsl.model.MediaRange with Renderable with WithQValue[MediaRange]
  27. sealed abstract class MediaType extends javadsl.model.MediaType with LazyValueBytesRenderable with WithQValue[MediaRange]

    A MediaType describes the type of the content of an HTTP message entity.

    A MediaType describes the type of the content of an HTTP message entity.

    While knowledge of the MediaType alone suffices for being able to properly interpret binary content this is not generally the case for non-binary (i.e. character-based) content, which also requires the definition of a specific character encoding (HttpCharset). Therefore MediaType instances are frequently encountered as a member of a ContentType, which groups a MediaType with a potentially required HttpCharset to hold everything required for being able to interpret an HttpEntity.

    MediaTypes come in three basic forms:

    1. Binary: These do not need an additional HttpCharset to be able to form a ContentType. Therefore they can be implicitly converted to the latter.

    2. WithOpenCharset: Most character-based MediaTypes are of this form, which can be combined with all HttpCharset instances to form a ContentType.

    3. WithFixedCharset: Some character-based MediaTypes prescribe a single, clearly defined charset and as such, similarly to binary MediaTypes, do not require the addition of an HttpCharset instances to form a ContentType. The most prominent example is probably application/json which must always be UTF-8 encoded. Like binary MediaTypes WithFixedCharset types can be implicitly converted to a ContentType.

  28. type MessageEntity = RequestEntity

    An entity that can be used for every HttpMessage, i.e.

    An entity that can be used for every HttpMessage, i.e. for requests and responses.

  29. sealed trait Multipart extends javadsl.model.Multipart

    The model of multipart content for media-types multipart/\* (general multipart content), multipart/form-data and multipart/byteranges.

    The model of multipart content for media-types multipart/\* (general multipart content), multipart/form-data and multipart/byteranges.

    The basic modelling classes for these media-types (Multipart.General, Multipart.FormData and Multipart.ByteRanges, respectively) are stream-based but each have a strict counterpart (namely Multipart.General.Strict, Multipart.FormData.Strict and Multipart.ByteRanges.Strict).

  30. final class OptHttpRequest extends AnyVal
  31. final class OptHttpResponse extends AnyVal
  32. case class ParsingException(info: ErrorInfo) extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo with Product with Serializable
  33. sealed abstract class RemoteAddress extends javadsl.model.RemoteAddress with ValueRenderable
  34. sealed trait RequestEntity extends HttpEntity with javadsl.model.RequestEntity with ResponseEntity

    An HttpEntity that can be used for requests.

    An HttpEntity that can be used for requests. Note that all entities that can be used for requests can also be used for responses. (But not the other way around, since HttpEntity.CloseDelimited can only be used for responses!)

  35. sealed trait RequestEntityAcceptance extends javadsl.model.RequestEntityAcceptance
  36. case class RequestTimeoutException(request: HttpRequest, message: String) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  37. sealed trait ResponseEntity extends HttpEntity with javadsl.model.ResponseEntity

    An HttpEntity that can be used for responses.

    An HttpEntity that can be used for responses. Note that all entities that can be used for requests can also be used for responses. (But not the other way around, since HttpEntity.CloseDelimited can only be used for responses!)

  38. sealed abstract class StatusCode extends javadsl.model.StatusCode with LazyValueBytesRenderable

    The result status code of an HTTP response.

  39. sealed abstract class TransferEncoding extends javadsl.model.TransferEncoding with Renderable
  40. sealed trait UniversalEntity extends javadsl.model.UniversalEntity with MessageEntity with BodyPartEntity
  41. sealed abstract case class Uri extends Product with Serializable

    An immutable model of an internet URI as defined by

    An immutable model of an internet URI as defined by All members of this class represent the *decoded* URI elements (i.e. without percent-encoding).

  42. trait WithQValue[T] extends AnyRef

    Helper trait for objects that allow creating new instances with a modified qValue.

Value Members

  1. object ContentRange
  2. object ContentType
  3. object ContentTypeRange extends Serializable
  4. object ContentTypes
  5. object DateTime extends Serializable
  6. object EntityStreamException extends Serializable
  7. object ErrorInfo extends Serializable
  8. object FormData extends Serializable
  9. object HttpCharset extends Serializable
  10. object HttpCharsetRange
  11. object HttpCharsets extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpCharset]
  12. object HttpEntity
  13. object HttpHeader
  14. object HttpMessage
  15. object HttpMethod extends Serializable
  16. object HttpMethods extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpMethod]
  17. object HttpProtocols extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpProtocol]
  18. object HttpRequest
  19. object HttpResponse
  20. object IllegalHeaderException extends Serializable
  21. object IllegalRequestException extends Serializable
  22. object IllegalResponseException extends Serializable
  23. object IllegalUriException extends Serializable
  24. object InvalidContentLengthException extends Serializable
  25. object MediaRange
  26. object MediaRanges extends ObjectRegistry[String, MediaRange]
  27. object MediaType
  28. object MediaTypes extends ObjectRegistry[(String, String), MediaType]
  29. object Multipart
  30. object ParsingException extends Serializable
  31. object RemoteAddress
  32. object RequestEntityAcceptance
  33. object ResponseEntity
  34. object StatusCode
  35. object StatusCodes extends ObjectRegistry[Int, StatusCode]
  36. object TransferEncodings
  37. object Uri extends Serializable
  38. object UriRendering

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
