Class TcpFraming$

  • public class TcpFraming$
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static TcpFraming$ MODULE$
      Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ByteString encodeConnectionHeader​(int streamId)
      When establishing the connection this header is sent first.
      ByteString encodeFrameHeader​(int frameLength)
      Each frame starts with the frame header that contains the length of the frame.
      ByteString Magic()
      The first 4 bytes of a new connection must be these 0x64 0x75 0x75 0x64 (AKKA).
      int Undefined()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • MODULE$

        public static final TcpFraming$ MODULE$
        Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TcpFraming$

        public TcpFraming$()
    • Method Detail

      • Undefined

        public int Undefined()
      • Magic

        public ByteString Magic()
        The first 4 bytes of a new connection must be these 0x64 0x75 0x75 0x64 (AKKA). The purpose of the "magic" is to detect and reject weird (accidental) accesses.
      • encodeConnectionHeader

        public ByteString encodeConnectionHeader​(int streamId)
        When establishing the connection this header is sent first. It contains a "magic" and the stream identifier for selecting control, ordinary, large inbound streams.

        The purpose of the "magic" is to detect and reject weird (accidental) accesses. The magic 4 bytes are 0x64 0x75 0x75 0x64 (AKKA).

        The streamId is encoded as 1 byte.

      • encodeFrameHeader

        public ByteString encodeFrameHeader​(int frameLength)
        Each frame starts with the frame header that contains the length of the frame. The frameLength is encoded as 4 bytes (little endian).