Class Summary |
AbstractEventsourcedProcessor |
Java API: compatible with lambda expressions (to be used with ReceiveBuilder ):
command handler. |
AbstractPersistentActor |
Java API: an persistent actor - can be used to implement command or event sourcing. |
AbstractPersistentActorWithAtLeastOnceDelivery |
Java API compatible with lambda expressions |
AbstractPersistentView |
Java API: compatible with lambda expressions (to be used with ReceiveBuilder ) |
AbstractProcessor |
Java API: compatible with lambda expressions |
AbstractView |
Java API: compatible with lambda expressions (to be used with ReceiveBuilder ) |
AtLeastOnceDelivery.AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot |
Snapshot of current AtLeastOnceDelivery state. |
AtLeastOnceDelivery.AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot$ |
AtLeastOnceDelivery.Internal$ |
AtLeastOnceDelivery.UnconfirmedDelivery |
Information about a message that has not been confirmed. |
AtLeastOnceDelivery.UnconfirmedDelivery$ |
AtLeastOnceDelivery.UnconfirmedWarning |
AtLeastOnceDelivery.UnconfirmedWarning$ |
AtLeastOnceDelivery$ |
Channel |
A channel is used by Processor s (and View s) for sending Persistent messages to destinations. |
Channel$ |
ChannelSettings |
A Channel configuration object. |
ChannelSettings$ |
ConfirmablePersistent |
Persistent message that has been delivered by a Channel or PersistentChannel . |
ConfirmablePersistent$ |
ConfirmablePersistentImpl |
ConfirmablePersistentImpl$ |
Deliver |
Instructs a Channel or PersistentChannel to deliver a persistent message to
a destination . |
Deliver$ |
DeliveredByChannel |
Plugin API. |
DeliveredByChannel$ |
DeliveredByChannelBatching |
DeliveredByPersistentChannel |
Plugin API. |
DeliveredByPersistentChannel$ |
DeliveredByPersistentChannelBatching |
Eventsourced.AsyncHandlerInvocation |
Eventsourced.StashingHandlerInvocation |
JournalProtocol |
JournalProtocol.DeleteMessages |
Request to delete messages identified by messageIds . |
JournalProtocol.DeleteMessages$ |
JournalProtocol.DeleteMessagesFailure |
Reply message to a failed JournalProtocol.DeleteMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.DeleteMessagesFailure$ |
JournalProtocol.DeleteMessagesSuccess |
Reply message to a successful JournalProtocol.DeleteMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.DeleteMessagesSuccess$ |
JournalProtocol.DeleteMessagesTo |
Request to delete all persistent messages with sequence numbers up to toSequenceNr
(inclusive). |
JournalProtocol.DeleteMessagesTo$ |
JournalProtocol.LoopMessage |
Request to loop a message back to persistent actor , without persisting the message. |
JournalProtocol.LoopMessage$ |
JournalProtocol.LoopMessageSuccess |
Reply message to a JournalProtocol.LoopMessage request. |
JournalProtocol.LoopMessageSuccess$ |
JournalProtocol.ReadHighestSequenceNr |
Request to read the highest stored sequence number of a given persistent actor. |
JournalProtocol.ReadHighestSequenceNr$ |
JournalProtocol.ReadHighestSequenceNrFailure |
Reply message to a failed JournalProtocol.ReadHighestSequenceNr request. |
JournalProtocol.ReadHighestSequenceNrFailure$ |
JournalProtocol.ReadHighestSequenceNrSuccess |
Reply message to a successful JournalProtocol.ReadHighestSequenceNr request. |
JournalProtocol.ReadHighestSequenceNrSuccess$ |
JournalProtocol.ReplayedMessage |
Reply message to a JournalProtocol.ReplayMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.ReplayedMessage$ |
JournalProtocol.ReplayMessages |
Request to replay messages to persistentActor . |
JournalProtocol.ReplayMessages$ |
JournalProtocol.ReplayMessagesFailure |
Reply message to a failed JournalProtocol.ReplayMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.ReplayMessagesFailure$ |
JournalProtocol.ReplayMessagesSuccess$ |
Reply message to a successful JournalProtocol.ReplayMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.WriteConfirmations |
Request to write delivery confirmations. |
JournalProtocol.WriteConfirmations$ |
JournalProtocol.WriteConfirmationsFailure |
Reply message to a failed JournalProtocol.WriteConfirmations request. |
JournalProtocol.WriteConfirmationsFailure$ |
JournalProtocol.WriteConfirmationsSuccess |
Reply message to a successful JournalProtocol.WriteConfirmations request. |
JournalProtocol.WriteConfirmationsSuccess$ |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessageFailure |
Reply message to a failed JournalProtocol.WriteMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessageFailure$ |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessages |
Request to write messages. |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessages$ |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessagesFailed |
Reply message to a failed JournalProtocol.WriteMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessagesFailed$ |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessagesSuccessful$ |
Reply message to a successful JournalProtocol.WriteMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessageSuccess |
Reply message to a successful JournalProtocol.WriteMessages request. |
JournalProtocol.WriteMessageSuccess$ |
JournalProtocol$ |
NonPersistentRepr |
Message which can be resequenced by the Journal, but will not be persisted. |
NonPersistentRepr$ |
Persistence |
Persistence extension. |
Persistence$ |
Persistence extension. |
PersistenceFailure |
Sent to a Processor if a journal fails to write a Persistent message. |
PersistenceFailure$ |
PersistenceSettings |
Persistence configuration. |
Persistent |
Persistent message. |
Persistent$ |
PersistentBatch |
Instructs a Processor to atomically write the contained Persistent messages to the
journal. |
PersistentBatch$ |
PersistentChannel |
A PersistentChannel implements the same functionality as a Channel but additionally persists
Deliver requests before they are served. |
PersistentChannel$ |
PersistentChannelSettings |
A PersistentChannel configuration object. |
PersistentChannelSettings$ |
PersistentIdImpl |
PersistentIdImpl$ |
PersistentImpl |
PersistentImpl$ |
PersistentRepr$ |
ProcessorImpl$ |
Recover |
Instructs a persistent actor to recover itself. |
Recover$ |
RecoveryCompleted |
RecoveryCompleted$ |
Sent to a Processor when the journal replay has been finished. |
RecoveryFailure |
Sent to a Processor if a journal fails to replay messages or fetch that processor's
highest sequence number. |
RecoveryFailure$ |
RedeliverFailure |
Notification message to inform channel listeners about messages that have reached the maximum
number of redeliveries. |
RedeliverFailure$ |
Redelivery |
Redelivery process used by ReliableDelivery . |
ReliableDelivery |
Reliably deliver messages contained in Deliver requests to their destinations. |
ReliableDelivery.DeliveryAttempt |
ReliableDelivery.DeliveryAttempt$ |
ReliableDelivery.Redeliver |
ReliableDelivery.Redeliver$ |
ReliableDelivery$ |
RequestReader |
Reads Deliver requests from the journal and processes them. |
RequestWriter |
Writes Deliver requests to the journal. |
RequestWriter.RequestsWritten$ |
RequestWriter$ |
Reset |
Resets a PersistentChannel , forcing it to redeliver all unconfirmed persistent
messages. |
Reset$ |
Resets a PersistentChannel , forcing it to redeliver all unconfirmed persistent
messages. |
SaveSnapshotFailure |
Sent to a PersistentActor after failed saving of a snapshot. |
SaveSnapshotFailure$ |
SaveSnapshotSuccess |
Sent to a PersistentActor after successful saving of a snapshot. |
SaveSnapshotSuccess$ |
SelectedSnapshot |
Plugin API: a selected snapshot matching SnapshotSelectionCriteria . |
SelectedSnapshot$ |
SnapshotMetadata |
Snapshot metadata. |
SnapshotMetadata$ |
SnapshotOffer |
Offers a PersistentActor a previously saved snapshot during recovery. |
SnapshotOffer$ |
SnapshotProtocol |
SnapshotProtocol.DeleteSnapshot |
Instructs snapshot store to delete a snapshot. |
SnapshotProtocol.DeleteSnapshot$ |
SnapshotProtocol.DeleteSnapshots |
Instructs snapshot store to delete all snapshots that match criteria . |
SnapshotProtocol.DeleteSnapshots$ |
SnapshotProtocol.LoadSnapshot |
Instructs a snapshot store to load a snapshot. |
SnapshotProtocol.LoadSnapshot$ |
SnapshotProtocol.LoadSnapshotResult |
Response message to a SnapshotProtocol.LoadSnapshot message. |
SnapshotProtocol.LoadSnapshotResult$ |
SnapshotProtocol.SaveSnapshot |
Instructs snapshot store to save a snapshot. |
SnapshotProtocol.SaveSnapshot$ |
SnapshotProtocol$ |
SnapshotSelectionCriteria |
Selection criteria for loading and deleting snapshots. |
SnapshotSelectionCriteria$ |
UntypedEventsourcedProcessor |
Java API: an event sourced processor. |
UntypedPersistentActor |
Java API: an persistent actor - can be used to implement command or event sourcing. |
UntypedPersistentActorWithAtLeastOnceDelivery |
Java API: Use this class instead of UntypedPersistentActor to send messages
with at-least-once delivery semantics to destinations. |
UntypedPersistentView |
Java API. |
UntypedProcessor |
Java API: an actor that persists (journals) messages of type Persistent . |
UntypedView |
Java API. |
Update |
Instructs a PersistentView to update itself. |
Update$ |