Class Summary |
ClusterClient |
This actor is intended to be used on an external node that is not member
of the cluster. |
ClusterClient.Internal$ |
ClusterClient.Publish |
ClusterClient.Publish$ |
ClusterClient.Send |
ClusterClient.Send$ |
ClusterClient.SendToAll |
ClusterClient.SendToAll$ |
ClusterClient$ |
ClusterReceptionist |
ClusterClient connects to this actor to retrieve. |
ClusterReceptionist.Internal$ |
ClusterReceptionist$ |
ClusterReceptionistExtension |
ClusterReceptionistExtension$ |
Extension that starts ClusterReceptionist and accompanying DistributedPubSubMediator
with settings defined in config section akka.contrib.cluster.receptionist . |
ClusterSharding |
ClusterSharding$ |
This extension provides sharding functionality of actors in a cluster. |
ClusterShardingGuardian |
ClusterShardingGuardian.Start |
ClusterShardingGuardian.Start$ |
ClusterShardingGuardian.Started |
ClusterShardingGuardian.Started$ |
ClusterShardingGuardian$ |
ClusterSingletonManager |
Manages singleton actor instance among all cluster nodes or a group
of nodes tagged with a specific role. |
ClusterSingletonManager$ |
ClusterSingletonProxy |
The ClusterSingletonProxy works together with the ClusterSingletonManager to provide a
distributed proxy to the singleton actor. |
ClusterSingletonProxy$ |
DistributedPubSubExtension |
DistributedPubSubExtension$ |
Extension that starts a DistributedPubSubMediator actor
with settings defined in config section . |
DistributedPubSubMediator |
This actor manages a registry of actor references and replicates
the entries to peer actors among all cluster nodes or a group of nodes
tagged with a specific role. |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Count$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Internal$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Put |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Put$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Remove |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Remove$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Send |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Send$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.SendToAll |
DistributedPubSubMediator.SendToAll$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.SubscribeAck |
DistributedPubSubMediator.SubscribeAck$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Unsubscribe |
DistributedPubSubMediator.Unsubscribe$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator.UnsubscribeAck |
DistributedPubSubMediator.UnsubscribeAck$ |
DistributedPubSubMediator$ |
ReliableProxy |
A ReliableProxy is a means to wrap a remote actor reference in order to
obtain certain improved delivery guarantees: |
ReliableProxy.Active$ |
ReliableProxy.Connecting$ |
ReliableProxy.Idle$ |
ReliableProxy.Message |
ReliableProxy.Message$ |
ReliableProxy.ProxyTerminated |
ProxyTerminated is sent to transition subscribers during postStop . |
ReliableProxy.ProxyTerminated$ |
ReliableProxy.Receiver |
ReliableProxy.TargetChanged |
TargetChanged is sent to transition subscribers when the initial connection is made
the target and when the target ActorRef has changed (for example, the target system
crashed and has been restarted). |
ReliableProxy.TargetChanged$ |
ReliableProxy.Unsent |
ReliableProxy.Unsent$ |
ReliableProxy$ |
ShardCoordinator |
Singleton coordinator that decides where to allocate shards. |
ShardCoordinator.AbstractShardAllocationStrategy |
Java API: Java implementations of custom shard allocation and rebalancing logic used by the ShardCoordinator
should extend this abstract class and implement the two methods. |
ShardCoordinator.Internal$ |
ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy |
The default implementation of ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy
allocates new shards to the ShardRegion with least number of previously allocated shards. |
ShardCoordinator.RebalanceWorker |
ShardCoordinator$ |
ShardCoordinatorSupervisor |
ShardCoordinatorSupervisor$ |
ShardRegion |
This actor creates children entry actors on demand for the shards that it is told to be
responsible for. |
ShardRegion.HandOffStopper |
ShardRegion.Passivate |
If the state of the entries are persistent you may stop entries that are not used to
reduce memory consumption. |
ShardRegion.Passivate$ |
ShardRegion$ |
WorkList<T> |
Fast, small, and dirty implementation of a linked list that removes transient work entries once they are processed. |
WorkList.Entry<T> |
Singly linked list entry implementation for WorkList. |
WorkList$ |
Provides the utility methods and constructors to the WorkList class. |