
Class ActorMaterializer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class ActorMaterializer
    extends Materializer
    implements MaterializerLoggingProvider
    The Materializer now has all methods the ActorMaterializer used to have. Since 2.6.0.
    An ActorMaterializer takes a stream blueprint and turns it into a running stream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ActorMaterializer

        public ActorMaterializer()
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public static ActorMaterializer apply​(scala.Option<ActorMaterializerSettings> materializerSettings,
                                              scala.Option<java.lang.String> namePrefix,
                                              ActorRefFactory context)
        Use the system wide materializer with stream attributes or configuration settings to change defaults. Since 2.6.0.
        Scala API: Creates an ActorMaterializer that can materialize stream blueprints as running streams.

        The required ActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an ActorContext) will be used to create one actor that in turn creates actors for the transformation steps.

        The materializer's ActorMaterializerSettings will be obtained from the configuration of the context's underlying ActorSystem.

        The namePrefix is used as the first part of the names of the actors running the processing steps. The default namePrefix is "flow". The actor names are built up of namePrefix-flowNumber-flowStepNumber-stepName.

      • apply

        public static ActorMaterializer apply​(ActorMaterializerSettings materializerSettings,
                                              java.lang.String namePrefix,
                                              ActorRefFactory context)
        Use the system wide materializer with stream attributes or configuration settings to change defaults. Since 2.6.0.
        Scala API: Creates an ActorMaterializer that can materialize stream blueprints as running streams.

        The required ActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an ActorContext) will be used to create these actors, therefore it is *forbidden* to pass this object to another actor if the factory is an ActorContext.

        The namePrefix is used as the first part of the names of the actors running the processing steps. The default namePrefix is "flow". The actor names are built up of namePrefix-flowNumber-flowStepNumber-stepName.

      • apply

        public static ActorMaterializer apply​(ActorMaterializerSettings materializerSettings,
                                              ActorRefFactory context)
        Use the system wide materializer or Materializer.apply(actorContext) with stream attributes or configuration settings to change defaults. Since 2.6.0.
        Scala API: Creates an ActorMaterializer that can materialize stream blueprints as running streams.

        The required ActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an ActorContext) will be used to create these actors, therefore it is *forbidden* to pass this object to another actor if the factory is an ActorContext.

        The namePrefix is used as the first part of the names of the actors running the processing steps. The default namePrefix is "flow". The actor names are built up of namePrefix-flowNumber-flowStepNumber-stepName.

      • apply$default$2

        public static scala.Option<java.lang.String> apply$default$2()
      • create

        public static ActorMaterializer create​(ActorRefFactory context)
        Use the system wide materializer or Materializer.create(actorContext) with stream attributes or configuration settings to change defaults. Since 2.6.0.
        Java API: Creates an ActorMaterializer that can materialize stream blueprints as running streams.

        The required ActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an ActorContext) will be used to create these actors, therefore it is *forbidden* to pass this object to another actor if the factory is an ActorContext.

        Defaults the actor name prefix used to name actors running the processing steps to "flow". The actor names are built up of namePrefix-flowNumber-flowStepNumber-stepName.

      • create

        public static ActorMaterializer create​(ActorRefFactory context,
                                               java.lang.String namePrefix)
        Use the system wide materializer or Materializer.create(actorContext) with stream attributes or configuration settings to change defaults. Since 2.6.0.
        Java API: Creates an ActorMaterializer that can materialize stream blueprints as running streams.

        The required ActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an ActorContext) will be used to create these actors, therefore it is *forbidden* to pass this object to another actor if the factory is an ActorContext.

        The namePrefix is used as the first part of the names of the actors running the processing steps. The default namePrefix is "flow". The actor names are built up of namePrefix-flowNumber-flowStepNumber-stepName.

      • create

        public static ActorMaterializer create​(ActorMaterializerSettings settings,
                                               ActorRefFactory context)
        Use the system wide materializer or Materializer.create(actorContext) with stream attributes or configuration settings to change defaults. Since 2.6.0.
        Java API: Creates an ActorMaterializer that can materialize stream blueprints as running streams.

        The required ActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an ActorContext) will be used to create one actor that in turn creates actors for the transformation steps.

      • create

        public static ActorMaterializer create​(ActorMaterializerSettings settings,
                                               ActorRefFactory context,
                                               java.lang.String namePrefix)
        Use the system wide materializer or Materializer.create(actorContext) with stream attributes or configuration settings to change defaults. Since 2.6.0.
        Java API: Creates an ActorMaterializer that can materialize stream blueprints as running streams.

        The required ActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an ActorContext) will be used to create these actors, therefore it is *forbidden* to pass this object to another actor if the factory is an ActorContext.

        The namePrefix is used as the first part of the names of the actors running the processing steps. The default namePrefix is "flow". The actor names are built up of namePrefix-flowNumber-flowStepNumber-stepName.

      • settings

        public abstract ActorMaterializerSettings settings()
        Use attributes to access settings from stages, see Since 2.6.0.
        Specified by:
        settings in class Materializer
      • shutdown

        public abstract void shutdown()
        Shuts down this materializer and all the operators that have been materialized through this materializer. After having shut down, this materializer cannot be used again. Any attempt to materialize operators after having shut down will result in an IllegalStateException being thrown at materialization time.
        Specified by:
        shutdown in class Materializer
      • isShutdown

        public abstract boolean isShutdown()
        Indicates if the materializer has been shut down.
        Specified by:
        isShutdown in class Materializer