ActorClassifier |
Can be mixed into an EventBus to specify that the Classifier type is ActorRef
ActorEventBus |
Represents an EventBus where the Subscriber type is ActorRef
DiagnosticLoggingAdapter |
EventBus |
Represents the base type for EventBuses
Internally has an Event type, a Classifier type and a Subscriber type
LoggerMessageQueueSemantics |
Logging.LogEvent |
Logging.LogEventWithCause |
Logging.LogEventWithMarker |
Logging.StdOutLogger |
LoggingAdapter |
LoggingBus |
This trait brings log level handling to the EventStream: it reads the log
levels for the initial logging (StandardOutLogger) and the loggers & level
for after-init logging, possibly keeping the StandardOutLogger enabled if
it is part of the configured loggers.
LoggingFilter |
LoggingFilterWithMarker |
LogSource<T> |
LookupClassification |
Maps Subscribers to Classifiers using equality on Classifier to store a Set of Subscribers (hence the need for compareSubscribers)
Maps Events to Classifiers through the classify-method (so it knows who to publish to)
ManagedActorClassification |
Maps ActorRefs to ActorRefs to form an EventBus where ActorRefs can listen to other ActorRefs.
PredicateClassifier |
Can be mixed into an EventBus to specify that the Classifier type is a Function from Event to Boolean (predicate)
ScanningClassification |
Maps Classifiers to Subscribers and selects which Subscriber should receive which publication through scanning through all Subscribers
through the matches(classifier, event) method
SubchannelClassification |
Classification which respects relationships between channels: subscribing
to one channel automatically and idempotently subscribes to all sub-channels.