

To use Akka Persistence Typed, add the module to your project:

libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-typed" % "2.5.32"
dependencies {
  implementation "com.typesafe.akka:akka-persistence-typed_2.12:2.5.32"


Akka Persistence is a library for building event sourced actors. For background about how it works see the untyped Akka Persistence section. This documentation shows how the typed API for persistence works and assumes you know what is meant by Command, Event and State.


This module is ready to be used in production, but it is still marked as may change. This means that API or semantics can change without warning or deprecation period, but such changes will be collected and be performed in Akka 2.6.0 rather than in 2.5.x patch releases.


Let’s start with a simple example. The minimum required for a EventSourcedBehavior is:

sourcesealed trait Command
sealed trait Event
final case class State()

val behavior: Behavior[Command] =
  EventSourcedBehavior[Command, Event, State](
    persistenceId = PersistenceId("abc"),
    emptyState = State(),
    commandHandler = (state, cmd) => throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the command & return an Effect"),
    eventHandler = (state, evt) => throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the event return the next state"))
sourcepublic class MyPersistentBehavior
    extends EventSourcedBehavior<
        MyPersistentBehavior.Command, MyPersistentBehavior.Event, MyPersistentBehavior.State> {

  static EventSourcedBehavior<Command, Event, State> eventSourcedBehavior =
      new MyPersistentBehavior(new PersistenceId("pid"));

  interface Command {}

  interface Event {}

  public static class State {}

  public MyPersistentBehavior(PersistenceId persistenceId) {

  public State emptyState() {
    return new State();

  public CommandHandler<Command, Event, State> commandHandler() {
    return (state, command) -> {
      throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the command & return an Effect");

  public EventHandler<State, Event> eventHandler() {
    return (state, event) -> {
      throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the event return the next state");

The first important thing to notice is the Behavior of a persistent actor is typed to the type of the Command because this is the type of message a persistent actor should receive. In Akka Typed this is now enforced by the type system. The event and state are only used internally.

The components that make up a EventSourcedBehavior are:

  • persistenceId is the stable unique identifier for the persistent actor.
  • emptyState defines the State when the entity is first created e.g. a Counter would start with 0 as state.
  • commandHandler defines how to handle command by producing Effects e.g. persisting events, stopping the persistent actor.
  • eventHandler returns the new state given the current state when an event has been persisted.

Next we’ll discuss each of these in detail.

Command handler

The command handler is a function with 2 parameters, the current State and the incoming Command.

A command handler returns an Effect directive that defines what event or events, if any, to persist. Effects are created using a factory that is returned via the Effect() method the Effect factory and can be one of:

  • persist will persist one single event or several events atomically, i.e. all events are stored or none of them are stored if there is an error
  • none no events are to be persisted, for example a read-only command
  • unhandled the command is unhandled (not supported) in current state
  • stop stop this actor

In addition to returning the primary Effect for the command EventSourcedBehaviors can also chain side effects (SideEffects) are to be performed after successful persist which is achieved with the andThen and thenRun function e.g Effect.persist(..).andThenEffect().persist(..).andThen. The thenRun function is a convenience around creating a SideEffect.

In the example below a reply is sent to the replyTo ActorRef. Note that the new state after applying the event is passed as parameter to the thenRun function. All thenRun registered callbacks are executed sequentially after successful execution of the persist statement (or immediately, in case of none and unhandled).

Event handler

When an event has been persisted successfully the new state is created by applying the event to the current state with the eventHandler.

The state is typically defined as an immutable class and then the event handler returns a new instance of the state. You may choose to use a mutable class for the state, and then the event handler may update the state instance and return the same instance. Both immutable and mutable state is supported.

The same event handler is also used when the entity is started up to recover its state from the stored events.

The event handler should only update the state and never perform side effects, as those would also be executed during recovery of the persistent actor.

Completing the example

Let’s fill in the details of the example.

Command and event:

sourcesealed trait Command
final case class Add(data: String) extends Command
case object Clear extends Command

sealed trait Event
final case class Added(data: String) extends Event
case object Cleared extends Event
sourceinterface Command {}

public static class Add implements Command {
  public final String data;

  public Add(String data) { = data;

public enum Clear implements Command {

interface Event {}

public static class Added implements Event {
  public final String data;

  public Added(String data) { = data;

public enum Cleared implements Event {

State is a List containing the 5 latest items:

sourcefinal case class State(history: List[String] = Nil)
sourcepublic static class State {
  private final List<String> items;

  private State(List<String> items) {
    this.items = items;

  public State() {
    this.items = new ArrayList<>();

  public State addItem(String data) {
    List<String> newItems = new ArrayList<>(items);
    newItems.add(0, data);
    // keep 5 items
    List<String> latest = newItems.subList(0, Math.min(4, newItems.size() - 1));
    return new State(latest);

The command handler persists the Add payload in an Added event:

sourceimport akka.persistence.typed.scaladsl.Effect

val commandHandler: (State, Command) => Effect[Event, State] = { (state, command) =>
  command match {
    case Add(data) => Effect.persist(Added(data))
    case Clear     => Effect.persist(Cleared)
public CommandHandler<Command, Event, State> commandHandler() {
  return newCommandHandlerBuilder()
      .onCommand(Add.class, command -> Effect().persist(new Added(
      .onCommand(Clear.class, command -> Effect().persist(Cleared.INSTANCE))

The event handler appends the item to the state and keeps 5 items. This is called after successfully persisting the event in the database:

sourceval eventHandler: (State, Event) => State = { (state, event) =>
  event match {
    case Added(data) => state.copy((data :: state.history).take(5))
    case Cleared     => State(Nil)
public EventHandler<State, Event> eventHandler() {
  return newEventHandlerBuilder()
      .onEvent(Added.class, (state, event) -> state.addItem(
      .onEvent(Cleared.class, () -> new State())

These are used to create a EventSourcedBehavior: These are defined in an EventSourcedBehavior:

sourcedef behavior(id: String): EventSourcedBehavior[Command, Event, State] =
  EventSourcedBehavior[Command, Event, State](
    persistenceId = PersistenceId(id),
    emptyState = State(Nil),
    commandHandler = commandHandler,
    eventHandler = eventHandler)
sourcepublic class MyPersistentBehavior
    extends EventSourcedBehavior<
        MyPersistentBehavior.Command, MyPersistentBehavior.Event, MyPersistentBehavior.State> {

  public MyPersistentBehavior(PersistenceId persistenceId) {

  public State emptyState() {
    return new State();

  public CommandHandler<Command, Event, State> commandHandler() {
    return newCommandHandlerBuilder()
        .onCommand(Add.class, command -> Effect().persist(new Added(
        .onCommand(Clear.class, command -> Effect().persist(Cleared.INSTANCE))

  public EventHandler<State, Event> eventHandler() {
    return newEventHandlerBuilder()
        .onEvent(Added.class, (state, event) -> state.addItem(
        .onEvent(Cleared.class, () -> new State())

Cluster Sharding and persistence

In a use case where the number of persistent actors needed are higher than what would fit in the memory of one node or where resilience is important so that if a node crashes the persistent actors are quickly started on a new node and can resume operations Cluster Sharding is an excellent fit to spread persistent actors over a cluster and address them by id.

The EventSourcedBehavior can then be run as with any plain typed actor as described in actors documentation, but since Akka Persistence is based on the single-writer principle the persistent actors are typically used together with Cluster Sharding. For a particular persistenceId only one persistent actor instance should be active at one time. If multiple instances were to persist events at the same time, the events would be interleaved and might not be interpreted correctly on replay. Cluster Sharding ensures that there is only one active entity for each id. The Cluster Sharding example illustrates this common combination.

Accessing the ActorContext

If the persistent behavior needs to use the ActorContext, for example to spawn child actors, it can be obtained by wrapping construction with Behaviors.setup:

sourceimport akka.persistence.typed.scaladsl.Effect
import akka.persistence.typed.scaladsl.EventSourcedBehavior.CommandHandler

val behaviorWithContext: Behavior[String] =
  Behaviors.setup { context =>
    EventSourcedBehavior[String, String, State](
      persistenceId = PersistenceId("myPersistenceId"),
      emptyState = new State,
      commandHandler = CommandHandler.command { cmd =>"Got command {}", cmd)
        Effect.persist(cmd).thenRun { state =>
"event persisted, new state {}", state)
      eventHandler = {
        case (state, _) => state
sourcepublic class MyPersistentBehavior extends EventSourcedBehavior<Command, Event, State> {

  public static Behavior<Command> behavior(PersistenceId persistenceId) {
    return Behaviors.setup(ctx -> new MyPersistentBehavior(persistenceId, ctx));

  // this makes the context available to the command handler etc.
  private final ActorContext<Command> ctx;

  public MyPersistentBehavior(PersistenceId persistenceId, ActorContext<Command> ctx) {
    this.ctx = ctx;


Changing Behavior

After processing a message, plain typed actors are able to return the Behavior that is used for next message.

As you can see in the above examples this is not supported by typed persistent actors. Instead, the state is returned by eventHandler. The reason a new behavior can’t be returned is that behavior is part of the actor’s state and must also carefully be reconstructed during recovery. If it would have been supported it would mean that the behavior must be restored when replaying events and also encoded in the state anyway when snapshots are used. That would be very prone to mistakes and thus not allowed in Typed Persistence.

For basic actors you can use the same set of command handlers independent of what state the entity is in, as shown in above example. For more complex actors it’s useful to be able to change the behavior in the sense that different functions for processing commands may be defined depending on what state the actor is in. This is useful when implementing finite state machine (FSM) like entities.

The next example shows how to define different behavior based on the current State. It is an actor that represents the state of a blog post. Before a post is started the only command it can process is to AddPost. Once it is started then it we can look it up with GetPost, modify it with ChangeBody or publish it with Publish.

The state is captured by:

sourcesealed trait BlogState

case object BlankState extends BlogState

final case class DraftState(content: PostContent) extends BlogState {
  def withBody(newBody: String): DraftState =
    copy(content = content.copy(body = newBody))

  def postId: String = content.postId

final case class PublishedState(content: PostContent) extends BlogState {
  def postId: String = content.postId
sourceinterface BlogState {}

public enum BlankState implements BlogState {

public class DraftState implements BlogState {
  final PostContent content;

  DraftState(PostContent content) {
    this.content = content;

  public DraftState withContent(PostContent newContent) {
    return new DraftState(newContent);

  public DraftState withBody(String newBody) {
    return withContent(new PostContent(postId(), content.title, newBody));

  public String postId() {
    return content.postId;

public class PublishedState implements BlogState {
  final PostContent content;

  PublishedState(PostContent content) {
    this.content = content;

  public PublishedState withContent(PostContent newContent) {
    return new PublishedState(newContent);

  public PublishedState withBody(String newBody) {
    return withContent(new PostContent(postId(), content.title, newBody));

  public String postId() {
    return content.postId;

The commands, of which only a subset are valid depending on the state:

sourcesealed trait BlogCommand
final case class AddPost(content: PostContent, replyTo: ActorRef[AddPostDone]) extends BlogCommand
final case class AddPostDone(postId: String)
final case class GetPost(replyTo: ActorRef[PostContent]) extends BlogCommand
final case class ChangeBody(newBody: String, replyTo: ActorRef[Done]) extends BlogCommand
final case class Publish(replyTo: ActorRef[Done]) extends BlogCommand
final case class PostContent(postId: String, title: String, body: String)
sourcepublic interface BlogCommand {}
public class AddPost implements BlogCommand {
  final PostContent content;
  final ActorRef<AddPostDone> replyTo;

  public AddPost(PostContent content, ActorRef<AddPostDone> replyTo) {
    this.content = content;
    this.replyTo = replyTo;

public class AddPostDone implements BlogCommand {
  final String postId;

  public AddPostDone(String postId) {
    this.postId = postId;
public class GetPost implements BlogCommand {
  final ActorRef<PostContent> replyTo;

  public GetPost(ActorRef<PostContent> replyTo) {
    this.replyTo = replyTo;

public class ChangeBody implements BlogCommand {
  final String newBody;
  final ActorRef<Done> replyTo;

  public ChangeBody(String newBody, ActorRef<Done> replyTo) {
    this.newBody = newBody;
    this.replyTo = replyTo;

public class Publish implements BlogCommand {
  final ActorRef<Done> replyTo;

  public Publish(ActorRef<Done> replyTo) {
    this.replyTo = replyTo;

public class PostContent implements BlogCommand {
  final String postId;
  final String title;
  final String body;

  public PostContent(String postId, String title, String body) {
    this.postId = postId;
    this.title = title;
    this.body = body;

The commandler handler to process each command is decided by the state class (or state predicate) that is given to the forStateType of the CommandHandlerBuilder and the match cases in the builders. The command handler to process each command is decided by first looking at the state and then the command. It typically becomes two levels of pattern matching, first on the state and then on the command. Delegating to methods is a good practice because the one-line cases give a nice overview of the message dispatch.

sourceprivate val commandHandler: (BlogState, BlogCommand) => Effect[BlogEvent, BlogState] = { (state, command) =>
  state match {

    case BlankState =>
      command match {
        case cmd: AddPost => addPost(cmd)
        case _            => Effect.unhandled

    case draftState: DraftState =>
      command match {
        case cmd: ChangeBody  => changeBody(draftState, cmd)
        case Publish(replyTo) => publish(draftState, replyTo)
        case GetPost(replyTo) => getPost(draftState, replyTo)
        case _: AddPost       => Effect.unhandled

    case publishedState: PublishedState =>
      command match {
        case GetPost(replyTo) => getPost(publishedState, replyTo)
        case _                => Effect.unhandled

private def addPost(cmd: AddPost): Effect[BlogEvent, BlogState] = {
  val evt = PostAdded(cmd.content.postId, cmd.content)
  Effect.persist(evt).thenRun { _ =>
    // After persist is done additional side effects can be performed
    cmd.replyTo ! AddPostDone(cmd.content.postId)

private def changeBody(state: DraftState, cmd: ChangeBody): Effect[BlogEvent, BlogState] = {
  val evt = BodyChanged(state.postId, cmd.newBody)
  Effect.persist(evt).thenRun { _ =>
    cmd.replyTo ! Done

private def publish(state: DraftState, replyTo: ActorRef[Done]): Effect[BlogEvent, BlogState] = {
  Effect.persist(Published(state.postId)).thenRun { _ =>
    println(s"Blog post ${state.postId} was published")
    replyTo ! Done

private def getPost(state: DraftState, replyTo: ActorRef[PostContent]): Effect[BlogEvent, BlogState] = {
  replyTo ! state.content

private def getPost(state: PublishedState, replyTo: ActorRef[PostContent]): Effect[BlogEvent, BlogState] = {
  replyTo ! state.content
public CommandHandler<BlogCommand, BlogEvent, BlogState> commandHandler() {
  CommandHandlerBuilder<BlogCommand, BlogEvent, BlogState> builder = newCommandHandlerBuilder();

  builder.forStateType(BlankState.class).onCommand(AddPost.class, this::addPost);

      .onCommand(ChangeBody.class, this::changeBody)
      .onCommand(Publish.class, this::publish)
      .onCommand(GetPost.class, this::getPost);

      .onCommand(ChangeBody.class, this::changeBody)
      .onCommand(GetPost.class, this::getPost);

  builder.forAnyState().onCommand(AddPost.class, (state, cmd) -> Effect().unhandled());


private Effect<BlogEvent, BlogState> addPost(AddPost cmd) {
  PostAdded event = new PostAdded(cmd.content.postId, cmd.content);
  return Effect()
      .thenRun(() -> cmd.replyTo.tell(new AddPostDone(cmd.content.postId)));

private Effect<BlogEvent, BlogState> changeBody(DraftState state, ChangeBody cmd) {
  BodyChanged event = new BodyChanged(state.postId(), cmd.newBody);
  return Effect().persist(event).thenRun(() -> cmd.replyTo.tell(Done.getInstance()));

private Effect<BlogEvent, BlogState> changeBody(PublishedState state, ChangeBody cmd) {
  BodyChanged event = new BodyChanged(state.postId(), cmd.newBody);
  return Effect().persist(event).thenRun(() -> cmd.replyTo.tell(Done.getInstance()));

private Effect<BlogEvent, BlogState> publish(DraftState state, Publish cmd) {
  return Effect()
      .persist(new Published(state.postId()))
          () -> {
            System.out.println("Blog post published: " + state.postId());

private Effect<BlogEvent, BlogState> getPost(DraftState state, GetPost cmd) {
  return Effect().none();

private Effect<BlogEvent, BlogState> getPost(PublishedState state, GetPost cmd) {
  return Effect().none();

The event handler:

sourceprivate val eventHandler: (BlogState, BlogEvent) => BlogState = { (state, event) =>
  state match {

    case BlankState =>
      event match {
        case PostAdded(_, content) =>
        case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [$state]")

    case draftState: DraftState =>
      event match {

        case BodyChanged(_, newBody) =>

        case Published(_) =>

        case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [$state]")

    case _: PublishedState =>
      // no more changes after published
      throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [$state]")
public EventHandler<BlogState, BlogEvent> eventHandler() {

  EventHandlerBuilder<BlogState, BlogEvent> builder = newEventHandlerBuilder();

      .onEvent(PostAdded.class, event -> new DraftState(event.content));

      .onEvent(BodyChanged.class, (state, chg) -> state.withBody(chg.newBody))
      .onEvent(Published.class, (state, event) -> new PublishedState(state.content));

      .onEvent(BodyChanged.class, (state, chg) -> state.withBody(chg.newBody));


And finally the behavior is created from the EventSourcedBehavior.apply:

sourcedef behavior(entityId: String): Behavior[BlogCommand] =
  EventSourcedBehavior[BlogCommand, BlogEvent, BlogState](
    persistenceId = PersistenceId(s"Blog-$entityId"),
    emptyState = BlankState,
sourcepublic class BlogBehavior extends EventSourcedBehavior<BlogCommand, BlogEvent, BlogState> {

  public BlogBehavior(PersistenceId persistenceId) {

  public static Behavior<BlogCommand> behavior(String entityId) {
    return Behaviors.setup(ctx -> new BlogBehavior(new PersistenceId("Blog-" + entityId)));

  public BlogState emptyState() {
    return BlankState.INSTANCE;

  // commandHandler, eventHandler as in above snippets

This can be taken one or two steps further by defining the event and command handlers in the state class as illustrated in event handlers in the state and command handlers in the state.

There is also an example illustrating an optional initial state.

Effects and Side Effects

Each command has a single Effect which can be:

  • Persist events
  • None: Accept the command but no effects
  • Unhandled: Don’t handle this command
  • Stash: the current command is placed in a buffer and can be unstashed and processed later

Note that there is only one of these. It is not possible to both persist and say none/unhandled. These are created using a factory that is returned via the Effect() method the Effect factory and once created additional SideEffects can be added.

Most of them time this will be done with the thenRun method on the Effect above. You can factor out common side effects into functions and reuse for several commands. For example:

source// Example factoring out a chained effect to use in several places with `thenRun`
val commonChainedEffects: Mood => Unit = _ => println("Command processed")
// Then in a command handler:
  .persist(Remembered("Yep")) // persist event
  .thenRun(commonChainedEffects) // add on common chained effect
source// Example factoring out a chained effect to use in several places with `thenRun`
static final Procedure<ExampleState> commonChainedEffect =
    state -> System.out.println("Command handled!");

        return newCommandHandlerBuilder()
                (state, cmd) ->
                        .persist(new Evt(
                        .thenRun(() -> cmd.sender.tell(new Ack()))

Side effects ordering and guarantees

Any SideEffects are executed on an at-once basis and will not be executed if the persist fails. The SideEffects are executed sequentially, it is not possible to execute SideEffects in parallel.


The Request-Response interaction pattern is very common for persistent actors, because you typically want to know if the command was rejected due to validation errors and when accepted you want a confirmation when the events have been successfully stored.

Therefore you typically include a ActorRef[ReplyMessageType]ActorRef<ReplyMessageType> in the commands. After validation errors or after persisting events, using a thenRun side effect, the reply message can be sent to the ActorRef.

sourcefinal case class AddPost(content: PostContent, replyTo: ActorRef[AddPostDone]) extends BlogCommand
final case class AddPostDone(postId: String)
sourcepublic class AddPost implements BlogCommand {
  final PostContent content;
  final ActorRef<AddPostDone> replyTo;

  public AddPost(PostContent content, ActorRef<AddPostDone> replyTo) {
    this.content = content;
    this.replyTo = replyTo;

public class AddPostDone implements BlogCommand {
  final String postId;

  public AddPostDone(String postId) {
    this.postId = postId;
sourceval evt = PostAdded(cmd.content.postId, cmd.content)
Effect.persist(evt).thenRun { _ =>
  // After persist is done additional side effects can be performed
  cmd.replyTo ! AddPostDone(cmd.content.postId)
sourcePostAdded event = new PostAdded(cmd.content.postId, cmd.content);
return Effect()
    .thenRun(() -> cmd.replyTo.tell(new AddPostDone(cmd.content.postId)));

Since this is such a common pattern there is a reply effect for this purpose. It has the nice property that it can be used to enforce that replies are not forgotten when implementing the EventSourcedBehavior. If it’s defined with EventSourcedBehavior.withEnforcedRepliesEventSourcedBehaviorWithEnforcedReplies there will be compilation errors if the returned effect isn’t a ReplyEffect, which can be created with Effect.replyEffects().reply, Effect.noReplyEffects().noReply, Effect.thenReplyEffects().thenReply, or Effect.thenNoReplyEffects().thenNoReply.

sourcedef behavior(accountNumber: String): Behavior[AccountCommand[AccountCommandReply]] = {
sourcepublic class AccountEntity
    extends EventSourcedBehaviorWithEnforcedReplies<
        AccountEntity.AccountCommand, AccountEntity.AccountEvent, AccountEntity.Account> {

The commands must implement ExpectingReply to include the ActorRef[ReplyMessageType]ActorRef<ReplyMessageType> in a standardized way.

sourcesealed trait AccountCommand[Reply] extends ExpectingReply[Reply]
final case class Withdraw(amount: BigDecimal)(override val replyTo: ActorRef[OperationResult])
    extends AccountCommand[OperationResult]
sealed trait AccountCommandReply
sealed trait OperationResult extends AccountCommandReply
case object Confirmed extends OperationResult
final case class Rejected(reason: String) extends OperationResult
sourceinterface AccountCommand<Reply> extends ExpectingReply<Reply> {}
interface AccountCommandReply {}

interface OperationResult extends AccountCommandReply {}

enum Confirmed implements OperationResult {

public static class Rejected implements OperationResult {
  public final String reason;

  public Rejected(String reason) {
    this.reason = reason;

The ReplyEffect is created with Effect.replyEffects().reply, Effect.noReplyEffects().noReply, Effect.thenReplyEffects().thenReply, or Effect.thenNoReplyEffects().thenNoReply.

Note that command handlers are defined with newCommandHandlerWithReplyBuilder when using EventSourcedBehaviorWithEnforcedReplies, as opposed to newCommandHandlerBuilder when using EventSourcedBehavior.]

sourceprivate def withdraw(acc: OpenedAccount, cmd: Withdraw): ReplyEffect[AccountEvent, Account] = {
  if (acc.canWithdraw(cmd.amount)) {
    Effect.persist(Withdrawn(cmd.amount)).thenReply(cmd)(_ => Confirmed)

  } else {
    Effect.reply(cmd)(Rejected(s"Insufficient balance ${acc.balance} to be able to withdraw ${cmd.amount}"))
sourceprivate ReplyEffect<AccountEvent, Account> withdraw(OpenedAccount account, Withdraw command) {
  if (!account.canWithdraw(command.amount)) {
    return Effect()
        .reply(command, new Rejected("not enough funds to withdraw " + command.amount));
  } else {
    return Effect()
        .persist(new Withdrawn(command.amount))
        .thenReply(command, account2 -> Confirmed.INSTANCE);

These effects will send the reply message even when EventSourcedBehavior.withEnforcedRepliesEventSourcedBehaviorWithEnforcedReplies is not used, but then there will be no compilation errors if the reply decision is left out.

Note that the noReply is a way of making conscious decision that a reply shouldn’t be sent for a specific command or the reply will be sent later, perhaps after some asynchronous interaction with other actors or services.


The same serialization mechanism as for untyped actors is also used in Akka Typed, also for persistent actors. When picking serialization solution for the events you should also consider that it must be possible read old events when the application has evolved. Strategies for that can be found in the schema evolution.


It is strongly discouraged to perform side effects in applyEvent, so side effects should be performed once recovery has completed as a reaction to the RecoveryCompleted signal receiveSignal handler by overriding receiveSignal

sourceval recoveryBehavior: Behavior[Command] =
  EventSourcedBehavior[Command, Event, State](
    persistenceId = PersistenceId("abc"),
    emptyState = State(),
    commandHandler = (state, cmd) => throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the command & return an Effect"),
    eventHandler = (state, evt) => throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the event return the next state"))
    .receiveSignal {
      case (state, RecoveryCompleted) =>
        throw new RuntimeException("TODO: add some end-of-recovery side-effect here")
@Override public SignalHandler signalHandler() { return newSignalHandlerBuilder() .onSignal( RecoveryCompleted.instance(), state -> { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: add some end-of-recovery side-effect here"); }) .build(); }

The RecoveryCompleted contains the current State.

@ref[Snapshots)[] can be used for optimizing recovery times.


Persistence typed allows you to use event tags without using EventAdapter:

sourceval taggingBehavior: Behavior[Command] =
  EventSourcedBehavior[Command, Event, State](
    persistenceId = PersistenceId("abc"),
    emptyState = State(),
    commandHandler = (state, cmd) => throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the command & return an Effect"),
    eventHandler = (state, evt) => throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the event return the next state"))
    .withTagger(_ => Set("tag1", "tag2"))
public Set<String> tagsFor(Event event) {
  throw new RuntimeException("TODO: inspect the event and return any tags it should have");

Event adapters

Event adapters can be programmatically added to your EventSourcedBehaviors that can convert from your Event type to another type that is then passed to the journal.

Defining an event adapter is done by extending an EventAdapter:

sourcecase class Wrapper[T](t: T)
class WrapperEventAdapter[T] extends EventAdapter[T, Wrapper[T]] {
  override def toJournal(e: T): Wrapper[T] = Wrapper(e)
  override def fromJournal(p: Wrapper[T]): T = p.t
sourcepublic static class Wrapper<T> {
  private final T t;

  public Wrapper(T t) {
    this.t = t;

  public T getT() {
    return t;

public static class EventAdapterExample
    extends EventAdapter<SimpleEvent, Wrapper<SimpleEvent>> {
  public Wrapper<SimpleEvent> toJournal(SimpleEvent simpleEvent) {
    return new Wrapper<>(simpleEvent);

  public SimpleEvent fromJournal(Wrapper<SimpleEvent> simpleEventWrapper) {
    return simpleEventWrapper.getT();

Then install it on a persistent behavior:

sourcepersistentBehavior.eventAdapter(new WrapperEventAdapter[Event])
public EventAdapter<SimpleEvent, Wrapper<SimpleEvent>> eventAdapter() {
  return new EventAdapterExample();

Wrapping Persistent Behaviors

When creating a EventSourcedBehavior, it is possible to wrap EventSourcedBehavior in other behaviors such as Behaviors.setup in order to access the ActorContext object. For instance to access the actor logging upon taking snapshots for debug purpose.

sourceval samplePersistentBehavior = EventSourcedBehavior[Command, Event, State](
  persistenceId = PersistenceId("abc"),
  emptyState = State(),
  commandHandler = (state, cmd) => throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the command & return an Effect"),
  eventHandler = (state, evt) => throw new RuntimeException("TODO: process the event return the next state"))
  .receiveSignal {
    case (state, RecoveryCompleted) =>
      throw new RuntimeException("TODO: add some end-of-recovery side-effect here")

val debugAlwaysSnapshot: Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.setup { context =>
  samplePersistentBehavior.snapshotWhen((state, _, _) => {"Snapshot actor {} => state: {}",, state)
sourceBehavior<Command> debugAlwaysSnapshot =
        (context) -> {
          return new MyPersistentBehavior(new PersistenceId("pid")) {
            public boolean shouldSnapshot(State state, Event event, long sequenceNr) {
                      "Snapshot actor {} => state: {}", context.getSelf().path().name(), state);
              return true;

Journal failures

By default a EventSourcedBehavior will stop if an exception is thrown from the journal. It is possible to override this with any BackoffSupervisorStrategy. It is not possible to use the normal supervision wrapping for this as it isn’t valid to resume a behavior on a journal failure as it is not known if the event was persisted.

sourceval supervisedBehavior = samplePersistentBehavior.onPersistFailure(
  SupervisorStrategy.restartWithBackoff(minBackoff = 10.seconds, maxBackoff = 60.seconds, randomFactor = 0.1))
sourcepublic class MyPersistentBehavior extends EventSourcedBehavior<Command, Event, State> {
  public MyPersistentBehavior(PersistenceId persistenceId) {
            Duration.ofSeconds(10), Duration.ofSeconds(30), 0.2));

Journal rejections

Journals can reject events. The difference from a failure is that the journal must decide to reject an event before trying to persist it e.g. because of a serialization exception. If an event is rejected it definitely won’t be in the journal. This is signalled to a EventSourcedBehavior via a EventRejectedException and can be handled with a supervisor.


When persisting events with persist or persistAll it is guaranteed that the persistent actor will not receive further commands until after the events have been confirmed to be persisted and additional side effects have been run. Incoming messages are stashed automatically until the persist is completed.

Commands are also stashed during recovery and will not interfere with replayed events. Commands will be received when recovery has been completed.

The stashing described above is handled automatically, but there is also a possibility to stash commands when they are received to defer processing of them until later. One example could be waiting for some external condition or interaction to complete before processing additional commands. That is accomplished by returning a stash effect and later use thenUnstashAll.

Let’s use an example of a task manager to illustrate how the stashing effects can be used. It handles three commands; StartTask, NextStep and EndTask. Those commands are associated with a given taskId and the manager process one taskId at a time. A task is started when receiving StartTask, and continues when receiving NextStep commands until the final EndTask is received. Commands with another taskId than the one in progress are deferred by stashing them. When EndTask is processed a new task can start and the stashed commands are processed.

sourceobject TaskManager {

  sealed trait Command
  final case class StartTask(taskId: String) extends Command
  final case class NextStep(taskId: String, instruction: String) extends Command
  final case class EndTask(taskId: String) extends Command

  sealed trait Event
  final case class TaskStarted(taskId: String) extends Event
  final case class TaskStep(taskId: String, instruction: String) extends Event
  final case class TaskCompleted(taskId: String) extends Event

  final case class State(taskIdInProgress: Option[String])

  def apply(persistenceId: PersistenceId): Behavior[Command] =
    EventSourcedBehavior[Command, Event, State](
      persistenceId = persistenceId,
      emptyState = State(None),
      commandHandler = (state, command) => onCommand(state, command),
      eventHandler = (state, event) => applyEvent(state, event))
      .onPersistFailure(SupervisorStrategy.restartWithBackoff(1.second, 30.seconds, 0.2))

  private def onCommand(state: State, command: Command): Effect[Event, State] = {
    state.taskIdInProgress match {
      case None =>
        command match {
          case StartTask(taskId) =>
          case _ =>

      case Some(inProgress) =>
        command match {
          case StartTask(taskId) =>
            if (inProgress == taskId)
              Effect.none // duplicate, already in progress
              // other task in progress, wait with new task until later

          case NextStep(taskId, instruction) =>
            if (inProgress == taskId)
              Effect.persist(TaskStep(taskId, instruction))
              // other task in progress, wait with new task until later

          case EndTask(taskId) =>
            if (inProgress == taskId)
              Effect.persist(TaskCompleted(taskId)).thenUnstashAll() // continue with next task
              // other task in progress, wait with new task until later

  private def applyEvent(state: State, event: Event): State = {
    event match {
      case TaskStarted(taskId) => State(Option(taskId))
      case TaskStep(_, _)      => state
      case TaskCompleted(_)    => State(None)
sourcepublic static class TaskManager
    extends EventSourcedBehavior<TaskManager.Command, TaskManager.Event, TaskManager.State> {

  public interface Command {}

  public static final class StartTask implements Command {
    public final String taskId;

    public StartTask(String taskId) {
      this.taskId = taskId;

  public static final class NextStep implements Command {
    public final String taskId;
    public final String instruction;

    public NextStep(String taskId, String instruction) {
      this.taskId = taskId;
      this.instruction = instruction;

  public static final class EndTask implements Command {
    public final String taskId;

    public EndTask(String taskId) {
      this.taskId = taskId;

  public interface Event {}

  public static final class TaskStarted implements Event {
    public final String taskId;

    public TaskStarted(String taskId) {
      this.taskId = taskId;

  public static final class TaskStep implements Event {
    public final String taskId;
    public final String instruction;

    public TaskStep(String taskId, String instruction) {
      this.taskId = taskId;
      this.instruction = instruction;

  public static final class TaskCompleted implements Event {
    public final String taskId;

    public TaskCompleted(String taskId) {
      this.taskId = taskId;

  public static class State {
    public final Optional<String> taskIdInProgress;

    public State(Optional<String> taskIdInProgress) {
      this.taskIdInProgress = taskIdInProgress;

  public static Behavior<Command> createBehavior(PersistenceId persistenceId) {
    return new TaskManager(persistenceId);

  public TaskManager(PersistenceId persistenceId) {
            Duration.ofSeconds(1), Duration.ofSeconds(30), 0.2));

  public State emptyState() {
    return new State(Optional.empty());

  public CommandHandler<Command, Event, State> commandHandler() {
    return newCommandHandlerBuilder()
        .onCommand(StartTask.class, this::onStartTask)
        .onCommand(NextStep.class, this::onNextStep)
        .onCommand(EndTask.class, this::onEndTask)

  private Effect<Event, State> onStartTask(State state, StartTask command) {
    if (state.taskIdInProgress.isPresent()) {
      if (state.taskIdInProgress.get().equals(command.taskId))
        return Effect().none(); // duplicate, already in progress
      else return Effect().stash(); // other task in progress, wait with new task until later
    } else {
      return Effect().persist(new TaskStarted(command.taskId));

  private Effect<Event, State> onNextStep(State state, NextStep command) {
    if (state.taskIdInProgress.isPresent()) {
      if (state.taskIdInProgress.get().equals(command.taskId))
        return Effect().persist(new TaskStep(command.taskId, command.instruction));
      else return Effect().stash(); // other task in progress, wait with new task until later
    } else {
      return Effect().unhandled();

  private Effect<Event, State> onEndTask(State state, EndTask command) {
    if (state.taskIdInProgress.isPresent()) {
      if (state.taskIdInProgress.get().equals(command.taskId))
        return Effect().persist(new TaskCompleted(command.taskId));
      else return Effect().stash(); // other task in progress, wait with new task until later
    } else {
      return Effect().unhandled();

  public EventHandler<State, Event> eventHandler() {
    return newEventHandlerBuilder()
        .onEvent(TaskStarted.class, (state, event) -> new State(Optional.of(event.taskId)))
        .onEvent(TaskStep.class, (state, event) -> state)
        .onEvent(TaskCompleted.class, (state, event) -> new State(Optional.empty()))

You should be careful to not send more messages to a persistent actor than it can keep up with, otherwise the stash buffer will fill up and when reaching its maximum capacity the commands will be dropped. The capacity can be configured with:

akka.persistence.typed.stash-capacity = 10000

Note that the stashed commands are kept in an in-memory buffer, so in case of a crash they will not be processed.

  • Stashed commands are discarded if the actor (entity) is passivated or rebalanced by Cluster Sharding.
  • Stashed commands are discarded if the actor is restarted (or stopped) due to that an exception was thrown from processing a command or side effect after persisting.
  • Stashed commands are preserved and processed later in case of failure in storing events if an onPersistFailure backoff supervisor strategy is defined.

It’s allowed to stash messages while unstashing. Those newly added commands will not be processed by the unstashAll effect that was in progress and have to be unstashed by another unstashAll.

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