Streaming gRPC
In the first example we saw a gRPC service call for single request reply. Let’s add a bidirectional streaming call. First we will run it and then look at how it’s implemented.
Running the streaming call
To run Hello World including the streaming calls:
Run the server:
sbt builds the project and runs the gRPC server
This starts the server in the same way as in the first example we ran previously. The output should include something like:
gRPC server bound to: /
Run the client, open another console window and enter:
sbt runs the gRPC client for Alice
Note that the difference from the first example is the additional argument
.The output should include something like:
Performing request: Alice Performing streaming requests: Alice HelloReply(Hello, Alice) Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-0 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-1 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-2 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-3
The “Performing request: Alice” and “HelloReply(Hello, Alice)” comes from the single request response call in the previous example and the “streaming” are new.
Open yet another console window and enter:
sbt runs the gRPC client for Bob
Note that the difference is the argument
. The output should include something like:Performing request: Bob Performing streaming requests: Bob HelloReply(Hello, Bob) Bob got streaming reply: Hello, Bob-0 Bob got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-38 Bob got streaming reply: Hello, Bob-1 Bob got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-39 Bob got streaming reply: Hello, Bob-2 Bob got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-40 Bob got streaming reply: Hello, Bob-3
Note how the messages from Alice are also received by Bob.
Switch back to the console window with the Alice client. The output should include something like:
Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Bob-10 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-48 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Bob-11 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-49 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Bob-12 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Alice-50 Alice got streaming reply: Hello, Bob-13
Note how messages from both Alice and Bob are received in both clients. The streaming request messages are broadcasted to all connected clients via the server.
Now take a look at how this is implemented.
You can end the programs with ctrl-c
What the streaming Hello World does
As you saw in the console output, the example outputs greetings from all clients to all clients. Let’s take at the code and what happens at runtime.
First, the GreeterServer
main class is the same as explained in the first example. It binds the GreeterServiceImpl
to the HTTP server.
We define the interface of the the new call in the protobuf file src/main/protobuf/helloworld.proto
next to the previous SayHello
source// The stream of incoming HelloRequest messages are
// sent out as corresponding HelloReply. From
// all clients to all clients, like a chat room.
rpc SayHelloToAll (stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloReply) {}
This method is generated in the GreeterService
interface and we have to implement it on the server side in GreeterServiceImpl
sourceimport scala.concurrent.Future
import akka.NotUsed
class GreeterServiceImpl(system: ActorSystem[_]) extends GreeterService {
private implicit val sys: ActorSystem[_] = system
val (inboundHub: Sink[HelloRequest, NotUsed], outboundHub: Source[HelloReply, NotUsed]) =
.map(request => HelloReply(s"Hello, ${}"))
override def sayHello(request: HelloRequest): Future[HelloReply] = {
Future.successful(HelloReply(s"Hello, ${}"))
override def sayHelloToAll(in: Source[HelloRequest, NotUsed]): Source[HelloReply, NotUsed] = {
To connect all input and output streams of all connected clients dynamically we use a MergeHub for the incoming messages and a BroadcastHub for the outgoing messages.
The MergeHub
and BroadcastHub
are only needed because we want to connect different clients with each other. If each client was separate it might look like this to have the stream of incoming messages from one client transformed and emitted only to that client:
override def sayHelloToAll(in: Source[HelloRequest, NotUsed]): Source[HelloReply, NotUsed] = { => HelloReply(s"Hello, ${}"))
The client is emitting HelloRequest
once per second and prints the streamed responses:
sourceimport scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import akka.Done
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.grpc.GrpcClientSettings
def streamingBroadcast(name: String): Unit = {
println(s"Performing streaming requests: $name")
val requestStream: Source[HelloRequest, NotUsed] =
.tick(1.second, 1.second, "tick")
.map { case (_, i) => i }
.map(i => HelloRequest(s"$name-$i"))
.mapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed)
val responseStream: Source[HelloReply, NotUsed] = client.sayHelloToAll(requestStream)
val done: Future[Done] =
responseStream.runForeach(reply => println(s"$name got streaming reply: ${reply.message}"))
done.onComplete {
case Success(_) =>
println("streamingBroadcast done")
case Failure(e) =>
println(s"Error streamingBroadcast: $e")