Deploying the Restaurant Delivery Service
In this part we will deploy Restaurant Deliveries Service to Kubernetes.
Setup Kubernetes cluster
Use instructions from your preferred cloud provider of how to start two Kubernetes clusters in two separate regions.
As an example, we use Amazon EKS in regions us-east-2
eksctl create cluster \
--name eks-akka-edge-us-east-2 \
--version 1.24 \
--region us-east-2 \
--nodegroup-name linux-nodes \
--node-type m5.xlarge \
--nodes 3 \
--nodes-min 1 \
--nodes-max 4 \
--with-oidc \
Setup database
Use instructions from your preferred cloud provider of how to run a PostgreSQL database in each of the two regions.
As an example, we use Amazon RDS Postgres. For a trial PostgreSQL you can select the following aside from defaults:
- Standard create
- PostgreSQL
- Free tier (some regions don’t offer free tier)
- DB instance identifier:
- Master password:
<a password>
- Turn off storage autoscaling
- VPC: Use the same as your EKS cluster is running in
- Create new VPC security group:
- Turn off Automatic Backups in the Additional Configuration section.
To allow the nodes in the EKS cluster to connect to the database you have to add a rule in the security group.
Go to the VPC console. Select “Security Groups”.
There are 3 security groups for the EKS cluster, you should select the one with description “EKS created security group …”. The one that has a name that doesn’t contain ControlPlaneSecurityGroup
and doesn’t contain ClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup
. Make a note of this security group id for the EKS cluster.
Go back to the Amazon RDS console. Select the database that you created. Click on the “VPC security groups” in the tab “Connectivity & security”.
Edit inbound rules > add rule > Custom TCP > Port 5432 > Source custom. Add the security group for the EKS cluster. Save rules.
More details in A DB instance in a VPC accessed by an EC2 instance in the same VPC
Define a Kubernetes namespace with a namespace.json
{ "kind": "Namespace", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "restaurant-drone-deliveries-namespace", "labels": { "name": "restaurant-drone-deliveries-namespace" } } }
Create the namespace with:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/namespace.json
For convenience, you can use this namespace by default:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=restaurant-drone-deliveries-namespace
Role based access control
For Akka Cluster bootstrap we need to define access control with a rbac.yml
kind: Role apiVersion: metadata: name: pod-reader namespace: restaurant-drone-deliveries-namespace rules: - apiGroups: [""] # "" indicates the core API group resources: ["pods"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] --- kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: metadata: name: read-pods namespace: restaurant-drone-deliveries-namespace subjects: # Note the `name` line below. The first default refers to the namespace. The second refers to the service account name. # For instance, `name: system:serviceaccount:myns:default` would refer to the default service account in namespace `myns` - kind: User name: system:serviceaccount:restaurant-drone-deliveries-namespace:default roleRef: kind: Role name: pod-reader apiGroup:
Apply the access control with:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/rbac.yml
Database secret
Create a Kubernetes secret with the connection details and credentials to the database:
kubectl create secret generic \
db-secret \ \
--from-literal=DB_USER=postgres \
--from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=<the password>
Database schema
You can run psql
from the Kubernetes cluster with
kubectl run -i --tty db-mgmt --image=postgres --restart=Never --rm \
--env=PGPASSWORD=<the password> -- \
psql -h -U postgres
Paste the DDL statements from the ddl-scripts/create-tables.sql
to the psql
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS event_journal( slice INT NOT NULL, entity_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, persistence_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, seq_nr BIGINT NOT NULL, db_timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, event_ser_id INTEGER NOT NULL, event_ser_manifest VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, event_payload BYTEA NOT NULL, deleted BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, writer VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, adapter_manifest VARCHAR(255), tags TEXT ARRAY, meta_ser_id INTEGER, meta_ser_manifest VARCHAR(255), meta_payload BYTEA, PRIMARY KEY(persistence_id, seq_nr) ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS event_journal_slice_idx ON event_journal(slice, entity_type, db_timestamp, seq_nr); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS snapshot( slice INT NOT NULL, entity_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, persistence_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, seq_nr BIGINT NOT NULL, db_timestamp timestamp with time zone, write_timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL, ser_id INTEGER NOT NULL, ser_manifest VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, snapshot BYTEA NOT NULL, tags TEXT ARRAY, meta_ser_id INTEGER, meta_ser_manifest VARCHAR(255), meta_payload BYTEA, PRIMARY KEY(persistence_id) ); -- // #queryableColumn CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS durable_state ( slice INT NOT NULL, entity_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, persistence_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, revision BIGINT NOT NULL, db_timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, state_ser_id INTEGER NOT NULL, state_ser_manifest VARCHAR(255), state_payload BYTEA NOT NULL, tags TEXT ARRAY, -- additional column location VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(persistence_id) ); -- // #queryableColumn -- to query drones by location CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS durable_state_drone_location_idx ON durable_state(location); -- Timestamp based offsets are stored in this table. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS akka_projection_timestamp_offset_store ( projection_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, projection_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, slice INT NOT NULL, persistence_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, seq_nr BIGINT NOT NULL, -- timestamp_offset is the db_timestamp of the original event timestamp_offset timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, -- timestamp_consumed is when the offset was stored -- the consumer lag is timestamp_consumed - timestamp_offset timestamp_consumed timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(slice, projection_name, timestamp_offset, persistence_id, seq_nr) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS akka_projection_management ( projection_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, projection_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, paused BOOLEAN NOT NULL, last_updated BIGINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(projection_name, projection_key) );
Deploy the Restaurant Drone Deliveries Service
We are now going to deploy the restaurant-drone-deliveries-service
to the created kubernetes cluster in us-east-2
This step is for deploying the restaurant-deliveries-service project, full sources can be downloaded from:
- Scala
- Java
Build and publish the docker image to
The Kubernetes Deployment
in deployment.yml
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service name: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service namespace: restaurant-drone-deliveries-namespace spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service template: metadata: labels: app: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service actorSystemName: restaurant-drone-deliveries spec: containers: - name: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service # use specific image version from docker publish image: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service:latest # these will need to be increased/tuned for production environments! resources: limits: memory: "2Gi" requests: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "1000m" readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /ready port: management periodSeconds: 10 failureThreshold: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 10 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: "/alive" port: management periodSeconds: 10 failureThreshold: 5 initialDelaySeconds: 20 ports: # akka-management and bootstrap - name: management containerPort: 8558 protocol: TCP - name: grpc containerPort: 8101 protocol: TCP env: - name: NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: REQUIRED_CONTACT_POINT_NR value: "1" - name: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS value: "-XX:InitialRAMPercentage=75 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75 -Dakka.persistence.r2dbc.connection-factory.ssl.enabled=true -Dakka.persistence.r2dbc.connection-factory.ssl.mode=require" - name: DB_HOST valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: db-secret key: DB_HOST optional: true - name: DB_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: db-secret key: DB_USER optional: true - name: DB_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: db-secret key: DB_PASSWORD optional: true
Update the image:
in the deployment.yml
with the specific image version and location you published.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yml
Port forward
Create a Kubernetes Service
and port forward to simplify access to the pods from your local machine:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service-svc spec: selector: app: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service type: NodePort ports: - protocol: TCP port: 8101 targetPort: 8101
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service.yml
Start port forward with:
kubectl port-forward svc/restaurant-drone-deliveries-service-svc 8101:8101
Exercise the service
Use grpcurl to exercise the service.
Set up two restaurants:
grpcurl -d '{"restaurant_id":"restaurant1","coordinates":{"latitude": 59.330324, "longitude": 18.039568}, "local_control_location_id": "sweden/stockholm/kungsholmen" }' -plaintext localhost:8101 central.deliveries.RestaurantDeliveriesService.SetUpRestaurant
grpcurl -d '{"restaurant_id":"restaurant2","coordinates":{"latitude": 59.342046, "longitude": 18.059095}, "local_control_location_id": "sweden/stockholm/norrmalm" }' -plaintext localhost:8101 central.deliveries.RestaurantDeliveriesService.SetUpRestaurant
Register a delivery for each restaurant:
grpcurl -d '{"restaurant_id":"restaurant1","delivery_id": "order1","coordinates":{"latitude": 59.330841, "longitude": 18.038885}}' -plaintext localhost:8101 central.deliveries.RestaurantDeliveriesService.RegisterDelivery
grpcurl -d '{"restaurant_id":"restaurant2","delivery_id": "order2","coordinates":{"latitude": 59.340128, "longitude": 18.056303}}' -plaintext localhost:8101 central.deliveries.RestaurantDeliveriesService.RegisterDelivery
We have not set up any local drone delivery services yet so there are no drones to actually pick up the orders.
Load balancer
To access the restaurant-drone-deliveries-service
from local-drone-control
services running in other regions or on the edge we need an Internet facing load balancer.
There are many alternatives for secure access with a load balancer. An incomplete list of options:
- Network load balancer such as AWS Load Balancer Controller with TLS all the way between the services.
- Application load balancer such as AWS Load Balancer Controller, which terminates TLS.
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- Contour
- Linkerd multi-cluster
Mutual authentication with TLS (mTLS) can be very useful where only other known services are allowed to interact with a service, and public access should be denied. See Akka gRPC documentation.
We are going to use a network load balancer for simplicity of this example, and we are not using TLS. Real applications would of course require TLS.
Follow the instructions of how to install the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on.
Create a Kubernetes Service
that is configured for the load balancer:
# Network load balancer apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service-nlb annotations: external ip internet-facing spec: selector: app: restaurant-drone-deliveries-service type: LoadBalancer ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 8101
The external DNS name is shown by:
kubectl get services
Deploy local drone control instances
This step is for deploying the local-drone-control project, full sources can be downloaded from:
- Scala
- Java
Local Drone Control Namespace
Define a Kubernetes namespace with a namespace.json
{ "kind": "Namespace", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "local-drone-control-namespace", "labels": { "name": "local-drone-control-namespace" } } }
Create the namespace with:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/namespace.json
For convenience, you can use this namespace by default:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=local-drone-control-namespace
Deploy the service
In the edge k8 clusters, update the environment variables in deployment.yaml for LOCATION_ID
, selecting one of the predefined locations known to the restaurant-drone-deliveries service: sweden/stockholm/kungsholmen
, sweden/stockholm/södermalm
, sweden/stockholm/norrmalm
or sweden/stockholm/östermalm
to the public DNS hostname of your load balancer for the restaurant-drone-deliveries-service
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: local-drone-control-service name: local-drone-control-service namespace: local-drone-control-namespace spec: # note: the default image cannot scale out as it uses a local database replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: local-drone-control-service template: metadata: labels: app: local-drone-control-service actorSystemName: local-drone-control-service spec: containers: - name: local-drone-control-service # use specific image version from docker publish image: local-drone-control:latest # these will need to be increased/tuned for production environments! resources: limits: memory: "512Mi" requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "1000m" ports: - name: grpc containerPort: 8080 protocol: TCP env: - name: NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS value: "-XX:InitialRAMPercentage=75 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75" - name: LOCATION_ID # one of the location ids supported by the restaurant-drone-deliveries service value: "sweden/stockholm/kungsholmen" - name: CENTRAL_DRONE_CONTROL_HOST # update with public endpoint for restaurant-drone-deliveries value: - name: CENTRAL_DRONE_CONTROL_PORT value: "80" - name: H2_DATABASE_PATH # for state to survive restarts this would need to be a volume # right now a restarted node will replay all orders from central # and only report new drone updates value: /tmp/drone-db
Build the image and deploy in the same way as described previously.
Update the image:
in the deployment.yml
with the specific image version and location you published.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/debployment.yml
Port forwards
Create a Kubernetes Service
and port forward to simplify access to the pods from your local machine:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: local-drone-control-service-svc spec: selector: app: local-drone-control-service type: NodePort ports: - protocol: TCP port: 8080 targetPort: 8080
kubectl -f apply kubernetes/service.yml
Start port forward with:
kubectl port-forward svc/local-drone-control-service-svc 8080:8080
Exercise the local drone control service instance
Use grpcurl to exercise the service.
grpcurl -d '{"drone_id":"drone3", "coordinates": {"longitude": 19.70125, "latitude": 59.51834}, "altitude": 5}' -plaintext local.drones.DroneService.ReportLocation
Check that the coarse grained location of the drone was propagated to the cloud service:
grpcurl -d '{"drone_id":"drone3"}' -plaintext <public-cloud-service-dns-name>:80 central.drones.DroneOverviewService.GetDroneOverview
List the orders that was propagated to the local control service, you should see an order we added an order when verifying that the restaurant-drone-deliveries service was functional earlier.
grpcurl -plaintext local.drones.DeliveriesQueueService.GetCurrentQueue