final class Span extends GeneratedMessageV3 with SpanOrBuilder

A span represents a single operation within a trace. Spans can be
nested to form a trace tree. Spans may also be linked to other spans
from the same or different trace. And form graphs. Often, a trace
contains a root span that describes the end-to-end latency, and one
or more subspans for its sub-operations. A trace can also contain
multiple root spans, or none at all. Spans do not need to be
contiguous - there may be gaps or overlaps between spans in a trace.

The next id is 17.
TODO(bdrutu): Add an example.

Protobuf type opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Span
  2. SpanOrBuilder
  3. GeneratedMessageV3
  4. Serializable
  5. AbstractMessage
  6. Message
  7. MessageOrBuilder
  8. AbstractMessageLite
  9. MessageLite
  10. MessageLiteOrBuilder
  11. AnyRef
  12. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(obj: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    Span → AbstractMessage → Message → AnyRef → Any
  8. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  9. def findInitializationErrors(): List[String]
    Definition Classes
    AbstractMessage → MessageOrBuilder
  10. def getAllFields(): Map[FieldDescriptor, AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → MessageOrBuilder
  11. def getAttributes(): Attributes

    A set of attributes on the span.

    A set of attributes on the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Attributes attributes = 7;


    The attributes.

    Definition Classes
  12. def getAttributesOrBuilder(): AttributesOrBuilder

    A set of attributes on the span.

    A set of attributes on the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Attributes attributes = 7;

    Definition Classes
  13. def getChildSpanCount(): UInt32Value

    An optional number of child spans that were generated while this span
    was active. If set, allows an implementation to detect missing child spans.

    An optional number of child spans that were generated while this span
    was active. If set, allows an implementation to detect missing child spans.

    .google.protobuf.UInt32Value child_span_count = 13;


    The childSpanCount.

    Definition Classes
  14. def getChildSpanCountOrBuilder(): UInt32ValueOrBuilder

    An optional number of child spans that were generated while this span
    was active. If set, allows an implementation to detect missing child spans.

    An optional number of child spans that were generated while this span
    was active. If set, allows an implementation to detect missing child spans.

    .google.protobuf.UInt32Value child_span_count = 13;

    Definition Classes
  15. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. def getDefaultInstanceForType(): Span
    Definition Classes
    Span → MessageOrBuilder → MessageLiteOrBuilder
  17. def getDescriptorForType(): Descriptor
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → MessageOrBuilder
  18. def getEndTime(): Timestamp

    The end time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution ends. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server application handler stops running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to start_time value. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    The end time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution ends. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server application handler stops running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to start_time value. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    .google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 6;


    The endTime.

    Definition Classes
  19. def getEndTimeOrBuilder(): TimestampOrBuilder

    The end time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution ends. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server application handler stops running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to start_time value. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    The end time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution ends. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server application handler stops running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to start_time value. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    .google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 6;

    Definition Classes
  20. def getField(arg0: FieldDescriptor): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → MessageOrBuilder
  21. def getInitializationErrorString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AbstractMessage → MessageOrBuilder
  22. def getKind(): SpanKind

    Distinguishes between spans generated in a particular context. For example,
    two spans with the same name may be distinguished using `CLIENT` (caller)
    and `SERVER` (callee) to identify queueing latency associated with the span.

    Distinguishes between spans generated in a particular context. For example,
    two spans with the same name may be distinguished using `CLIENT` (caller)
    and `SERVER` (callee) to identify queueing latency associated with the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.SpanKind kind = 14;


    The kind.

    Definition Classes
  23. def getKindValue(): Int

    Distinguishes between spans generated in a particular context. For example,
    two spans with the same name may be distinguished using `CLIENT` (caller)
    and `SERVER` (callee) to identify queueing latency associated with the span.

    Distinguishes between spans generated in a particular context. For example,
    two spans with the same name may be distinguished using `CLIENT` (caller)
    and `SERVER` (callee) to identify queueing latency associated with the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.SpanKind kind = 14;


    The enum numeric value on the wire for kind.

    Definition Classes
  24. def getLinks(): Links

    The included links.

    The included links.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Links links = 10;


    The links.

    Definition Classes
  25. def getLinksOrBuilder(): LinksOrBuilder

    The included links.

    The included links.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Links links = 10;

    Definition Classes
  26. def getName(): TruncatableString

    A description of the span's operation.
    For example, the name can be a qualified method name or a file name
    and a line number where the operation is called. A best practice is to use
    the same display name at the same call point in an application.
    This makes it easier to correlate spans in different traces.
    This field is semantically required to be set to non-empty string.
    When null or empty string received - receiver may use string "name"
    as a replacement. There might be smarted algorithms implemented by
    receiver to fix the empty span name.
    This field is required.

    A description of the span's operation.
    For example, the name can be a qualified method name or a file name
    and a line number where the operation is called. A best practice is to use
    the same display name at the same call point in an application.
    This makes it easier to correlate spans in different traces.
    This field is semantically required to be set to non-empty string.
    When null or empty string received - receiver may use string "name"
    as a replacement. There might be smarted algorithms implemented by
    receiver to fix the empty span name.
    This field is required.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.TruncatableString name = 4;


    The name.

    Definition Classes
  27. def getNameOrBuilder(): TruncatableStringOrBuilder

    A description of the span's operation.
    For example, the name can be a qualified method name or a file name
    and a line number where the operation is called. A best practice is to use
    the same display name at the same call point in an application.
    This makes it easier to correlate spans in different traces.
    This field is semantically required to be set to non-empty string.
    When null or empty string received - receiver may use string "name"
    as a replacement. There might be smarted algorithms implemented by
    receiver to fix the empty span name.
    This field is required.

    A description of the span's operation.
    For example, the name can be a qualified method name or a file name
    and a line number where the operation is called. A best practice is to use
    the same display name at the same call point in an application.
    This makes it easier to correlate spans in different traces.
    This field is semantically required to be set to non-empty string.
    When null or empty string received - receiver may use string "name"
    as a replacement. There might be smarted algorithms implemented by
    receiver to fix the empty span name.
    This field is required.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.TruncatableString name = 4;

    Definition Classes
  28. def getOneofFieldDescriptor(arg0: OneofDescriptor): FieldDescriptor
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → AbstractMessage → MessageOrBuilder
  29. def getParentSpanId(): ByteString

    The `span_id` of this span's parent span. If this is a root span, then this
    field must be empty. The ID is an 8-byte array.

    The `span_id` of this span's parent span. If this is a root span, then this
    field must be empty. The ID is an 8-byte array.

    bytes parent_span_id = 3;


    The parentSpanId.

    Definition Classes
  30. def getParserForType(): Parser[Span]
    Definition Classes
    Span → GeneratedMessageV3 → Message → MessageLite
  31. def getRepeatedField(arg0: FieldDescriptor, arg1: Int): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → MessageOrBuilder
  32. def getRepeatedFieldCount(arg0: FieldDescriptor): Int
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → MessageOrBuilder
  33. def getResource(): Resource

    An optional resource that is associated with this span. If not set, this span
    should be part of a batch that does include the resource information, unless resource
    information is unknown.

    An optional resource that is associated with this span. If not set, this span
    should be part of a batch that does include the resource information, unless resource
    information is unknown.

    .opencensus.proto.resource.v1.Resource resource = 16;


    The resource.

    Definition Classes
  34. def getResourceOrBuilder(): ResourceOrBuilder

    An optional resource that is associated with this span. If not set, this span
    should be part of a batch that does include the resource information, unless resource
    information is unknown.

    An optional resource that is associated with this span. If not set, this span
    should be part of a batch that does include the resource information, unless resource
    information is unknown.

    .opencensus.proto.resource.v1.Resource resource = 16;

    Definition Classes
  35. def getSameProcessAsParentSpan(): BoolValue

    A highly recommended but not required flag that identifies when a
    trace crosses a process boundary. True when the parent_span belongs
    to the same process as the current span. This flag is most commonly
    used to indicate the need to adjust time as clocks in different
    processes may not be synchronized.

    A highly recommended but not required flag that identifies when a
    trace crosses a process boundary. True when the parent_span belongs
    to the same process as the current span. This flag is most commonly
    used to indicate the need to adjust time as clocks in different
    processes may not be synchronized.

    .google.protobuf.BoolValue same_process_as_parent_span = 12;


    The sameProcessAsParentSpan.

    Definition Classes
  36. def getSameProcessAsParentSpanOrBuilder(): BoolValueOrBuilder

    A highly recommended but not required flag that identifies when a
    trace crosses a process boundary. True when the parent_span belongs
    to the same process as the current span. This flag is most commonly
    used to indicate the need to adjust time as clocks in different
    processes may not be synchronized.

    A highly recommended but not required flag that identifies when a
    trace crosses a process boundary. True when the parent_span belongs
    to the same process as the current span. This flag is most commonly
    used to indicate the need to adjust time as clocks in different
    processes may not be synchronized.

    .google.protobuf.BoolValue same_process_as_parent_span = 12;

    Definition Classes
  37. def getSerializedSize(): Int
    Definition Classes
    Span → GeneratedMessageV3 → AbstractMessage → MessageLite
  38. def getSpanId(): ByteString

    A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span
    is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes is considered
    This field is semantically required. Receiver should generate new
    random span_id if empty or invalid span_id was received.
    This field is required.

    A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span
    is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes is considered
    This field is semantically required. Receiver should generate new
    random span_id if empty or invalid span_id was received.
    This field is required.

    bytes span_id = 2;


    The spanId.

    Definition Classes
  39. def getStackTrace(): StackTrace

    A stack trace captured at the start of the span.

    A stack trace captured at the start of the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.StackTrace stack_trace = 8;


    The stackTrace.

    Definition Classes
  40. def getStackTraceOrBuilder(): StackTraceOrBuilder

    A stack trace captured at the start of the span.

    A stack trace captured at the start of the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.StackTrace stack_trace = 8;

    Definition Classes
  41. def getStartTime(): Timestamp

    The start time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution starts. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server's application handler starts running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to the value of end_time field if it was
    set. Or to the current time if neither was set. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    The start time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution starts. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server's application handler starts running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to the value of end_time field if it was
    set. Or to the current time if neither was set. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    .google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 5;


    The startTime.

    Definition Classes
  42. def getStartTimeOrBuilder(): TimestampOrBuilder

    The start time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution starts. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server's application handler starts running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to the value of end_time field if it was
    set. Or to the current time if neither was set. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    The start time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution starts. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server's application handler starts running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to the value of end_time field if it was
    set. Or to the current time if neither was set. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    .google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 5;

    Definition Classes
  43. def getStatus(): Status

    An optional final status for this span. Semantically when Status
    wasn't set it is means span ended without errors and assume
    Status.Ok (code = 0).

    An optional final status for this span. Semantically when Status
    wasn't set it is means span ended without errors and assume
    Status.Ok (code = 0).

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Status status = 11;


    The status.

    Definition Classes
  44. def getStatusOrBuilder(): StatusOrBuilder

    An optional final status for this span. Semantically when Status
    wasn't set it is means span ended without errors and assume
    Status.Ok (code = 0).

    An optional final status for this span. Semantically when Status
    wasn't set it is means span ended without errors and assume
    Status.Ok (code = 0).

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Status status = 11;

    Definition Classes
  45. def getTimeEvents(): TimeEvents

    The included time events.

    The included time events.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.TimeEvents time_events = 9;


    The timeEvents.

    Definition Classes
  46. def getTimeEventsOrBuilder(): TimeEventsOrBuilder

    The included time events.

    The included time events.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.TimeEvents time_events = 9;

    Definition Classes
  47. def getTraceId(): ByteString

    A unique identifier for a trace. All spans from the same trace share
    the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes
    is considered invalid.
    This field is semantically required. Receiver should generate new
    random trace_id if empty or invalid trace_id was received.
    This field is required.

    A unique identifier for a trace. All spans from the same trace share
    the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes
    is considered invalid.
    This field is semantically required. Receiver should generate new
    random trace_id if empty or invalid trace_id was received.
    This field is required.

    bytes trace_id = 1;


    The traceId.

    Definition Classes
  48. def getTracestate(): Tracestate

    The Tracestate on the span.

    The Tracestate on the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Tracestate tracestate = 15;


    The tracestate.

    Definition Classes
  49. def getTracestateOrBuilder(): TracestateOrBuilder

    The Tracestate on the span.

    The Tracestate on the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Tracestate tracestate = 15;

    Definition Classes
  50. def getUnknownFields(): UnknownFieldSet
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → MessageOrBuilder
  51. def hasAttributes(): Boolean

    A set of attributes on the span.

    A set of attributes on the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Attributes attributes = 7;


    Whether the attributes field is set.

    Definition Classes
  52. def hasChildSpanCount(): Boolean

    An optional number of child spans that were generated while this span
    was active. If set, allows an implementation to detect missing child spans.

    An optional number of child spans that were generated while this span
    was active. If set, allows an implementation to detect missing child spans.

    .google.protobuf.UInt32Value child_span_count = 13;


    Whether the childSpanCount field is set.

    Definition Classes
  53. def hasEndTime(): Boolean

    The end time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution ends. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server application handler stops running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to start_time value. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    The end time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution ends. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server application handler stops running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to start_time value. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    .google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 6;


    Whether the endTime field is set.

    Definition Classes
  54. def hasField(arg0: FieldDescriptor): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → MessageOrBuilder
  55. def hasLinks(): Boolean

    The included links.

    The included links.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Links links = 10;


    Whether the links field is set.

    Definition Classes
  56. def hasName(): Boolean

    A description of the span's operation.
    For example, the name can be a qualified method name or a file name
    and a line number where the operation is called. A best practice is to use
    the same display name at the same call point in an application.
    This makes it easier to correlate spans in different traces.
    This field is semantically required to be set to non-empty string.
    When null or empty string received - receiver may use string "name"
    as a replacement. There might be smarted algorithms implemented by
    receiver to fix the empty span name.
    This field is required.

    A description of the span's operation.
    For example, the name can be a qualified method name or a file name
    and a line number where the operation is called. A best practice is to use
    the same display name at the same call point in an application.
    This makes it easier to correlate spans in different traces.
    This field is semantically required to be set to non-empty string.
    When null or empty string received - receiver may use string "name"
    as a replacement. There might be smarted algorithms implemented by
    receiver to fix the empty span name.
    This field is required.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.TruncatableString name = 4;


    Whether the name field is set.

    Definition Classes
  57. def hasOneof(arg0: OneofDescriptor): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → AbstractMessage → MessageOrBuilder
  58. def hasResource(): Boolean

    An optional resource that is associated with this span. If not set, this span
    should be part of a batch that does include the resource information, unless resource
    information is unknown.

    An optional resource that is associated with this span. If not set, this span
    should be part of a batch that does include the resource information, unless resource
    information is unknown.

    .opencensus.proto.resource.v1.Resource resource = 16;


    Whether the resource field is set.

    Definition Classes
  59. def hasSameProcessAsParentSpan(): Boolean

    A highly recommended but not required flag that identifies when a
    trace crosses a process boundary. True when the parent_span belongs
    to the same process as the current span. This flag is most commonly
    used to indicate the need to adjust time as clocks in different
    processes may not be synchronized.

    A highly recommended but not required flag that identifies when a
    trace crosses a process boundary. True when the parent_span belongs
    to the same process as the current span. This flag is most commonly
    used to indicate the need to adjust time as clocks in different
    processes may not be synchronized.

    .google.protobuf.BoolValue same_process_as_parent_span = 12;


    Whether the sameProcessAsParentSpan field is set.

    Definition Classes
  60. def hasStackTrace(): Boolean

    A stack trace captured at the start of the span.

    A stack trace captured at the start of the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.StackTrace stack_trace = 8;


    Whether the stackTrace field is set.

    Definition Classes
  61. def hasStartTime(): Boolean

    The start time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution starts. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server's application handler starts running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to the value of end_time field if it was
    set. Or to the current time if neither was set. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    The start time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by
    the local machine where the span execution starts. On the server side, this
    is the time when the server's application handler starts running.
    This field is semantically required. When not set on receive -
    receiver should set it to the value of end_time field if it was
    set. Or to the current time if neither was set. It is important to
    keep end_time > start_time for consistency.
    This field is required.

    .google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 5;


    Whether the startTime field is set.

    Definition Classes
  62. def hasStatus(): Boolean

    An optional final status for this span. Semantically when Status
    wasn't set it is means span ended without errors and assume
    Status.Ok (code = 0).

    An optional final status for this span. Semantically when Status
    wasn't set it is means span ended without errors and assume
    Status.Ok (code = 0).

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Status status = 11;


    Whether the status field is set.

    Definition Classes
  63. def hasTimeEvents(): Boolean

    The included time events.

    The included time events.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.TimeEvents time_events = 9;


    Whether the timeEvents field is set.

    Definition Classes
  64. def hasTracestate(): Boolean

    The Tracestate on the span.

    The Tracestate on the span.

    .opencensus.proto.trace.v1.Span.Tracestate tracestate = 15;


    Whether the tracestate field is set.

    Definition Classes
  65. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    Span → AbstractMessage → Message → AnyRef → Any
  66. def internalGetFieldAccessorTable(): FieldAccessorTable
    Definition Classes
    Span → GeneratedMessageV3
  67. def internalGetMapField(arg0: Int): MapField[_ <: AnyRef, _ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
  68. final def isInitialized(): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    Span → GeneratedMessageV3 → AbstractMessage → MessageLiteOrBuilder
  69. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  70. def makeExtensionsImmutable(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  71. def mergeFromAndMakeImmutableInternal(arg0: CodedInputStream, arg1: ExtensionRegistryLite): Unit
    Definition Classes
  72. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  73. def newBuilderForType(parent: BuilderParent): Builder
    Definition Classes
    Span → GeneratedMessageV3
  74. def newBuilderForType(): Builder
    Definition Classes
    Span → Message → MessageLite
  75. def newBuilderForType(arg0: BuilderParent): Builder
    Definition Classes
    GeneratedMessageV3 → AbstractMessage
  76. def newInstance(unused: UnusedPrivateParameter): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    Span → GeneratedMessageV3
    @Override() @SuppressWarnings()
  77. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  78. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  79. def parseUnknownField(arg0: CodedInputStream, arg1: Builder, arg2: ExtensionRegistryLite, arg3: Int): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  80. def parseUnknownFieldProto3(arg0: CodedInputStream, arg1: Builder, arg2: ExtensionRegistryLite, arg3: Int): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  81. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  82. def toBuilder(): Builder
    Definition Classes
    Span → Message → MessageLite
  83. def toByteArray(): Array[Byte]
    Definition Classes
    AbstractMessageLite → MessageLite
  84. def toByteString(): ByteString
    Definition Classes
    AbstractMessageLite → MessageLite
  85. final def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AbstractMessage → Message → AnyRef → Any
  86. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  87. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  88. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  89. def writeDelimitedTo(arg0: OutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
    AbstractMessageLite → MessageLite
  90. def writeReplace(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  91. def writeTo(output: CodedOutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
    Span → GeneratedMessageV3 → AbstractMessage → MessageLite
  92. def writeTo(arg0: OutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
    AbstractMessageLite → MessageLite

Inherited from SpanOrBuilder

Inherited from GeneratedMessageV3

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AbstractMessage

Inherited from Message

Inherited from MessageOrBuilder

Inherited from AbstractMessageLite[MessageType, BuilderType]

Inherited from MessageLite

Inherited from MessageLiteOrBuilder

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
