
package v1

Package Members

  1. package pubsub
  2. package schema

Type Members

  1. final class AcknowledgeRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with AcknowledgeRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the Acknowledge method.

    Request for the Acknowledge method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.AcknowledgeRequest

  2. trait AcknowledgeRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  3. final class BigQueryConfig extends GeneratedMessageV3 with BigQueryConfigOrBuilder

    Configuration for a BigQuery subscription.

    Configuration for a BigQuery subscription.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.BigQueryConfig

  4. trait BigQueryConfigOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  5. final class CloudStorageConfig extends GeneratedMessageV3 with CloudStorageConfigOrBuilder

    Configuration for a Cloud Storage subscription.

    Configuration for a Cloud Storage subscription.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.CloudStorageConfig

  6. trait CloudStorageConfigOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  7. final class CommitSchemaRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with CommitSchemaRequestOrBuilder

    Request for CommitSchema method.

    Request for CommitSchema method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.CommitSchemaRequest

  8. trait CommitSchemaRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  9. final class CreateSchemaRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with CreateSchemaRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the CreateSchema method.

    Request for the CreateSchema method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.CreateSchemaRequest

  10. trait CreateSchemaRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  11. final class CreateSnapshotRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with CreateSnapshotRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `CreateSnapshot` method.

    Request for the `CreateSnapshot` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.CreateSnapshotRequest

  12. trait CreateSnapshotRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  13. final class DeadLetterPolicy extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DeadLetterPolicyOrBuilder

    Dead lettering is done on a best effort basis. The same message might be
    dead lettered multiple times.
    If validation on any of the fields fails at subscription creation/updation,
    the create/update subscription request will fail.

    Dead lettering is done on a best effort basis. The same message might be
    dead lettered multiple times.
    If validation on any of the fields fails at subscription creation/updation,
    the create/update subscription request will fail.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.DeadLetterPolicy

  14. trait DeadLetterPolicyOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  15. final class DeleteSchemaRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DeleteSchemaRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `DeleteSchema` method.

    Request for the `DeleteSchema` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.DeleteSchemaRequest

  16. trait DeleteSchemaRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  17. final class DeleteSchemaRevisionRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DeleteSchemaRevisionRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `DeleteSchemaRevision` method.

    Request for the `DeleteSchemaRevision` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.DeleteSchemaRevisionRequest

  18. trait DeleteSchemaRevisionRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  19. final class DeleteSnapshotRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DeleteSnapshotRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `DeleteSnapshot` method.

    Request for the `DeleteSnapshot` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.DeleteSnapshotRequest

  20. trait DeleteSnapshotRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  21. final class DeleteSubscriptionRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DeleteSubscriptionRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the DeleteSubscription method.

    Request for the DeleteSubscription method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.DeleteSubscriptionRequest

  22. trait DeleteSubscriptionRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  23. final class DeleteTopicRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DeleteTopicRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `DeleteTopic` method.

    Request for the `DeleteTopic` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.DeleteTopicRequest

  24. trait DeleteTopicRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  25. final class DetachSubscriptionRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DetachSubscriptionRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the DetachSubscription method.

    Request for the DetachSubscription method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.DetachSubscriptionRequest

  26. trait DetachSubscriptionRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  27. final class DetachSubscriptionResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DetachSubscriptionResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the DetachSubscription method.
    Reserved for future use.

    Response for the DetachSubscription method.
    Reserved for future use.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.DetachSubscriptionResponse

  28. trait DetachSubscriptionResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  29. sealed final class Encoding extends Enum[Encoding] with ProtocolMessageEnum

    Possible encoding types for messages.

    Possible encoding types for messages.

    Protobuf enum google.pubsub.v1.Encoding

  30. final class ExpirationPolicy extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ExpirationPolicyOrBuilder

    A policy that specifies the conditions for resource expiration (i.e.,
    automatic resource deletion).

    A policy that specifies the conditions for resource expiration (i.e.,
    automatic resource deletion).

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ExpirationPolicy

  31. trait ExpirationPolicyOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  32. final class GetSchemaRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with GetSchemaRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the GetSchema method.

    Request for the GetSchema method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.GetSchemaRequest

  33. trait GetSchemaRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  34. final class GetSnapshotRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with GetSnapshotRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the GetSnapshot method.

    Request for the GetSnapshot method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.GetSnapshotRequest

  35. trait GetSnapshotRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  36. final class GetSubscriptionRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with GetSubscriptionRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the GetSubscription method.

    Request for the GetSubscription method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.GetSubscriptionRequest

  37. trait GetSubscriptionRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  38. final class GetTopicRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with GetTopicRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the GetTopic method.

    Request for the GetTopic method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.GetTopicRequest

  39. trait GetTopicRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  40. final class ListSchemaRevisionsRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListSchemaRevisionsRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ListSchemaRevisions` method.

    Request for the `ListSchemaRevisions` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListSchemaRevisionsRequest

  41. trait ListSchemaRevisionsRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  42. final class ListSchemaRevisionsResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListSchemaRevisionsResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ListSchemaRevisions` method.

    Response for the `ListSchemaRevisions` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListSchemaRevisionsResponse

  43. trait ListSchemaRevisionsResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  44. final class ListSchemasRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListSchemasRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ListSchemas` method.

    Request for the `ListSchemas` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListSchemasRequest

  45. trait ListSchemasRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  46. final class ListSchemasResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListSchemasResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ListSchemas` method.

    Response for the `ListSchemas` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListSchemasResponse

  47. trait ListSchemasResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  48. final class ListSnapshotsRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListSnapshotsRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ListSnapshots` method.

    Request for the `ListSnapshots` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListSnapshotsRequest

  49. trait ListSnapshotsRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  50. final class ListSnapshotsResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListSnapshotsResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ListSnapshots` method.

    Response for the `ListSnapshots` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListSnapshotsResponse

  51. trait ListSnapshotsResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  52. final class ListSubscriptionsRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListSubscriptionsRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ListSubscriptions` method.

    Request for the `ListSubscriptions` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListSubscriptionsRequest

  53. trait ListSubscriptionsRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  54. final class ListSubscriptionsResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListSubscriptionsResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ListSubscriptions` method.

    Response for the `ListSubscriptions` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListSubscriptionsResponse

  55. trait ListSubscriptionsResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  56. final class ListTopicSnapshotsRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListTopicSnapshotsRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ListTopicSnapshots` method.

    Request for the `ListTopicSnapshots` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListTopicSnapshotsRequest

  57. trait ListTopicSnapshotsRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  58. final class ListTopicSnapshotsResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListTopicSnapshotsResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ListTopicSnapshots` method.

    Response for the `ListTopicSnapshots` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListTopicSnapshotsResponse

  59. trait ListTopicSnapshotsResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  60. final class ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListTopicSubscriptionsRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ListTopicSubscriptions` method.

    Request for the `ListTopicSubscriptions` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest

  61. trait ListTopicSubscriptionsRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  62. final class ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListTopicSubscriptionsResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ListTopicSubscriptions` method.

    Response for the `ListTopicSubscriptions` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse

  63. trait ListTopicSubscriptionsResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  64. final class ListTopicsRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListTopicsRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ListTopics` method.

    Request for the `ListTopics` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListTopicsRequest

  65. trait ListTopicsRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  66. final class ListTopicsResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ListTopicsResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ListTopics` method.

    Response for the `ListTopics` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ListTopicsResponse

  67. trait ListTopicsResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  68. final class MessageStoragePolicy extends GeneratedMessageV3 with MessageStoragePolicyOrBuilder

    A policy constraining the storage of messages published to the topic.

    A policy constraining the storage of messages published to the topic.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.MessageStoragePolicy

  69. trait MessageStoragePolicyOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  70. final class ModifyAckDeadlineRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ModifyAckDeadlineRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the ModifyAckDeadline method.

    Request for the ModifyAckDeadline method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ModifyAckDeadlineRequest

  71. trait ModifyAckDeadlineRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  72. final class ModifyPushConfigRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ModifyPushConfigRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the ModifyPushConfig method.

    Request for the ModifyPushConfig method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ModifyPushConfigRequest

  73. trait ModifyPushConfigRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  74. final class PublishRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with PublishRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the Publish method.

    Request for the Publish method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.PublishRequest

  75. trait PublishRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  76. final class PublishResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with PublishResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `Publish` method.

    Response for the `Publish` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.PublishResponse

  77. trait PublishResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  78. trait Publisher extends AnyRef

    The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, and to send messages to a topic.

  79. abstract class PublisherClient extends PublisherClientPowerApi with Publisher with AkkaGrpcClient
  80. abstract class PublisherClientPowerApi extends AnyRef
  81. final class PubsubMessage extends GeneratedMessageV3 with PubsubMessageOrBuilder

    A message that is published by publishers and consumed by subscribers. The
    message must contain either a non-empty data field or at least one attribute.
    Note that client libraries represent this object differently
    depending on the language. See the corresponding [client library
    documentation]( for
    more information. See [quotas and limits]
    ( for more information about message

    A message that is published by publishers and consumed by subscribers. The
    message must contain either a non-empty data field or at least one attribute.
    Note that client libraries represent this object differently
    depending on the language. See the corresponding [client library
    documentation]( for
    more information. See [quotas and limits]
    ( for more information about message

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage

  82. trait PubsubMessageOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  83. final class PubsubProto extends AnyRef
  84. final class PullRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with PullRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `Pull` method.

    Request for the `Pull` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.PullRequest

  85. trait PullRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  86. final class PullResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with PullResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `Pull` method.

    Response for the `Pull` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.PullResponse

  87. trait PullResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  88. final class PushConfig extends GeneratedMessageV3 with PushConfigOrBuilder

    Configuration for a push delivery endpoint.

    Configuration for a push delivery endpoint.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.PushConfig

  89. trait PushConfigOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  90. final class ReceivedMessage extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ReceivedMessageOrBuilder

    A message and its corresponding acknowledgment ID.

    A message and its corresponding acknowledgment ID.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ReceivedMessage

  91. trait ReceivedMessageOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  92. final class RetryPolicy extends GeneratedMessageV3 with RetryPolicyOrBuilder

    A policy that specifies how Cloud Pub/Sub retries message delivery.
    Retry delay will be exponential based on provided minimum and maximum
    RetryPolicy will be triggered on NACKs or acknowledgement deadline exceeded
    events for a given message.
    Retry Policy is implemented on a best effort basis. At times, the delay
    between consecutive deliveries may not match the configuration. That is,
    delay can be more or less than configured backoff.

    A policy that specifies how Cloud Pub/Sub retries message delivery.
    Retry delay will be exponential based on provided minimum and maximum
    RetryPolicy will be triggered on NACKs or acknowledgement deadline exceeded
    events for a given message.
    Retry Policy is implemented on a best effort basis. At times, the delay
    between consecutive deliveries may not match the configuration. That is,
    delay can be more or less than configured backoff.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.RetryPolicy

  93. trait RetryPolicyOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  94. final class RollbackSchemaRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with RollbackSchemaRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `RollbackSchema` method.

    Request for the `RollbackSchema` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.RollbackSchemaRequest

  95. trait RollbackSchemaRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  96. final class Schema extends GeneratedMessageV3 with SchemaOrBuilder

    A schema resource.

    A schema resource.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.Schema

  97. trait SchemaOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  98. final class SchemaProto extends AnyRef
  99. trait SchemaService extends AnyRef

    Service for doing schema-related operations.

  100. abstract class SchemaServiceClient extends SchemaServiceClientPowerApi with SchemaService with AkkaGrpcClient
  101. abstract class SchemaServiceClientPowerApi extends AnyRef
  102. final class SchemaSettings extends GeneratedMessageV3 with SchemaSettingsOrBuilder

    Settings for validating messages published against a schema.

    Settings for validating messages published against a schema.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.SchemaSettings

  103. trait SchemaSettingsOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  104. sealed final class SchemaView extends Enum[SchemaView] with ProtocolMessageEnum

    View of Schema object fields to be returned by GetSchema and ListSchemas.

    View of Schema object fields to be returned by GetSchema and ListSchemas.

    Protobuf enum google.pubsub.v1.SchemaView

  105. final class SeekRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with SeekRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `Seek` method.

    Request for the `Seek` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.SeekRequest

  106. trait SeekRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  107. final class SeekResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with SeekResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `Seek` method (this response is empty).

    Response for the `Seek` method (this response is empty).

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.SeekResponse

  108. trait SeekResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  109. final class Snapshot extends GeneratedMessageV3 with SnapshotOrBuilder

    A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in
    operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That
    is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an existing
    subscription to the state captured by a snapshot.

    A snapshot resource. Snapshots are used in
    operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That
    is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an existing
    subscription to the state captured by a snapshot.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.Snapshot

  110. trait SnapshotOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  111. final class StreamingPullRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with StreamingPullRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `StreamingPull` streaming RPC method. This request is used to
    establish the initial stream as well as to stream acknowledgements and ack
    deadline modifications from the client to the server.

    Request for the `StreamingPull` streaming RPC method. This request is used to
    establish the initial stream as well as to stream acknowledgements and ack
    deadline modifications from the client to the server.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.StreamingPullRequest

  112. trait StreamingPullRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  113. final class StreamingPullResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with StreamingPullResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `StreamingPull` method. This response is used to stream
    messages from the server to the client.

    Response for the `StreamingPull` method. This response is used to stream
    messages from the server to the client.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.StreamingPullResponse

  114. trait StreamingPullResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  115. trait Subscriber extends AnyRef

    The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and to consume messages from a subscription via the Pull method or by establishing a bi-directional stream using the StreamingPull method.

  116. abstract class SubscriberClient extends SubscriberClientPowerApi with Subscriber with AkkaGrpcClient
  117. abstract class SubscriberClientPowerApi extends AnyRef
  118. final class Subscription extends GeneratedMessageV3 with SubscriptionOrBuilder

    A subscription resource. If none of `push_config`, `bigquery_config`, or
    `cloud_storage_config` is set, then the subscriber will pull and ack messages
    using API methods. At most one of these fields may be set.

    A subscription resource. If none of `push_config`, `bigquery_config`, or
    `cloud_storage_config` is set, then the subscriber will pull and ack messages
    using API methods. At most one of these fields may be set.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.Subscription

  119. trait SubscriptionOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  120. final class Topic extends GeneratedMessageV3 with TopicOrBuilder

    A topic resource.

    A topic resource.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.Topic

  121. trait TopicOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  122. final class UpdateSnapshotRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with UpdateSnapshotRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the UpdateSnapshot method.

    Request for the UpdateSnapshot method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.UpdateSnapshotRequest

  123. trait UpdateSnapshotRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  124. final class UpdateSubscriptionRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with UpdateSubscriptionRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the UpdateSubscription method.

    Request for the UpdateSubscription method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.UpdateSubscriptionRequest

  125. trait UpdateSubscriptionRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  126. final class UpdateTopicRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with UpdateTopicRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the UpdateTopic method.

    Request for the UpdateTopic method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.UpdateTopicRequest

  127. trait UpdateTopicRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  128. final class ValidateMessageRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ValidateMessageRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ValidateMessage` method.

    Request for the `ValidateMessage` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ValidateMessageRequest

  129. trait ValidateMessageRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  130. final class ValidateMessageResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ValidateMessageResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ValidateMessage` method.
    Empty for now.

    Response for the `ValidateMessage` method.
    Empty for now.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ValidateMessageResponse

  131. trait ValidateMessageResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  132. final class ValidateSchemaRequest extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ValidateSchemaRequestOrBuilder

    Request for the `ValidateSchema` method.

    Request for the `ValidateSchema` method.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ValidateSchemaRequest

  133. trait ValidateSchemaRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  134. final class ValidateSchemaResponse extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ValidateSchemaResponseOrBuilder

    Response for the `ValidateSchema` method.
    Empty for now.

    Response for the `ValidateSchema` method.
    Empty for now.

    Protobuf type google.pubsub.v1.ValidateSchemaResponse

  135. trait ValidateSchemaResponseOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
