package v1

Package Members

  1. package metrics

Type Members

  1. final class DistributionValue extends GeneratedMessageV3 with DistributionValueOrBuilder

    Distribution contains summary statistics for a population of values. It
    optionally contains a histogram representing the distribution of those
    values across a set of buckets.

    Distribution contains summary statistics for a population of values. It
    optionally contains a histogram representing the distribution of those
    values across a set of buckets.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.metrics.v1.DistributionValue

  2. trait DistributionValueOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  3. final class LabelKey extends GeneratedMessageV3 with LabelKeyOrBuilder

    Defines a label key associated with a metric descriptor.

    Defines a label key associated with a metric descriptor.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.metrics.v1.LabelKey

  4. trait LabelKeyOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  5. final class LabelValue extends GeneratedMessageV3 with LabelValueOrBuilder

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.metrics.v1.LabelValue

  6. trait LabelValueOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  7. final class Metric extends GeneratedMessageV3 with MetricOrBuilder

    Defines a Metric which has one or more timeseries.

    Defines a Metric which has one or more timeseries.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.metrics.v1.Metric

  8. final class MetricDescriptor extends GeneratedMessageV3 with MetricDescriptorOrBuilder

    Defines a metric type and its schema.

    Defines a metric type and its schema.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.metrics.v1.MetricDescriptor

  9. trait MetricDescriptorOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  10. trait MetricOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  11. final class MetricsProto extends AnyRef
  12. final class Point extends GeneratedMessageV3 with PointOrBuilder

    A timestamped measurement.

    A timestamped measurement.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.metrics.v1.Point

  13. trait PointOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  14. final class SummaryValue extends GeneratedMessageV3 with SummaryValueOrBuilder

    The start_timestamp only applies to the count and sum in the SummaryValue.

    The start_timestamp only applies to the count and sum in the SummaryValue.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.metrics.v1.SummaryValue

  15. trait SummaryValueOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  16. final class TimeSeries extends GeneratedMessageV3 with TimeSeriesOrBuilder

    A collection of data points that describes the time-varying values
    of a metric.

    A collection of data points that describes the time-varying values
    of a metric.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.metrics.v1.TimeSeries

  17. trait TimeSeriesOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
