
package v1

Package Members

  1. package common

Type Members

  1. final class CommonProto extends AnyRef
  2. final class LibraryInfo extends GeneratedMessageV3 with LibraryInfoOrBuilder

    Information on OpenCensus Library.

    Information on OpenCensus Library.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.agent.common.v1.LibraryInfo

  3. trait LibraryInfoOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  4. final class Node extends GeneratedMessageV3 with NodeOrBuilder

    Identifier metadata of the Node that produces the span or tracing data.
    Note, this is not the metadata about the Node or service that is described by associated spans.
    In the future we plan to extend the identifier proto definition to support
    additional information (e.g cloud id, etc.)

    Identifier metadata of the Node that produces the span or tracing data.
    Note, this is not the metadata about the Node or service that is described by associated spans.
    In the future we plan to extend the identifier proto definition to support
    additional information (e.g cloud id, etc.)

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.agent.common.v1.Node

  5. trait NodeOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  6. final class ProcessIdentifier extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ProcessIdentifierOrBuilder

    Identifier that uniquely identifies a process within a VM/container.

    Identifier that uniquely identifies a process within a VM/container.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.agent.common.v1.ProcessIdentifier

  7. trait ProcessIdentifierOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  8. final class ServiceInfo extends GeneratedMessageV3 with ServiceInfoOrBuilder

    Additional service information.

    Additional service information.

    Protobuf type opencensus.proto.agent.common.v1.ServiceInfo

  9. trait ServiceInfoOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
