package remote
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
Ack(cumulativeAck: SeqNo, nacks: Set[SeqNo] = Set.empty) extends Product with Serializable
Class representing an acknowledgement with selective negative acknowledgements.
Class representing an acknowledgement with selective negative acknowledgements.
- cumulativeAck
Represents the highest sequence number received.
- nacks
Set of sequence numbers between the last delivered one and cumulativeAck that has been not yet received.
case class
AckedReceiveBuffer[T <: HasSequenceNumber](lastDelivered: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1), cumulativeAck: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1), buf: SortedSet[T] = TreeSet.empty[T])(implicit seqOrdering: Ordering[T]) extends Product with Serializable
Implements an immutable receive buffer that buffers incoming messages until they can be safely delivered.
Implements an immutable receive buffer that buffers incoming messages until they can be safely delivered. This buffer works together with a akka.remote.AckedSendBuffer on the sender() side.
- lastDelivered
Sequence number of the last message that has been delivered.
- cumulativeAck
The highest sequence number received so far.
- buf
Buffer of messages that are waiting for delivery
case class
AckedSendBuffer[T <: HasSequenceNumber](capacity: Int, nonAcked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T], nacked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T], maxSeq: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1)) extends Product with Serializable
Implements an immutable resend buffer that buffers messages until they have been acknowledged.
Implements an immutable resend buffer that buffers messages until they have been acknowledged. Properly removes messages when an ack is received. This buffer works together with akka.remote.AckedReceiveBuffer on the receiving end.
- capacity
Maximum number of messages the buffer is willing to accept. If reached akka.remote.ResendBufferCapacityReachedException is thrown.
- nonAcked
Sequence of messages that has not yet been acknowledged.
- nacked
Sequence of messages that has been explicitly negative acknowledged.
- maxSeq
The maximum sequence number that has been stored in this buffer. Messages having lower sequence number will be not stored but rejected with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- class AddressUidExtension extends Extension
- final class ArteryControlFormats extends AnyRef
case class
AssociatedEvent(localAddress: Address, remoteAddress: Address, inbound: Boolean) extends AssociationEvent with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
AssociationErrorEvent(cause: Throwable, localAddress: Address, remoteAddress: Address, inbound: Boolean, logLevel: LogLevel) extends AssociationEvent with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
AssociationEvent extends RemotingLifecycleEvent
- Annotations
- @silent() @SerialVersionUID()
- class BoundAddressesExtension extends Extension
- final class ContainerFormats extends AnyRef
DeadlineFailureDetector extends FailureDetector
Implementation of failure detector using an absolute timeout of missing heartbeats to trigger unavailability.
Implementation of failure detector using an absolute timeout of missing heartbeats to trigger unavailability.
#isAvailable will return
if there is no #heartbeat within the durationheartbeatInterval + acceptableHeartbeatPause
. -
DefaultFailureDetectorRegistry[A] extends FailureDetectorRegistry[A]
A lock-less thread-safe implementation of akka.remote.FailureDetectorRegistry.
case class
DisassociatedEvent(localAddress: Address, remoteAddress: Address, inbound: Boolean) extends AssociationEvent with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
FailureDetector extends AnyRef
A failure detector must be a thread-safe mutable construct that registers heartbeat events of a resource and is able to decide the availability of that monitored resource.
FailureDetectorRegistry[A] extends AnyRef
Interface for a registry of Akka failure detectors.
Interface for a registry of Akka failure detectors. New resources are implicitly registered when heartbeat is first called with the resource given as parameter.
type parameter A:
- The type of the key that identifies a resource to be monitored by a failure detector
case class
GracefulShutdownQuarantinedEvent(uniqueAddress: UniqueAddress, reason: String) extends RemotingLifecycleEvent with Product with Serializable
was quarantined but it was due to normal shutdown or cluster leaving/exiting.The
was quarantined but it was due to normal shutdown or cluster leaving/exiting.- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
HasSequenceNumber extends AnyRef
Messages that are to be buffered in akka.remote.AckedSendBuffer or akka.remote.AckedReceiveBuffer has to implement this interface to provide the sequence needed by the buffers.
NotWhitelistedClassRemoteDeploymentAttemptException extends RuntimeException
PhiAccrualFailureDetector extends FailureDetector
Implementation of 'The Phi Accrual Failure Detector' by Hayashibara et al.
Implementation of 'The Phi Accrual Failure Detector' by Hayashibara et al. as defined in their paper: []
The suspicion level of failure is given by a value called φ (phi). The basic idea of the φ failure detector is to express the value of φ on a scale that is dynamically adjusted to reflect current network conditions. A configurable threshold is used to decide if φ is considered to be a failure.
The value of φ is calculated as:
φ = -log10(1 - F(timeSinceLastHeartbeat)
where F is the cumulative distribution function of a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation estimated from historical heartbeat inter-arrival times.
case class
QuarantinedEvent(address: Address, longUid: Long) extends RemotingLifecycleEvent with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
RemoteScope(node: Address) extends Scope with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
- final class RemoteSettings extends AnyRef
RemoteTransportException extends AkkaException
RemoteTransportException represents a general failure within a RemoteTransport, such as inability to start, wrong configuration etc.
RemoteTransportException represents a general failure within a RemoteTransport, such as inability to start, wrong configuration etc.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
RemoteTransportExceptionNoStackTrace extends RemoteTransportException with NoStackTrace
RemoteTransportException without stack trace.
RemoteTransportException without stack trace.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
RemotingErrorEvent(cause: Throwable) extends RemotingLifecycleEvent with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
RemotingLifecycleEvent extends Serializable
- Annotations
- @silent() @SerialVersionUID()
case class
RemotingListenEvent(listenAddresses: Set[Address]) extends RemotingLifecycleEvent with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
- class ResendBufferCapacityReachedException extends AkkaException
- class ResendUnfulfillableException extends AkkaException
case class
SeqNo(rawValue: Long) extends Ordered[SeqNo] with Product with Serializable
Implements a 64 bit sequence number with proper wrap-around ordering.
- final class SystemMessageFormats extends AnyRef
case class
ThisActorSystemQuarantinedEvent(localAddress: Address, remoteAddress: Address) extends RemotingLifecycleEvent with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
UniqueAddress(address: Address, uid: Long) extends Ordered[UniqueAddress] with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
- final class WireFormats extends AnyRef
Value Members
AddressUidExtension extends ExtensionId[AddressUidExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider
Extension that holds a uid that is assigned as a random
depending on which version of remoting that is used.Extension that holds a uid that is assigned as a random
depending on which version of remoting that is used.The uid is intended to be used together with an to be able to distinguish restarted actor system using the same host and port.
BoundAddressesExtension extends ExtensionId[BoundAddressesExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider
Extension provides access to bound addresses.
- object FailureDetector
- object HasSequenceNumber
- object QuarantinedEvent extends AbstractFunction2[Address, Int, QuarantinedEvent] with Serializable
RemotingShutdownEvent extends RemotingLifecycleEvent with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
- object SeqNo extends Serializable