class R2dbcDurableStateStore[A] extends DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore[A] with DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery[A] with DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery[A]
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- R2dbcDurableStateStore
- DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery
- DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
- DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore
- DurableStateUpdateStore
- DurableStateStore
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new R2dbcDurableStateStore(scalaStore: scaladsl.R2dbcDurableStateStore[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
Value Members
- def changesBySlices(entityType: String, minSlice: Int, maxSlice: Int, offset: Offset): Source[DurableStateChange[A], NotUsed]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
- def currentChangesBySlices(entityType: String, minSlice: Int, maxSlice: Int, offset: Offset): Source[DurableStateChange[A], NotUsed]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
- def currentPersistenceIds(): Source[String, NotUsed]
- def currentPersistenceIds(afterId: Optional[String], limit: Long): Source[String, NotUsed]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery
- def currentPersistenceIds(entityType: String, afterId: Optional[String], limit: Long): Source[String, NotUsed]
Get the current persistence ids.
Get the current persistence ids.
Note: to reuse existing index, the actual query filters entity types based on persistence_id column and sql LIKE operator. Hence the persistenceId must start with an entity type followed by default separator ("|") from akka.persistence.typed.PersistenceId.
- entityType
The entity type name.
- afterId
The ID to start returning results from, or empty to return all ids. This should be an id returned from a previous invocation of this command. Callers should not assume that ids are returned in sorted order.
- limit
The maximum results to return. Use Long.MAX_VALUE to return all results. Must be greater than zero.
- returns
A source containing all the persistence ids, limited as specified.
- def deleteObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long, changeEvent: Any): CompletionStage[Done]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore
- def deleteObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long): CompletionStage[Done]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateStore
- def getObject(persistenceId: String): CompletionStage[GetObjectResult[A]]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStore
- def sliceForPersistenceId(persistenceId: String): Int
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
- def sliceRanges(numberOfRanges: Int): List[Pair[Integer, Integer]]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
- def upsertObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long, value: A, tag: String, changeEvent: Any): CompletionStage[Done]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore
- def upsertObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long, value: A, tag: String): CompletionStage[Done]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateStore
Deprecated Value Members
- def deleteObject(persistenceId: String): CompletionStage[Done]
- Definition Classes
- R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateStore
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 1.0.0) Use the deleteObject overload with revision instead.