
class R2dbcDurableStateStore[A] extends DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore[A] with DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery[A] with DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery[A]

Linear Supertypes
DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery[A], DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery[A], DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore[A], DurableStateUpdateStore[A], DurableStateStore[A], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. R2dbcDurableStateStore
  2. DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery
  3. DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
  4. DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore
  5. DurableStateUpdateStore
  6. DurableStateStore
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new R2dbcDurableStateStore(scalaStore: scaladsl.R2dbcDurableStateStore[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)

Value Members

  1. def changesBySlices(entityType: String, minSlice: Int, maxSlice: Int, offset: Offset): Source[DurableStateChange[A], NotUsed]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
  2. def currentChangesBySlices(entityType: String, minSlice: Int, maxSlice: Int, offset: Offset): Source[DurableStateChange[A], NotUsed]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
  3. def currentPersistenceIds(): Source[String, NotUsed]
  4. def currentPersistenceIds(afterId: Optional[String], limit: Long): Source[String, NotUsed]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery
  5. def currentPersistenceIds(entityType: String, afterId: Optional[String], limit: Long): Source[String, NotUsed]

    Get the current persistence ids.

    Get the current persistence ids.

    Note: to reuse existing index, the actual query filters entity types based on persistence_id column and sql LIKE operator. Hence the persistenceId must start with an entity type followed by default separator ("|") from akka.persistence.typed.PersistenceId.


    The entity type name.


    The ID to start returning results from, or empty to return all ids. This should be an id returned from a previous invocation of this command. Callers should not assume that ids are returned in sorted order.


    The maximum results to return. Use Long.MAX_VALUE to return all results. Must be greater than zero.


    A source containing all the persistence ids, limited as specified.

  6. def deleteObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long, changeEvent: Any): CompletionStage[Done]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore
  7. def deleteObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long): CompletionStage[Done]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateStore
  8. def getObject(persistenceId: String): CompletionStage[GetObjectResult[A]]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStore
  9. def sliceForPersistenceId(persistenceId: String): Int
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
  10. def sliceRanges(numberOfRanges: Int): List[Pair[Integer, Integer]]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
  11. def upsertObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long, value: A, tag: String, changeEvent: Any): CompletionStage[Done]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateWithChangeEventStore
  12. def upsertObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long, value: A, tag: String): CompletionStage[Done]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateStore

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def deleteObject(persistenceId: String): CompletionStage[Done]
    Definition Classes
    R2dbcDurableStateStore → DurableStateUpdateStore

    (Since version 1.0.0) Use the deleteObject overload with revision instead.