object MediaType

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. MediaType
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Binary extends MediaType with javadsl.model.MediaType.Binary
  2. sealed class Compressibility extends javadsl.model.MediaType.Compressibility
  3. final class Multipart extends Binary with javadsl.model.MediaType.Multipart
  4. sealed abstract class NonBinary extends MediaType with javadsl.model.MediaType.NonBinary
  5. sealed abstract class NonMultipartWithOpenCharset extends WithOpenCharset
  6. sealed abstract class WithFixedCharset extends NonBinary with javadsl.model.MediaType.WithFixedCharset
  7. sealed abstract class WithOpenCharset extends NonBinary with javadsl.model.MediaType.WithOpenCharset

Value Members

  1. def applicationBinary(subType: String, comp: Compressibility, fileExtensions: String*): Binary
  2. def applicationWithFixedCharset(subType: String, charset: HttpCharset, fileExtensions: String*): WithFixedCharset
  3. def applicationWithOpenCharset(subType: String, fileExtensions: String*): WithOpenCharset
  4. def audio(subType: String, comp: Compressibility, fileExtensions: String*): Binary
  5. def custom(value: String, binary: Boolean, comp: Compressibility = Compressible, fileExtensions: List[String] = Nil): MediaType
  6. def customBinary(mainType: String, subType: String, comp: Compressibility, fileExtensions: List[String] = Nil, params: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, allowArbitrarySubtypes: Boolean = false): Binary
  7. def customMultipart(subType: String, params: Map[String, String]): Multipart
  8. def customWithFixedCharset(mainType: String, subType: String, charset: HttpCharset, fileExtensions: List[String] = Nil, params: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, allowArbitrarySubtypes: Boolean = false): WithFixedCharset
  9. def customWithOpenCharset(mainType: String, subType: String, fileExtensions: List[String] = Nil, params: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, allowArbitrarySubtypes: Boolean = false): WithOpenCharset
  10. def font(subType: String, comp: Compressibility, fileExtensions: String*): Binary
  11. def image(subType: String, comp: Compressibility, fileExtensions: String*): Binary
  12. def message(subType: String, comp: Compressibility, fileExtensions: String*): Binary
  13. def parse(value: String): Either[List[ErrorInfo], MediaType]

    Tries to parse a MediaType value from the given String.

    Tries to parse a MediaType value from the given String. Returns Right(mediaType) if successful and Left(errors) otherwise.

  14. def text(subType: String, fileExtensions: String*): WithOpenCharset
  15. def textWithFixedCharset(subType: String, charset: HttpCharset, fileExtensions: String*): WithFixedCharset
  16. def unapply(mediaType: MediaType): Option[String]
  17. def video(subType: String, comp: Compressibility, fileExtensions: String*): Binary
  18. case object Compressible extends Compressibility with Product with Serializable
  19. case object Gzipped extends Compressibility with Product with Serializable
  20. case object NotCompressible extends Compressibility with Product with Serializable