package directives

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class AttributeDirectives extends HeaderDirectives
  2. abstract class BasicDirectives extends AnyRef
  3. abstract class CacheConditionDirectives extends BasicDirectives
  4. abstract class CodingDirectives extends CacheConditionDirectives
  5. trait ContentTypeResolver extends AnyRef

    Implement this interface to provide a custom mapping from a file name to a akka.http.javadsl.model.ContentType.

    Implement this interface to provide a custom mapping from a file name to a akka.http.javadsl.model.ContentType.

  6. abstract class CookieDirectives extends CodingDirectives
  7. trait CorrespondsTo extends Annotation
    @Target() @Retention() @InternalApi()
  8. abstract class CorsDirectives extends FramedEntityStreamingDirectives

    Directives for CORS, cross origin requests.

    Directives for CORS, cross origin requests.

    For an overview on how CORS works, see the MDN web docs page on CORS: CORS is part of the WHATWG Fetch "Living Standard"

    This implementation is based on the akka-http-cors project by Lomig Mégard, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

  9. abstract class DebuggingDirectives extends CookieDirectives
  10. abstract class DirectoryListing extends AnyRef
  11. trait DirectoryRenderer extends AnyRef
  12. abstract class ExecutionDirectives extends DebuggingDirectives
  13. abstract class FileAndResourceDirectives extends ExecutionDirectives

    Directives that load files and resources.

    Directives that load files and resources.

    For the directives in this class, the "default classloader" is defined as the classloader that has loaded the class.

  14. abstract class FileInfo extends AnyRef

    Additional metadata about the file being uploaded/that was uploaded using the FileUploadDirectives

  15. abstract class FileUploadDirectives extends FileAndResourceDirectives
  16. abstract class FormFieldDirectives extends FileUploadDirectives
  17. abstract class FramedEntityStreamingDirectives extends TimeoutDirectives


  18. abstract class FutureDirectives extends FormFieldDirectives
  19. abstract class HeaderDirectives extends FutureDirectives
  20. abstract class HostDirectives extends AttributeDirectives
  21. abstract class LogEntry extends AnyRef
  22. abstract class MarshallingDirectives extends HostDirectives
  23. abstract class MethodDirectives extends MarshallingDirectives
  24. abstract class MiscDirectives extends MethodDirectives
  25. abstract class ParameterDirectives extends MiscDirectives
  26. abstract class PathDirectives extends ParameterDirectives

    Only path prefixes are matched by these methods, since any kind of chaining path extractions in Java would just look cumbersome without operator overloads; hence, no PathMatcher for Java.

    Only path prefixes are matched by these methods, since any kind of chaining path extractions in Java would just look cumbersome without operator overloads; hence, no PathMatcher for Java.

    Just nest path() directives with the required types, ending in pathEnd() if you want to fail further paths.

  27. abstract class RangeDirectives extends PathDirectives
  28. abstract class RespondWithDirectives extends RangeDirectives
  29. final class RouteAdapter extends Route



  30. abstract class RouteDirectives extends RespondWithDirectives
  31. abstract class SchemeDirectives extends RouteDirectives
  32. abstract class SecurityDirectives extends SchemeDirectives
  33. abstract class TimeoutDirectives extends WebSocketDirectives
  34. abstract class WebSocketDirectives extends SecurityDirectives

Value Members

  1. object CachingDirectives
  2. object FramedEntityStreamingDirectives extends FramedEntityStreamingDirectives
  3. object LogEntry
  4. object RouteAdapter
  5. object SecurityDirectives
