
object Unmarshaller extends GenericUnmarshallers with PredefinedFromEntityUnmarshallers with PredefinedFromStringUnmarshallers

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Unmarshaller
  2. PredefinedFromStringUnmarshallers
  3. PredefinedFromEntityUnmarshallers
  4. MultipartUnmarshallers
  5. GenericUnmarshallers
  6. LowerPriorityGenericUnmarshallers
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class EitherUnmarshallingException(rightClass: Class[_], right: Throwable, leftClass: Class[_], left: Throwable) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    Order of parameters (right first, left second) is intentional, since that's the order we evaluate them in.

  2. implicit final class EnhancedFromEntityUnmarshaller[A] extends AnyVal
  3. implicit final class EnhancedUnmarshaller[A, B] extends AnyVal
  4. final class UnsupportedContentTypeException extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    Signals that unmarshalling failed because the entity content-type did not match one of the supported ranges.

    Signals that unmarshalling failed because the entity content-type did not match one of the supported ranges. This error cannot be thrown by custom code, you need to use the forContentTypes modifier on a base akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshaller instead.

Value Members

  1. implicit def CsvSeq[T](implicit unmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, T]): Unmarshaller[String, Seq[T]]
  2. val HexByte: Unmarshaller[String, Byte]
  3. val HexInt: Unmarshaller[String, Int]
  4. val HexLong: Unmarshaller[String, Long]
  5. val HexShort: Unmarshaller[String, Short]
  6. implicit def _fromStringUnmarshallerFromByteStringUnmarshaller[T](implicit bsum: FromByteStringUnmarshaller[T]): Unmarshaller[String, T]
  7. def apply[A, B](f: (ExecutionContext) => (A) => Future[B]): Unmarshaller[A, B]

    Creates an Unmarshaller from the given function.

  8. def bestUnmarshallingCharsetFor(entity: HttpEntity): HttpCharset

    Returns the best charset for unmarshalling the given entity to a character-based representation.

    Returns the best charset for unmarshalling the given entity to a character-based representation. Falls back to UTF-8 if no better alternative can be determined.

  9. implicit val booleanFromStringUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, Boolean]
  10. implicit def byteArrayUnmarshaller: FromEntityUnmarshaller[Array[Byte]]
  11. implicit val byteFromStringUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, Byte]
  12. implicit def byteStringUnmarshaller: FromEntityUnmarshaller[ByteString]
  13. implicit def charArrayUnmarshaller: FromEntityUnmarshaller[Array[Char]]
  14. implicit def defaultMultipartByteRangesUnmarshaller(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = NoLogging, parserSettings: ParserSettings = null): FromEntityUnmarshaller[ByteRanges]
    Definition Classes
  15. implicit def defaultMultipartGeneralUnmarshaller(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = NoLogging, parserSettings: ParserSettings = null): FromEntityUnmarshaller[General]
    Definition Classes
  16. implicit def defaultUrlEncodedFormDataUnmarshaller: FromEntityUnmarshaller[FormData]
  17. implicit val doubleFromStringUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, Double]
  18. implicit def eitherUnmarshaller[L, R](implicit ua: FromEntityUnmarshaller[L], rightTag: ClassTag[R], ub: FromEntityUnmarshaller[R], leftTag: ClassTag[L]): FromEntityUnmarshaller[Either[L, R]]

    Enables using Either to encode the following unmarshalling logic: Attempt unmarshalling the entity as as R first (yielding R), and if it fails attempt unmarshalling as L (yielding Left).

    Enables using Either to encode the following unmarshalling logic: Attempt unmarshalling the entity as as R first (yielding R), and if it fails attempt unmarshalling as L (yielding Left).

    The either unmarshaller only works with strict entities, so make sure to wrap routes that want to use it with toStrictEntity. Otherwise, if a non-strict entity is provided, it will fail with an IllegalArgumentException.

    Note that the Either's "R" type will be attempted first (as Left is often considered as the "failed case" in Either).

    Definition Classes
  19. def firstOf[A, B](unmarshallers: Unmarshaller[A, B]*): Unmarshaller[A, B]

    Helper for creating a "super-unmarshaller" from a sequence of "sub-unmarshallers", which are tried in the given order.

    Helper for creating a "super-unmarshaller" from a sequence of "sub-unmarshallers", which are tried in the given order. The first successful unmarshalling of a "sub-unmarshallers" is the one produced by the "super-unmarshaller".

  20. implicit val floatFromStringUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, Float]
  21. implicit def identityUnmarshaller[T]: Unmarshaller[T, T]
  22. implicit val intFromStringUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, Int]
  23. implicit def liftToSourceOptionUnmarshaller[A, B](um: Unmarshaller[A, B]): Unmarshaller[Option[A], B]
  24. implicit def liftToTargetOptionUnmarshaller[A, B](um: Unmarshaller[A, B]): Unmarshaller[A, Option[B]]
    Definition Classes
  25. implicit val longFromStringUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, Long]
  26. implicit def messageUnmarshallerFromEntityUnmarshaller[T](implicit um: FromEntityUnmarshaller[T]): FromMessageUnmarshaller[T]
  27. def multipartByteRangesUnmarshaller(defaultCharset: HttpCharset)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = NoLogging, parserSettings: ParserSettings = null): FromEntityUnmarshaller[ByteRanges]
    Definition Classes
  28. implicit def multipartFormDataUnmarshaller(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = NoLogging, parserSettings: ParserSettings = null): FromEntityUnmarshaller[FormData]
    Definition Classes
  29. def multipartGeneralUnmarshaller(defaultCharset: HttpCharset)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = NoLogging, parserSettings: ParserSettings = null): FromEntityUnmarshaller[General]
    Definition Classes
  30. def multipartUnmarshaller[T <: Multipart, BP <: BodyPart, BPS <: Strict](mediaRange: MediaRange, defaultContentType: ContentType, createBodyPart: (BodyPartEntity, List[HttpHeader]) => BP, createStreamed: (Multipart, Source[BP, Any]) => T, createStrictBodyPart: (Strict, List[HttpHeader]) => BPS, createStrict: (Multipart, Seq[BPS]) => T)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = NoLogging, parserSettings: ParserSettings = null): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T]
    Definition Classes
  31. implicit val shortFromStringUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, Short]
  32. implicit def sourceOptionUnmarshaller[A, B](implicit um: Unmarshaller[A, B]): Unmarshaller[Option[A], B]
  33. def strict[A, B](f: (A) => B): Unmarshaller[A, B]

    Helper for creating a synchronous Unmarshaller from the given function.

  34. implicit def stringUnmarshaller: FromEntityUnmarshaller[String]
  35. implicit def targetOptionUnmarshaller[A, B](implicit um: Unmarshaller[A, B]): Unmarshaller[A, Option[B]]
    Definition Classes
  36. def urlEncodedFormDataUnmarshaller(ranges: ContentTypeRange*): FromEntityUnmarshaller[FormData]
  37. implicit val uuidFromStringUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String, UUID]
  38. def withMaterializer[A, B](f: (ExecutionContext) => (Materializer) => (A) => Future[B]): Unmarshaller[A, B]
  39. case object NoContentException extends RuntimeException with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable

    Signals that unmarshalling failed because the entity was unexpectedly empty.

  40. object UnsupportedContentTypeException extends Serializable