object HttpEntity

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. HttpEntity
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class Chunk(data: ByteString, extension: String = "") extends ChunkStreamPart with Product with Serializable

    An intermediate entity chunk guaranteed to carry non-empty data.

  2. sealed abstract class ChunkStreamPart extends javadsl.model.HttpEntity.ChunkStreamPart

    An element of the HttpEntity data stream.

    An element of the HttpEntity data stream. Can be either a Chunk or a LastChunk.

  3. final case class Chunked(contentType: ContentType, chunks: Source[ChunkStreamPart, Any]) extends javadsl.model.HttpEntity.Chunked with MessageEntity with Product with Serializable

    The model for the entity of a chunked HTTP message (with Transfer-Encoding: chunked).

  4. final case class CloseDelimited(contentType: ContentType, data: Source[ByteString, Any]) extends javadsl.model.HttpEntity.CloseDelimited with ResponseEntity with WithoutKnownLength with Product with Serializable

    The model for the entity of an HTTP response that is terminated by the server closing the connection.

    The model for the entity of an HTTP response that is terminated by the server closing the connection. The content-length of such responses is unknown at the time the response headers have been received. Note that this type of HttpEntity can only be used for HttpResponses.

  5. final case class Default(contentType: ContentType, contentLength: Long, data: Source[ByteString, Any]) extends javadsl.model.HttpEntity.Default with UniversalEntity with Product with Serializable

    The model for the entity of a "regular" unchunked HTTP message with a known non-zero length.

  6. final class DiscardedEntity extends javadsl.model.HttpMessage.DiscardedEntity

    Represents the currently being-drained HTTP Entity which triggers completion of the contained Future once the entity has been drained for the given HttpMessage completely.

  7. implicit final class HttpEntityScalaDSLSugar extends AnyVal

    Adds Scala DSL idiomatic methods to HttpEntity, e.g.

    Adds Scala DSL idiomatic methods to HttpEntity, e.g. versions of methods with an implicit Materializer.

  8. final case class IndefiniteLength(contentType: ContentType, data: Source[ByteString, Any]) extends javadsl.model.HttpEntity.IndefiniteLength with BodyPartEntity with WithoutKnownLength with Product with Serializable

    The model for the entity of a BodyPart with an indefinite length.

    The model for the entity of a BodyPart with an indefinite length. Note that this type of HttpEntity can only be used for BodyParts.

  9. case class LastChunk(extension: String = "", trailer: Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil) extends ChunkStreamPart with Product with Serializable

    The final chunk of a chunk stream.

    The final chunk of a chunk stream. If you don't need extensions or trailer headers you can save an allocation by directly using the LastChunk companion object.

  10. final case class Strict(contentType: ContentType, data: ByteString) extends javadsl.model.HttpEntity.Strict with UniversalEntity with Product with Serializable

    The model for the entity of a "regular" unchunked HTTP message with known, fixed data.

Value Members

  1. val Empty: Strict
  2. def apply(contentType: ContentType, data: Source[ByteString, Any]): Chunked
  3. def apply(contentType: ContentType, contentLength: Long, data: Source[ByteString, Any]): UniversalEntity
  4. def apply(contentType: ContentType, data: ByteString): Strict
  5. def apply(contentType: ContentType, bytes: Array[Byte]): Strict
  6. def apply(contentType: WithFixedCharset, string: String): Strict
  7. def apply(contentType: NonBinary, string: String): Strict
  8. implicit def apply(data: ByteString): Strict
  9. implicit def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): Strict
  10. implicit def apply(string: String): Strict
  11. def empty(contentType: ContentType): Strict
  12. def fromFile(contentType: ContentType, file: File, chunkSize: Int = -1): UniversalEntity

    Returns either the empty entity, if the given file is empty, or a HttpEntity.Default entity consisting of a stream of akka.util.ByteString instances each containing chunkSize bytes (except for the final ByteString, which simply contains the remaining bytes).

    Returns either the empty entity, if the given file is empty, or a HttpEntity.Default entity consisting of a stream of akka.util.ByteString instances each containing chunkSize bytes (except for the final ByteString, which simply contains the remaining bytes).

    If the given chunkSize is -1 the default chunk size is used.

  13. def fromPath(contentType: ContentType, file: Path, chunkSize: Int = -1): UniversalEntity

    Returns either the empty entity, if the given file is empty, or a HttpEntity.Default entity consisting of a stream of akka.util.ByteString instances each containing chunkSize bytes (except for the final ByteString, which simply contains the remaining bytes).

    Returns either the empty entity, if the given file is empty, or a HttpEntity.Default entity consisting of a stream of akka.util.ByteString instances each containing chunkSize bytes (except for the final ByteString, which simply contains the remaining bytes).

    If the given chunkSize is -1 the default chunk size is used.

  14. object Chunk extends Serializable
  15. object ChunkStreamPart
  16. object Chunked extends Serializable
  17. object LastChunk extends LastChunk

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def limitableByteSource[Mat](source: Source[ByteString, Mat]): Source[ByteString, Mat]

    Deprecated: no-op, not explicitly needed any more.

    Deprecated: no-op, not explicitly needed any more.


    (Since version 10.1.5) Not needed explicitly any more.

  2. def limitableChunkSource[Mat](source: Source[ChunkStreamPart, Mat]): Source[ChunkStreamPart, Mat]

    Deprecated: no-op, not explicitly needed any more.

    Deprecated: no-op, not explicitly needed any more.


    (Since version 10.1.5) Not needed explicitly any more.