
object Http extends ExtensionId[HttpExt] with ExtensionIdProvider

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Http
  2. ExtensionIdProvider
  3. ExtensionId
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type ClientLayer = BidiFlow[HttpRequest, SslTlsOutbound, SslTlsInbound, HttpResponse, NotUsed]

    The type of the client-side HTTP layer as a stand-alone BidiFlow that can be put atop the TCP layer to form an HTTP client.

    The type of the client-side HTTP layer as a stand-alone BidiFlow that can be put atop the TCP layer to form an HTTP client.

    HttpRequest  ~>|      |~> SslTlsOutbound
                   | bidi |
    HttpResponse <~|      |<~ SslTlsInbound
  2. sealed abstract class HostConnectionPool extends Product

    Represents a connection pool to a specific target host and pool configuration.

    Represents a connection pool to a specific target host and pool configuration.

    Not for user extension.

  3. sealed abstract class HttpConnectionTerminated extends HttpTerminated
  4. sealed abstract class HttpServerTerminated extends HttpTerminated
  5. sealed abstract class HttpTerminated extends javadsl.HttpTerminated

    Type used to carry meaningful information when server termination has completed successfully.

    Type used to carry meaningful information when server termination has completed successfully.

  6. final case class IncomingConnection(localAddress: InetSocketAddress, remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, _flow: Flow[HttpResponse, HttpRequest, ServerTerminator]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents one accepted incoming HTTP connection.

  7. final case class OutgoingConnection(localAddress: InetSocketAddress, remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a prospective outgoing HTTP connection.

  8. final case class ServerBinding(localAddress: InetSocketAddress)(unbindAction: () => Future[Unit], terminateAction: (FiniteDuration) => Future[HttpTerminated]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a prospective HTTP server binding.

    Represents a prospective HTTP server binding.


    The local address of the endpoint bound by the materialization of the connections

  9. type ServerLayer = BidiFlow[HttpResponse, SslTlsOutbound, SslTlsInbound, HttpRequest, NotUsed]

    The type of the server-side HTTP layer as a stand-alone BidiFlow that can be put atop the TCP layer to form an HTTP server.

    The type of the server-side HTTP layer as a stand-alone BidiFlow that can be put atop the TCP layer to form an HTTP server.

    HttpResponse ~>|      |~> SslTlsOutbound
                   | bidi |
    HttpRequest  <~|      |<~ SslTlsInbound
  10. type WebSocketClientLayer = BidiFlow[Message, SslTlsOutbound, SslTlsInbound, Message, Future[WebSocketUpgradeResponse]]

    The type of the client-side WebSocket layer as a stand-alone BidiFlow that can be put atop the TCP layer to form an HTTP client.

    The type of the client-side WebSocket layer as a stand-alone BidiFlow that can be put atop the TCP layer to form an HTTP client.

    ws.Message   ~>|      |~> SslTlsOutbound
                   | bidi |
    ws.Message   <~|      |<~ SslTlsInbound

Value Members

  1. def apply(system: ActorSystem): HttpExt
    Definition Classes
    Http → ExtensionId
  2. def apply()(implicit system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): HttpExt
  3. def apply(system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): HttpExt
    Definition Classes
  4. def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): HttpExt
    Definition Classes
    Http → ExtensionId
  5. final def equals(other: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    ExtensionId → AnyRef → Any
  6. def get(system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): HttpExt
    Definition Classes
  7. def get(system: ActorSystem): HttpExt
    Definition Classes
  8. final def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    ExtensionId → AnyRef → Any
  9. def lookup(): Http
    Definition Classes
    Http → ExtensionIdProvider
  10. object HttpConnectionTerminated extends HttpConnectionTerminated
  11. object HttpServerTerminated extends HttpServerTerminated