package util
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- abstract class ApplyConverter[L] extends AnyRef
ApplyConverter allows generic conversion of functions of type
(T1, T2, ...) => Route
to(TupleX(T1, T2, ...)) => Route
. - trait BinaryPolyFunc extends AnyRef
Allows the definition of binary poly-functions (e.g.
Allows the definition of binary poly-functions (e.g. for folding over tuples).
Note: the poly-function implementation seen here is merely a stripped down version of what Miles Sabin made available with his awesome shapeless library. All credit goes to him!
- trait ClassMagnet[T] extends AnyRef
A magnet that wraps a ClassTag
- trait ConstructFromTuple[T, R] extends (T) => R
Constructor for instances of type
which can be created from a tuple of typeT
. - sealed trait Tuple[T] extends AnyRef
Phantom type providing implicit evidence that a given type is a Tuple or Unit.
- final class TupleOps[T] extends AnyVal
- trait Tupler[T] extends AnyRef
Provides a way to convert a value into an Tuple.
Provides a way to convert a value into an Tuple. If the value is already a Tuple then it is returned unchanged, otherwise it's wrapped in a Tuple1 instance.
Value Members
- object ApplyConverter extends ApplyConverterInstances
- object BinaryPolyFunc
- object ClassMagnet
- object ConstructFromTuple extends ConstructFromTupleInstances
- object Tuple
- object TupleOps
- object Tupler extends LowerPriorityTupler