trait ParameterDirectives extends ToNameReceptacleEnhancements

Linear Supertypes
ToNameReceptacleEnhancements, AnyRef, Any
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. ParameterDirectives
  2. ToNameReceptacleEnhancements
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Parameter directives

  1. def parameter(pdm: ParamMagnet): Out

    Extracts a query parameter value from the request.

    Extracts a query parameter value from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Due to a bug in Scala 2.10, invocations of this method sometimes fail to compile with an "too many arguments for method parameter" or "type mismatch" error.

    As a workaround add an import ParameterDirectives.ParamMagnet or use Scala 2.11.x.

  2. def parameterMap: Directive1[Map[String, String]]

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Map[String, String].

  3. def parameterMultiMap: Directive1[Map[String, List[String]]]

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Map[String, List[String]].

  4. def parameterSeq: Directive1[Seq[(String, String)]]

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Seq[(String, String)].

  5. def parameters(pdm: ParamMagnet): Out

    Extracts a number of query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts a number of query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Due to a bug in Scala 2.10, invocations of this method sometimes fail to compile with an "too many arguments for method parameters" or "type mismatch" error.

    As a workaround add an import ParameterDirectives.ParamMagnet or use Scala 2.11.x.


  1. implicit def _string2NR(string: String): NameReceptacle[String]
    Definition Classes
  2. implicit def _symbol2NR(symbol: Symbol): NameReceptacle[String]
    Definition Classes