object Directive

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Directive
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. implicit final class Directive0Support extends AnyVal

    Adds helper functions to Directive0

  2. implicit final class SingleValueTransformers[T] extends AnyVal

    "Standard" transformers for Directive1.

    "Standard" transformers for Directive1. Easier to use than tmap, tflatMap, etc. defined on Directive itself, because they provide transparent conversion from Tuple1.

Value Members

  1. val Empty: Directive0

    A Directive that always passes the request on to its inner route (i.e.

    A Directive that always passes the request on to its inner route (i.e. does nothing).

  2. def SingleValueModifiers[T](underlying: Directive1[T]): SingleValueModifiers[T]

    previous, non-value class implementation kept around for binary compatibility TODO: remove with next binary incompatible release bump

    previous, non-value class implementation kept around for binary compatibility TODO: remove with next binary incompatible release bump


  3. implicit def addByNameNullaryApply(directive: Directive0): (⇒ Route) ⇒ Route

    Adds apply to Directive0.

    Adds apply to Directive0. Note: The apply parameter is call-by-name to ensure consistent execution behavior with the directives producing extractions.

  4. implicit def addDirectiveApply[L](directive: Directive[L])(implicit hac: ApplyConverter[L]): (In) ⇒ Route

    Adds apply to all Directives with 1 or more extractions, which allows specifying an n-ary function to receive the extractions instead of a Function1[TupleX, Route].

  5. def apply[T](f: ((T) ⇒ Route) ⇒ Route)(implicit arg0: Tuple[T]): Directive[T]

    Constructs a directive from a function literal.