object MediaTypes extends ObjectRegistry[(String, String), MediaType]

Linear Supertypes
ObjectRegistry[(String, String), MediaType], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. MediaTypes
  2. ObjectRegistry
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type FindCustom = (String, String) ⇒ Option[MediaType]

    Function used to find a custom media type.

    Function used to find a custom media type. Called before the predefined media types. Strings will be lowercase.

Value Members

  1. val application/atom+xml: WithOpenCharset
  2. val application/base64: WithOpenCharset
  3. val application/cbor: Binary
  4. val application/gnutar: Binary
  5. val application/grpc+proto: Binary
  6. val application/java-archive: Binary
  7. val application/javascript: WithOpenCharset
  8. val application/json: WithFixedCharset
  9. val application/json-patch+json: WithFixedCharset
  10. val application/lha: Binary
  11. val application/lzx: Binary
  12. val application/merge-patch+json: WithFixedCharset
  13. val application/msword: Binary
  14. val application/octet-stream: Binary
  15. val application/pdf: Binary
  16. val application/postscript: Binary
  17. val application/problem+json: WithFixedCharset
  18. val application/problem+xml: WithOpenCharset
  19. val application/rss+xml: WithOpenCharset
  20. val application/soap+xml: WithOpenCharset
  21. val application/vnd.api+json: WithFixedCharset
  22. val application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml: WithOpenCharset
  23. val application/vnd.google-earth.kmz: Binary
  24. val application/vnd.ms-excel: Binary
  25. val application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  26. val application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  27. val application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  28. val application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  29. val application/vnd.ms-fontobject: Binary
  30. val application/vnd.ms-powerpoint: Binary
  31. val application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.addin.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  32. val application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  33. val application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  34. val application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  35. val application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12: Binary
  36. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart: Binary
  37. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database: Binary
  38. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula: Binary
  39. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics: Binary
  40. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image: Binary
  41. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation: Binary
  42. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet: Binary
  43. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text: Binary
  44. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master: Binary
  45. val application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web: Binary
  46. val application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation: Binary
  47. val application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide: Binary
  48. val application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow: Binary
  49. val application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template: Binary
  50. val application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet: Binary
  51. val application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template: Binary
  52. val application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document: Binary
  53. val application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template: Binary
  54. val application/x-7z-compressed: Binary
  55. val application/x-ace-compressed: Binary
  56. val application/x-apple-diskimage: Binary
  57. val application/x-arc-compressed: Binary
  58. val application/x-bzip: Binary
  59. val application/x-bzip2: Binary
  60. val application/x-chrome-extension: Binary
  61. val application/x-compress: Binary
  62. val application/x-compressed: Binary
  63. val application/x-debian-package: Binary
  64. val application/x-dvi: Binary
  65. val application/x-font-opentype: Binary
  66. val application/x-font-truetype: Binary
  67. val application/x-gtar: Binary
  68. val application/x-gzip: Binary
  69. val application/x-latex: WithOpenCharset
  70. val application/x-rar-compressed: Binary
  71. val application/x-redhat-package-manager: Binary
  72. val application/x-shockwave-flash: Binary
  73. val application/x-tar: Binary
  74. val application/x-tex: Binary
  75. val application/x-texinfo: Binary
  76. val application/x-vrml: WithOpenCharset
  77. val application/x-www-form-urlencoded: WithFixedCharset
  78. val application/x-x509-ca-cert: Binary
  79. val application/x-xpinstall: Binary
  80. val application/xhtml+xml: WithOpenCharset
  81. val application/xml: WithOpenCharset
  82. val application/xml-dtd: WithOpenCharset
  83. val application/zip: Binary
  84. val audio/aiff: Binary
  85. val audio/basic: Binary
  86. val audio/midi: Binary
  87. val audio/mod: Binary
  88. val audio/mpeg: Binary
  89. val audio/ogg: Binary
  90. val audio/voc: Binary
  91. val audio/vorbis: Binary
  92. val audio/voxware: Binary
  93. val audio/wav: Binary
  94. val audio/webm: Binary
  95. val audio/x-psid: Binary
  96. val audio/x-realaudio: Binary
  97. val audio/xm: Binary
  98. val font/woff: Binary
  99. val font/woff2: Binary
  100. def forExtension(ext: String): MediaType
  101. def forExtensionOption(ext: String): Option[MediaType]
  102. def getForKey(key: (String, String)): Option[MediaType]
    Definition Classes
  103. def getForKeyCaseInsensitive(key: String)(implicit conv: <:<[String, (String, String)]): Option[MediaType]
    Definition Classes
  104. val image/gif: Binary
  105. val image/jpeg: Binary
  106. val image/pict: Binary
  107. val image/png: Binary
  108. val image/svg+xml: Binary
  109. val image/svgz: Binary
  110. val image/tiff: Binary
  111. val image/webp: Binary
  112. val image/x-icon: Binary
  113. val image/x-ms-bmp: Binary
  114. val image/x-pcx: Binary
  115. val image/x-pict: Binary
  116. val image/x-quicktime: Binary
  117. val image/x-rgb: Binary
  118. val image/x-xbitmap: Binary
  119. val image/x-xpixmap: Binary
  120. val message/delivery-status: Binary
  121. val message/http: Binary
  122. val message/rfc822: Binary
  123. val multipart/alternative: MediaType.Multipart
  124. val multipart/byteranges: MediaType.Multipart
  125. val multipart/encrypted: MediaType.Multipart
  126. val multipart/form-data: MediaType.Multipart
  127. val multipart/mixed: MediaType.Multipart
  128. val multipart/related: MediaType.Multipart
  129. val multipart/signed: MediaType.Multipart
  130. val text/asp: WithOpenCharset
  131. val text/cache-manifest: WithOpenCharset
  132. val text/calendar: WithOpenCharset
  133. val text/css: WithOpenCharset
  134. val text/csv: WithOpenCharset
  135. val text/event-stream: WithFixedCharset
  136. val text/html: WithOpenCharset
  137. val text/markdown: WithOpenCharset
  138. val text/mcf: WithOpenCharset
  139. val text/plain: WithOpenCharset
  140. val text/richtext: WithOpenCharset
  141. val text/tab-separated-values: WithOpenCharset
  142. val text/uri-list: WithOpenCharset
  143. val text/vnd.wap.wml: WithOpenCharset
  144. val text/vnd.wap.wmlscript: WithOpenCharset
  145. val text/x-asm: WithOpenCharset
  146. val text/x-c: WithOpenCharset
  147. val text/x-component: WithOpenCharset
  148. val text/x-h: WithOpenCharset
  149. val text/x-java-source: WithOpenCharset
  150. val text/x-pascal: WithOpenCharset
  151. val text/x-script: WithOpenCharset
  152. val text/x-scriptcsh: WithOpenCharset
  153. val text/x-scriptelisp: WithOpenCharset
  154. val text/x-scriptksh: WithOpenCharset
  155. val text/x-scriptlisp: WithOpenCharset
  156. val text/x-scriptperl: WithOpenCharset
  157. val text/x-scriptperl-module: WithOpenCharset
  158. val text/x-scriptphyton: WithOpenCharset
  159. val text/x-scriptrexx: WithOpenCharset
  160. val text/x-scriptscheme: WithOpenCharset
  161. val text/x-scriptsh: WithOpenCharset
  162. val text/x-scripttcl: WithOpenCharset
  163. val text/x-scripttcsh: WithOpenCharset
  164. val text/x-scriptzsh: WithOpenCharset
  165. val text/x-server-parsed-html: WithOpenCharset
  166. val text/x-setext: WithOpenCharset
  167. val text/x-sgml: WithOpenCharset
  168. val text/x-speech: WithOpenCharset
  169. val text/x-uuencode: WithOpenCharset
  170. val text/x-vcalendar: WithOpenCharset
  171. val text/x-vcard: WithOpenCharset
  172. val text/xml: WithOpenCharset
  173. val video/avs-video: Binary
  174. val video/divx: Binary
  175. val video/gl: Binary
  176. val video/mp4: Binary
  177. val video/mpeg: Binary
  178. val video/ogg: Binary
  179. val video/quicktime: Binary
  180. val video/webm: Binary
  181. val video/x-dv: Binary
  182. val video/x-flv: Binary
  183. val video/x-motion-jpeg: Binary
  184. val video/x-ms-asf: Binary
  185. val video/x-msvideo: Binary
  186. val video/x-sgi-movie: Binary
  187. object multipart

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val application/excel: Binary

    (Since version 10.1.6) This format is unofficial and should not be used. Use application/vnd.ms-excel instead.

  2. val application/font-woff: Binary

    (Since version 10.1.7) This format is unofficial and should not be used. Use font/woff instead.

  3. val application/mspowerpoint: Binary

    (Since version 10.1.6) This format is unofficial and should not be used. Use application/vnd.ms-powerpoint instead.