


object WebHandler

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. WebHandler
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Value Members

  1. def grpcWebHandler(handlers: List[Function[HttpRequest, CompletionStage[HttpResponse]]], as: ClassicActorSystemProvider, mat: Materializer, corsSettings: CorsSettings): Function[HttpRequest, CompletionStage[HttpResponse]]

    Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler for gRPC services that can be used in for example Http().bind for the generated partial function handlers:

    Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler for gRPC services that can be used in for example Http().bind for the generated partial function handlers:

    • The generated handler supports the application/grpc-web and application/grpc-web-text media types.
    • CORS is implemented for handled servives, including pre-flight requests and request enforcement.
    • If the request s not a CORS pre-flight request, and has an invalid media type, then a _415: Unsupported Media Type_ response is produced.
    • Otherise if the request is not handled by one of the provided handlers, a _404: Not Found_ response is produced.
  2. def grpcWebHandler(handlers: List[Function[HttpRequest, CompletionStage[HttpResponse]]], as: ClassicActorSystemProvider, mat: Materializer): Function[HttpRequest, CompletionStage[HttpResponse]]

    Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler for gRPC services that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handlers:

    Creates a HttpRequest to HttpResponse handler for gRPC services that can be used in for example Http().bindAndHandleAsync for the generated partial function handlers:

    • The generated handler supports the application/grpc-web and application/grpc-web-text media types.
    • CORS is implemented for handled servives, including pre-flight requests and request enforcement.
    • If the request s not a CORS pre-flight request, and has an invalid media type, then a _415: Unsupported Media Type_ response is produced.
    • Otherise if the request is not handled by one of the provided handlers, a _404: Not Found_ response is produced.