object GrpcProtocol


Core definitions for gRPC protocols.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. GrpcProtocol
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class DataFrame(data: ByteString) extends Frame with Product with Serializable

    A data (or message) frame in a gRPC protocol stream.

  2. sealed trait Frame extends AnyRef

    A frame in a logical gRPC protocol stream

  3. case class GrpcProtocolReader(messageEncoding: Codec, decodeSingleFrame: (ByteString) ⇒ ByteString, frameDecoder: Flow[ByteString, Frame, NotUsed]) extends Product with Serializable

    Implements the decoding of the gRPC framing from a physical/transport layer.

  4. case class GrpcProtocolWriter(contentType: ContentType, messageEncoding: Codec, encodeFrame: (Frame) ⇒ ChunkStreamPart, encodeDataToResponse: (ByteString, Seq[HttpHeader], Trailer) ⇒ HttpResponse, frameEncoder: Flow[Frame, ChunkStreamPart, NotUsed]) extends Product with Serializable

    Implements the encoding of a stream of gRPC Frames into a physical/transport layer.

    Implements the encoding of a stream of gRPC Frames into a physical/transport layer.

    This maps the logical gRPC frames into a stream of chunks that can be handled by the HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 transport layer.

  5. case class TrailerFrame(trailers: List[HttpHeader]) extends Frame with Product with Serializable

    A trailer (status headers) frame in a gRPC protocol stream

Value Members

  1. def detect(mediaType: MediaType): Option[GrpcProtocol]

    Detects which gRPC protocol variant is indicated by a mediatype.

    Detects which gRPC protocol variant is indicated by a mediatype.


    a GrpcProtocol matching the request mediatype if known.

  2. def detect(request: HttpRequest): Option[GrpcProtocol]

    Detects which gRPC protocol variant is indicated in a request.

    Detects which gRPC protocol variant is indicated in a request.


    a GrpcProtocol matching the request mediatype if specified and known.

  3. def negotiate(request: HttpRequest): Option[(Try[GrpcProtocolReader], GrpcProtocolWriter)]

    Calculates the gRPC protocol encoding to use for an interaction with a gRPC client.

    Calculates the gRPC protocol encoding to use for an interaction with a gRPC client.


    the client request to respond to.


    the protocol reader for the request, and a protocol writer for the response.