//! An offset store keeps track of the last offset used in relation to
//! an entity, including its entity type. It can be used in various places,
//! for example, when consuming event envelopes from a remote projection, where
//! they be emitted by the consumer out of order. This entity can track such situations.
use akka_persistence_rs::{Offset, PersistenceId};
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// A last offset can comprise of the same offset type value for a number
/// of persistence identifiers.
pub type LastOffset = (Vec<PersistenceId>, Offset);
pub enum Command {
GetLastOffset {
reply_to: oneshot::Sender<Option<LastOffset>>,
GetOffset {
persistence_id: PersistenceId,
reply_to: oneshot::Sender<Option<Offset>>,
SaveOffset {
persistence_id: PersistenceId,
offset: Offset,