package jackson

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class AkkaJacksonModule extends Module with JacksonModule with ActorRefModule with AddressModule with FiniteDurationModule

    Complete module with support for all custom serializers.

  2. final class AkkaSerializationDeserializer extends StdScalarDeserializer[AnyRef] with ActorSystemAccess
  3. final class AkkaSerializationSerializer extends StdScalarSerializer[AnyRef] with ActorSystemAccess
  4. class AkkaStreamJacksonModule extends Module with JacksonModule with StreamRefModule
  5. class AkkaTypedJacksonModule extends Module with JacksonModule with TypedActorRefModule
  6. abstract class JacksonMigration extends AnyRef

    Data migration of old formats to current format can be implemented in a concrete subclass and configured to be used by the JacksonSerializer for a changed class.

    Data migration of old formats to current format can be implemented in a concrete subclass and configured to be used by the JacksonSerializer for a changed class.

    It is used when deserializing data of older version than the JacksonMigration#currentVersion. You implement the transformation of the JSON structure in the JacksonMigration#transform method. If you have changed the class name you should override JacksonMigration#transformClassName and return current class name.

  7. class JacksonObjectMapperFactory extends AnyRef

    Used with JacksonObjectMapperProviderSetup for defining a JacksonObjectMapperProvider that can be passed in when ActorSystem is created rather than creating one from configured class name.

    Used with JacksonObjectMapperProviderSetup for defining a JacksonObjectMapperProvider that can be passed in when ActorSystem is created rather than creating one from configured class name. Create a subclass and override the methods to amend the defaults.

  8. final class JacksonObjectMapperProvider extends Extension

    Registry of shared ObjectMapper instances, each with it's unique bindingName.

  9. final class JacksonObjectMapperProviderSetup extends Setup

    Setup for defining a JacksonObjectMapperProvider that can be passed in when ActorSystem is created rather than creating one from configured class name.

    Setup for defining a JacksonObjectMapperProvider that can be passed in when ActorSystem is created rather than creating one from configured class name. Create a subclass of JacksonObjectMapperFactory and override the methods to amend the defaults.