object AssociationHandle
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.6.0) Classic remoting is deprecated, use Artery
- Source
- Transport.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- AssociationHandle
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- final case class ActorHandleEventListener(actor: ActorRef) extends HandleEventListener with Product with Serializable
Class to convert ordinary akka.actor.ActorRef instances to a HandleEventListener.
Class to convert ordinary akka.actor.ActorRef instances to a HandleEventListener. The adapter will forward event objects as messages to the provided ActorRef.
- sealed trait DisassociateInfo extends AnyRef
Supertype of possible disassociation reasons
- final case class Disassociated(info: DisassociateInfo) extends HandleEvent with DeadLetterSuppression with Product with Serializable
Message sent to the listener registered to an association
Message sent to the listener registered to an association
- info
information about the reason of disassociation
- sealed trait HandleEvent extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
Trait for events that the registered listener for an akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle might receive.
- trait HandleEventListener extends AnyRef
An interface that needs to be implemented by the user of an akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle to listen to association events.
- final case class InboundPayload(payload: ByteString) extends HandleEvent with Product with Serializable
Message sent to the listener registered to an association (via the Promise returned by akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle#readHandlerPromise) when an inbound payload arrives.
Message sent to the listener registered to an association (via the Promise returned by akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle#readHandlerPromise) when an inbound payload arrives.
- payload
The raw bytes that were sent by the remote endpoint.
Value Members
- case object Quarantined extends DisassociateInfo with Product with Serializable
- case object Shutdown extends DisassociateInfo with Product with Serializable
- case object Unknown extends DisassociateInfo with Product with Serializable