
object EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit

Testing of akka.persistence.typed.scaladsl.EventSourcedBehavior implementations. It supports running one command at a time and you can assert that the synchronously returned result is as expected. The result contains the events emitted by the command and the new state after applying the events. It also has support for verifying the reply to a command.

Serialization of commands, events and state are verified automatically.

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait CommandResult[Command, Event, State] extends AnyRef

    The result of running a command.

    The result of running a command.

  2. trait CommandResultWithReply[Command, Event, State, Reply] extends CommandResult[Command, Event, State]

    The result of running a command with a replyTo: ActorRef[R], i.e.

    The result of running a command with a replyTo: ActorRef[R], i.e. the runCommand with a ActorRef[R] => Command parameter.

  3. trait RestartResult[State] extends AnyRef

    The result of restarting the behavior.

    The result of restarting the behavior.

  4. final class SerializationSettings extends AnyRef

    Customization of which serialization checks that are performed.

    Customization of which serialization checks that are performed. equals must be implemented (or using case class) when verifyEquality is enabled.

Value Members

  1. def apply[Command, Event, State](system: ActorSystem[_], behavior: Behavior[Command], serializationSettings: SerializationSettings): EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit[Command, Event, State]

    Factory method to create a new EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit with custom SerializationSettings.

    Factory method to create a new EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit with custom SerializationSettings.

    Note that equals must be implemented (or using case class) in the commands, events and state if verifyEquality is enabled.

  2. def apply[Command, Event, State](system: ActorSystem[_], behavior: Behavior[Command]): EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit[Command, Event, State]

    Factory method to create a new EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit.

  3. val config: Config

    The configuration to be included in the configuration of the ActorSystem.

    The configuration to be included in the configuration of the ActorSystem. Typically used as constructor parameter to ScalaTestWithActorTestKit. The configuration enables the in-memory journal and snapshot storage.

  4. object SerializationSettings