sealed abstract class VersionVector extends ReplicatedData with ReplicatedDataSerialization with RemovedNodePruning

Representation of a Vector-based clock (counting clock), inspired by Lamport logical clocks.

   1) Leslie Lamport (1978). "Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system". Communications of the ACM 21 (7): 558-565.
   2) Friedemann Mattern (1988). "Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems". Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms: pp. 215-226

Based on code from akka.cluster.VectorClock.

This class is immutable, i.e. "modifying" methods return a new instance.

Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. VersionVector
  2. RemovedNodePruning
  3. ReplicatedDataSerialization
  4. Serializable
  5. ReplicatedData
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type T = VersionVector

    The type of the concrete implementation, e.g.

    The type of the concrete implementation, e.g. GSet[A]. To be specified by subclass.

    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def isEmpty: Boolean
  2. abstract def merge(that: VersionVector): VersionVector

    Merges this VersionVector with another VersionVector.

    Merges this VersionVector with another VersionVector. E.g. merges its versioned history.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def modifiedByNodes: Set[UniqueAddress]

    The nodes that have changed the state for this data and would need pruning when such node is no longer part of the cluster.

    The nodes that have changed the state for this data and would need pruning when such node is no longer part of the cluster.

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def needPruningFrom(removedNode: UniqueAddress): Boolean

    Does it have any state changes from a specific node, which has been removed from the cluster.

    Does it have any state changes from a specific node, which has been removed from the cluster.

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def prune(removedNode: UniqueAddress, collapseInto: UniqueAddress): VersionVector

    When the removed node has been removed from the cluster the state changes from that node will be pruned by collapsing the data entries to another node.

    When the removed node has been removed from the cluster the state changes from that node will be pruned by collapsing the data entries to another node.

    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def pruningCleanup(removedNode: UniqueAddress): VersionVector

    Remove data entries from a node that has been removed from the cluster and already been pruned.

    Remove data entries from a node that has been removed from the cluster and already been pruned.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. def :+(node: SelfUniqueAddress): VersionVector

    Increment the version for the node passed as argument.

    Increment the version for the node passed as argument. Returns a new VersionVector.

  2. def <(that: VersionVector): Boolean

    Returns true if this is before that else false.

  3. def <>(that: VersionVector): Boolean

    Returns true if this and that are concurrent else false.

  4. def ==(that: VersionVector): Boolean

    Returns true if this VersionVector has the same history as the 'that' VersionVector else false.

  5. def >(that: VersionVector): Boolean

    Returns true if this is after that else false.

  6. def compareTo(that: VersionVector): Ordering

    Compare two version vectors.

    Compare two version vectors. The outcome will be one of the following:

    1. Version 1 is SAME (==)       as Version 2 iff for all i c1(i) == c2(i)
    2. Version 1 is BEFORE (<)      Version 2 iff for all i c1(i) <= c2(i) and there exist a j such that c1(j) < c2(j)
    3. Version 1 is AFTER (>)       Version 2 iff for all i c1(i) >= c2(i) and there exist a j such that c1(j) > c2(j).
    4. Version 1 is CONCURRENT (<>) to Version 2 otherwise.
  7. def increment(node: SelfUniqueAddress): VersionVector

    Increment the version for the node passed as argument.

    Increment the version for the node passed as argument. Returns a new VersionVector.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def +(node: Cluster): VersionVector

    (Since version 2.5.20) Use :+ that takes a SelfUniqueAddress parameter instead.

  2. def increment(node: Cluster): VersionVector

    (Since version 2.5.20) Use increment that takes a SelfUniqueAddress parameter instead.