object TestPublisher
Provides factory methods for various Publishers.
- Source
- StreamTestKit.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- TestPublisher
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Type Members
- final case class CancelSubscription(subscription: Subscription, cause: Throwable) extends PublisherEvent with Product with Serializable
- class ManualProbe[I] extends Publisher[I]
Implementation of org.reactivestreams.Publisher that allows various assertions.
Implementation of org.reactivestreams.Publisher that allows various assertions. This probe does not track demand. Therefore you need to expect demand before sending elements downstream.
- class Probe[T] extends ManualProbe[T]
Single subscription and demand tracking for TestPublisher.ManualProbe.
- trait PublisherEvent extends DeadLetterSuppression with NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
- final case class RequestMore(subscription: Subscription, elements: Long) extends PublisherEvent with Product with Serializable
- final case class Subscribe(subscription: Subscription) extends PublisherEvent with Product with Serializable
Value Members
- def empty[T](): Publisher[T]
Publisher that signals complete to subscribers, after handing a void subscription.
- def error[T](cause: Throwable): Publisher[T]
Publisher that signals error to subscribers immediately after handing out subscription.
- def lazyEmpty[T]: Publisher[T]
Publisher that subscribes the subscriber and completes after the first request.
- def lazyError[T](cause: Throwable): Publisher[T]
Publisher that subscribes the subscriber and signals error after the first request.
- def manualProbe[T](autoOnSubscribe: Boolean = true)(implicit system: ActorSystem): ManualProbe[T]
Probe that implements org.reactivestreams.Publisher interface.
- def probe[T](initialPendingRequests: Long = 0)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Probe[T]
Probe that implements org.reactivestreams.Publisher interface and tracks demand.
- object ManualProbe
- object Probe
- object SubscriptionDone extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded