


object TestPublisher

Provides factory methods for various Publishers.

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TestPublisher
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class CancelSubscription(subscription: Subscription, cause: Throwable) extends PublisherEvent with Product with Serializable
  2. class ManualProbe[I] extends Publisher[I]

    Implementation of org.reactivestreams.Publisher that allows various assertions.

    Implementation of org.reactivestreams.Publisher that allows various assertions. This probe does not track demand. Therefore you need to expect demand before sending elements downstream.

  3. class Probe[T] extends ManualProbe[T]

    Single subscription and demand tracking for TestPublisher.ManualProbe.

  4. trait PublisherEvent extends DeadLetterSuppression with NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  5. final case class RequestMore(subscription: Subscription, elements: Long) extends PublisherEvent with Product with Serializable
  6. final case class Subscribe(subscription: Subscription) extends PublisherEvent with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. def empty[T](): Publisher[T]

    Publisher that signals complete to subscribers, after handing a void subscription.

  2. def error[T](cause: Throwable): Publisher[T]

    Publisher that signals error to subscribers immediately after handing out subscription.

  3. def lazyEmpty[T]: Publisher[T]

    Publisher that subscribes the subscriber and completes after the first request.

  4. def lazyError[T](cause: Throwable): Publisher[T]

    Publisher that subscribes the subscriber and signals error after the first request.

  5. def manualProbe[T](autoOnSubscribe: Boolean = true)(implicit system: ActorSystem): ManualProbe[T]

    Probe that implements org.reactivestreams.Publisher interface.

  6. def probe[T](initialPendingRequests: Long = 0)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Probe[T]

    Probe that implements org.reactivestreams.Publisher interface and tracks demand.

  7. object ManualProbe
  8. object Probe
  9. object SubscriptionDone extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded