
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package akka
    Definition Classes
  • package pattern

    This package is used as a collection point for usage patterns which involve actors, futures, etc.

    Commonly Used Patterns With Akka

    This package is used as a collection point for usage patterns which involve actors, futures, etc. but are loosely enough coupled to (multiple of) them to present them separately from the core implementation. Currently supported are:

    • ask: create a temporary one-off actor for receiving a reply to a message and complete a scala.concurrent.Future with it; returns said Future.
    • pipeTo: feed eventually computed value of a future to an as a message.
    • pipeToSelection: feed eventually computed value of a future to an as a message.

    In Scala the recommended usage is to import the pattern from the package object:

    import akka.pattern.ask
    ask(actor, message) // use it directly
    actor ask message   // use it by implicit conversion

    For Java the patterns are available as static methods of the akka.pattern.Patterns class:

    import static akka.pattern.Patterns.ask;
    ask(actor, message);
    Definition Classes
  • package internal
    Definition Classes
  • CircuitBreakerTelemetry



trait CircuitBreakerTelemetry extends AnyRef

Service Provider Interface (SPI) for collecting metrics from Circuit Breaker.

Implementations must include a single constructor with two arguments: Circuit Breaker id and ExtendedActorSystem. To setup your implementation, add a setting in your application.conf:

akka.circuit-breaker.telemetry.implementations += com.example.MyMetrics
Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CircuitBreakerTelemetry
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def onCallBreakerOpenFailure(): Unit

    Invoked for each call when the future is completed with akka.pattern.CircuitBreakerOpenException

  2. abstract def onCallFailure(elapsedNanos: Long): Unit

    Invoked for each call when the future is completed with exception, except for scala.concurrent.TimeoutException and akka.pattern.CircuitBreakerOpenException that are handled by separate methods.

    Invoked for each call when the future is completed with exception, except for scala.concurrent.TimeoutException and akka.pattern.CircuitBreakerOpenException that are handled by separate methods.


    the elapsed duration of the call in nanoseconds

  3. abstract def onCallSuccess(elapsedNanos: Long): Unit

    Invoked for each successful call.

    Invoked for each successful call.


    the elapsed duration of the call in nanoseconds

  4. abstract def onCallTimeoutFailure(elapsedNanos: Long): Unit

    Invoked for each call when the future is completed with java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException

    Invoked for each call when the future is completed with java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException


    the elapsed duration of the call in nanoseconds

  5. abstract def onClose(): Unit

    Invoked when the circuit breaker transitions to the close state.

  6. abstract def onHalfOpen(): Unit

    Invoked when the circuit breaker transitions to the half-open state after reset timeout.

  7. abstract def onOpen(): Unit

    Invoked when the circuit breaker transitions to the open state.

  8. abstract def stopped(): Unit

    Called when the circuit breaker is removed, e.g.

    Called when the circuit breaker is removed, e.g. expired due to inactivity. It is also called if the circuit breaker is re-configured, before calling CircuitBreakerTelemetryProvider#start.