
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package akka
    Definition Classes
  • package event
    Definition Classes
  • object Logging

    Main entry point for Akka logging: log levels and message types (aka channels) defined for the main transport medium, the main event bus.

    Main entry point for Akka logging: log levels and message types (aka channels) defined for the main transport medium, the main event bus. The recommended use is to obtain an implementation of the Logging trait with suitable and efficient methods for generating log events:

    val log = Logging(<bus>, <source object>)
    ..."hello world!")

    The source object is used in two fashions: its Class[_] will be part of all log events produced by this logger, plus a string representation is generated which may contain per-instance information, see apply or create below.

    Loggers are attached to the level-specific channels Error, Warning, Info and Debug as appropriate for the configured (or set) log level. If you want to implement your own, make sure to handle these four event types plus the InitializeLogger message which is sent before actually attaching it to the logging bus.

    Logging is configured by setting (some of) the following:

    akka {
      loggers = ["akka.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"] # for example
      loglevel = "INFO"        # used when normal logging ("loggers") has been started
      stdout-loglevel = "WARN" # used during application start-up until normal logging is available

    Definition Classes
  • Debug
  • Debug2
  • Debug3
  • DefaultLogger
  • Error
  • Error2
  • Error3
  • Info
  • Info2
  • Info3
  • InitializeLogger
  • LogEvent
  • LogEventException
  • LogEventWithCause
  • LogEventWithMarker
  • LogLevel
  • LoggerException
  • LoggerInitializationException
  • LoggerInitialized
  • StandardOutLogger
  • StdOutLogger
  • Warning
  • Warning2
  • Warning3
  • Warning4



sealed trait LogEventWithMarker extends LogEvent

INTERNAL API, Marker interface for LogEvents containing Markers, which can be set for example on an slf4j logger

Known Subclasses
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. LogEventWithMarker
  2. LogEvent
  3. NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def level: LogLevel

    The LogLevel of this LogEvent

    The LogLevel of this LogEvent

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def logClass: Class[_]

    The class of the source of this event

    The class of the source of this event

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def logSource: String

    The source of this event

    The source of this event

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def marker: LogMarker

    Marker attribute is nullable due to backward binary compatibility in the class Warning4

  5. abstract def message: Any

    The message, may be any object or null.

    The message, may be any object or null.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. def getMDC: Map[String, Any]

    Java API: Retrieve the contents of the MDC.

    Java API: Retrieve the contents of the MDC.

    Definition Classes
  2. def mdc: MDC

    Extra values for adding to MDC

    Extra values for adding to MDC

    Definition Classes
  3. val thread: Thread

    The thread that created this log event

    The thread that created this log event

    Definition Classes
  4. val timestamp: Long

    When this LogEvent was created according to System.currentTimeMillis

    When this LogEvent was created according to System.currentTimeMillis

    Definition Classes
  5. def toString(): String

    Appends the marker to the Debug/Info/Warning/Error toString representations

    Appends the marker to the Debug/Info/Warning/Error toString representations

    Definition Classes
    LogEventWithMarker → AnyRef → Any