class SigarMetricsCollector extends JmxMetricsCollector
Loads metrics through Hyperic SIGAR and JMX monitoring beans. This loads wider and more accurate range of metrics compared to JmxMetricsCollector by using SIGAR's native OS library.
The constructor will by design throw exception if org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar can't be loaded, due to missing classes or native libraries.
- Source
- MetricsCollector.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- SigarMetricsCollector
- JmxMetricsCollector
- MetricsCollector
- Closeable
- AutoCloseable
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new SigarMetricsCollector(system: ActorSystem)
This constructor is used when creating an instance from configured FQCN
- new SigarMetricsCollector(address: Address, settings: ClusterMetricsSettings)
- new SigarMetricsCollector(address: Address, settings: ClusterMetricsSettings, sigar: SigarProxy)
- new SigarMetricsCollector(address: Address, decayFactor: Double, sigar: SigarProxy)
- address
The of the node being sampled
- decayFactor
how quickly the exponential weighting of past data is decayed
- sigar
the org.hyperic.Sigar instance
Value Members
- def close(): Unit
Releases any native resources associated with this instance.
Releases any native resources associated with this instance.
- Definition Classes
- SigarMetricsCollector → JmxMetricsCollector → Closeable → AutoCloseable
- def cpuCombined(cpuPerc: CpuPerc): Option[Metric]
(SIGAR) Returns the combined CPU sum of User + Sys + Nice + Wait, in percentage.
(SIGAR) Returns the combined CPU sum of User + Sys + Nice + Wait, in percentage. This metric can describe the amount of time the CPU spent executing code during n-interval and how much more it could theoretically. Note that 99% CPU utilization can be optimal or indicative of failure.
In the data stream, this will sometimes return with a valid metric value, and sometimes as a NaN or Infinite. Documented bug 749121 and several others.
Creates a new instance each time.
- def cpuIdle(cpuPerc: CpuPerc): Option[Metric]
(SIGAR) Returns the idle CPU time.
(SIGAR) Returns the idle CPU time. Amount of CPU time left after combined and stolen are removed.
Creates a new instance each time.
- def cpuStolen(cpuPerc: CpuPerc): Option[Metric]
(SIGAR) Returns the stolen CPU time.
(SIGAR) Returns the stolen CPU time. Relevant to virtual hosting environments. For details please see: Wikipedia - CPU time subdivision and Understanding AWS stolen CPU and how it affects your apps
Creates a new instance each time.
- def heapCommitted(heap: MemoryUsage): Option[Metric]
(JMX) Returns the current sum of heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM from all heap memory pools (in bytes).
(JMX) Returns the current sum of heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM from all heap memory pools (in bytes). Creates a new instance each time.
- Definition Classes
- JmxMetricsCollector
- def heapMax(heap: MemoryUsage): Option[Metric]
(JMX) Returns the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that can be used for JVM memory management.
(JMX) Returns the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that can be used for JVM memory management. If not defined the metrics value is None, i.e. never negative. Creates a new instance each time.
- Definition Classes
- JmxMetricsCollector
- def heapMemoryUsage: MemoryUsage
Current heap to be passed in to heapUsed, heapCommitted and heapMax
Current heap to be passed in to heapUsed, heapCommitted and heapMax
- Definition Classes
- JmxMetricsCollector
- def heapUsed(heap: MemoryUsage): Option[Metric]
(JMX) Returns the current sum of heap memory used from all heap memory pools (in bytes).
(JMX) Returns the current sum of heap memory used from all heap memory pools (in bytes). Creates a new instance each time.
- Definition Classes
- JmxMetricsCollector
- def metrics(): Set[Metric]
Generate metrics set.
Generate metrics set. Creates a new instance each time.
- Definition Classes
- SigarMetricsCollector → JmxMetricsCollector
- def processors: Option[Metric]
(JMX) Returns the number of available processors Creates a new instance each time.
(JMX) Returns the number of available processors Creates a new instance each time.
- Definition Classes
- JmxMetricsCollector
- def sample(): NodeMetrics
Samples and collects new data points.
Samples and collects new data points. Creates a new instance each time.
- Definition Classes
- JmxMetricsCollector → MetricsCollector
- def systemLoadAverage: Option[Metric]
(SIGAR) Returns the OS-specific average load on the CPUs in the system, for the past 1 minute.
(SIGAR) Returns the OS-specific average load on the CPUs in the system, for the past 1 minute.
Creates a new instance each time.
- Definition Classes
- SigarMetricsCollector → JmxMetricsCollector