



object ClusterEvent

Domain events published to the event bus. Subscribe with:

Cluster(system).subscribe(actorRef, classOf[ClusterDomainEvent])
Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ClusterEvent
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ClusterDomainEvent extends DeadLetterSuppression

    Marker interface for cluster domain events.

    Marker interface for cluster domain events.

    Not intended for user extension.

  2. final class CurrentClusterState extends Product5[SortedSet[Member], Set[Member], Set[Address], Option[Address], Map[String, Option[Address]]] with Serializable

    Current snapshot state of the cluster.

    Current snapshot state of the cluster. Sent to new subscriber.

  3. sealed trait DataCenterReachabilityEvent extends ClusterDomainEvent

    Marker interface to facilitate subscription of both UnreachableDataCenter and ReachableDataCenter.

  4. final case class LeaderChanged(leader: Option[Address]) extends ClusterDomainEvent with Product with Serializable

    Leader of the cluster data center of this node changed.

    Leader of the cluster data center of this node changed. Published when the state change is first seen on a node.

  5. final case class MemberDowned(member: Member) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable

    Member status changed to MemberStatus.Down and will be removed when all members have seen the Down status.

  6. sealed trait MemberEvent extends ClusterDomainEvent

    Marker interface for membership events.

    Marker interface for membership events. Published when the state change is first seen on a node. The state change was performed by the leader when there was convergence on the leader node, i.e. all members had seen previous state.

  7. final case class MemberExited(member: Member) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable

    Member status changed to MemberStatus.Exiting and will be removed when all members have seen the Exiting status.

  8. final case class MemberJoined(member: Member) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable

    Member status changed to Joining.

  9. final case class MemberLeft(member: Member) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable

    Member status changed to Leaving.

  10. final case class MemberPreparingForShutdown(member: Member) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable
  11. final case class MemberReadyForShutdown(member: Member) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable
  12. final case class MemberRemoved(member: Member, previousStatus: MemberStatus) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable

    Member completely removed from the cluster.

    Member completely removed from the cluster. When previousStatus is MemberStatus.Down the node was removed after being detected as unreachable and downed. When previousStatus is MemberStatus.Exiting the node was removed after graceful leaving and exiting.

  13. final case class MemberUp(member: Member) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable

    Member status changed to Up.

  14. final case class MemberWeaklyUp(member: Member) extends MemberEvent with Product with Serializable

    Member status changed to WeaklyUp.

    Member status changed to WeaklyUp. A joining member can be moved to WeaklyUp if convergence cannot be reached, i.e. there are unreachable nodes. It will be moved to Up when convergence is reached.

  15. sealed trait ReachabilityEvent extends ClusterDomainEvent

    Marker interface to facilitate subscription of both UnreachableMember and ReachableMember.

  16. final case class ReachableDataCenter(dataCenter: DataCenter) extends DataCenterReachabilityEvent with Product with Serializable

    A data center is considered reachable when all members from the data center are reachable

  17. final case class ReachableMember(member: Member) extends ReachabilityEvent with Product with Serializable

    A member is considered as reachable by the failure detector after having been unreachable.

    A member is considered as reachable by the failure detector after having been unreachable.

    See also


  18. final case class RoleLeaderChanged(role: String, leader: Option[Address]) extends ClusterDomainEvent with Product with Serializable

    First member (leader) of the members within a role set (in the same data center as this node, if data centers are used) changed.

    First member (leader) of the members within a role set (in the same data center as this node, if data centers are used) changed. Published when the state change is first seen on a node.

  19. sealed abstract class SubscriptionInitialStateMode extends AnyRef
  20. final case class UnreachableDataCenter(dataCenter: DataCenter) extends DataCenterReachabilityEvent with Product with Serializable

    A data center is considered as unreachable when any members from the data center are unreachable

  21. final case class UnreachableMember(member: Member) extends ReachabilityEvent with Product with Serializable

    A member is considered as unreachable by the failure detector.

Value Members

  1. def getClusterShuttingDownInstance: ClusterShuttingDown

    Java API: get the singleton instance of ClusterShuttingDown event

  2. def initialStateAsEvents: InitialStateAsEvents

    Java API

  3. def initialStateAsSnapshot: InitialStateAsSnapshot

    Java API

  4. case object ClusterShuttingDown extends ClusterDomainEvent with Product with Serializable

    This event is published when the cluster node is shutting down, before the final MemberRemoved events are published.

  5. object CurrentClusterState extends AbstractFunction5[SortedSet[Member], Set[Member], Set[Address], Option[Address], Map[String, Option[Address]], CurrentClusterState] with Serializable
  6. case object InitialStateAsEvents extends SubscriptionInitialStateMode with Product with Serializable

    When using this subscription mode the events corresponding to the current state will be sent to the subscriber to mimic what you would have seen if you were listening to the events when they occurred in the past.

  7. case object InitialStateAsSnapshot extends SubscriptionInitialStateMode with Product with Serializable

    When using this subscription mode a snapshot of akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.CurrentClusterState will be sent to the subscriber as the first message.