
class Settings extends AnyRef

Settings are the overall ActorSystem Settings which also provides a convenient access to the Config object.

For more detailed information about the different possible configuration options, look in the Akka Documentation under "Configuration"

See also

The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Settings
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new Settings(classLoader: ClassLoader, cfg: Config, name: String)
  2. new Settings(classLoader: ClassLoader, cfg: Config, name: String, setup: ActorSystemSetup)

Value Members

  1. final val AddLoggingReceive: Boolean
  2. final val AllowJavaSerialization: Boolean
  3. final val ConfigVersion: String
  4. final val CoordinatedShutdownRunByActorSystemTerminate: Boolean
  5. final val CoordinatedShutdownTerminateActorSystem: Boolean
  6. final val CreationTimeout: Timeout
  7. final val Daemonicity: Boolean
  8. final val DebugAutoReceive: Boolean
  9. final val DebugEventStream: Boolean
  10. final val DebugLifecycle: Boolean
  11. final val DebugRouterMisconfiguration: Boolean
  12. final val DebugUnhandledMessage: Boolean
  13. final val DefaultVirtualNodesFactor: Int
  14. final val FailMixedVersions: Boolean
  15. final val FsmDebugEvent: Boolean
  16. final val HasCluster: Boolean
  17. final val Home: Option[String]
  18. final val JvmExitOnFatalError: Boolean
  19. final val JvmShutdownHooks: Boolean
  20. final val LogConfigOnStart: Boolean
  21. final val LogDeadLetters: Int
  22. final val LogDeadLettersDuringShutdown: Boolean
  23. final val LogDeadLettersSuspendDuration: Duration
  24. final val LogLevel: String
  25. final val LoggerStartTimeout: Timeout
  26. final val Loggers: Seq[String]
  27. final val LoggersDispatcher: String
  28. final val LoggingFilter: String
  29. final val NoSerializationVerificationNeededClassPrefix: Set[String]
  30. final val ProviderClass: String
  31. final val ProviderSelectionType: ProviderSelection
  32. final val SchedulerClass: String
  33. final val SerializeAllCreators: Boolean
  34. final val SerializeAllMessages: Boolean
  35. final val StdoutLogLevel: String
  36. final val SupervisorStrategyClass: String
  37. final val UnstartedPushTimeout: Timeout
  38. final val config: Config

    The backing Config of this ActorSystem's Settings

    The backing Config of this ActorSystem's Settings

    See also

    The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

  39. final val name: String
  40. val setup: ActorSystemSetup
  41. def toString(): String

    Returns the String representation of the Config that this Settings is backed by

    Returns the String representation of the Config that this Settings is backed by

    Definition Classes
    Settings → AnyRef → Any

Deprecated Value Members

  1. final val EnableAdditionalSerializationBindings: Boolean

    (Since version 2.6.0) Always enabled from Akka 2.6.0