


object TestSubscriber

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  1. TestSubscriber
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ManualProbe[I] extends Subscriber[I]

    Implementation of org.reactivestreams.Subscriber that allows various assertions.

    Implementation of org.reactivestreams.Subscriber that allows various assertions.

    All timeouts are dilated automatically, for more details about time dilation refer to akka.testkit.TestKit.

  2. final case class OnError(cause: Throwable) extends SubscriberEvent with Product with Serializable
  3. final case class OnNext[I](element: I) extends SubscriberEvent with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class OnSubscribe(subscription: Subscription) extends SubscriberEvent with Product with Serializable
  5. class Probe[T] extends ManualProbe[T]

    Single subscription tracking for ManualProbe.

  6. trait SubscriberEvent extends DeadLetterSuppression with NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

Value Members

  1. def manualProbe[T]()(implicit system: ActorSystem): ManualProbe[T]

    Probe that implements org.reactivestreams.Subscriber interface.

  2. def probe[T]()(implicit system: ActorSystem): Probe[T]
  3. object OnComplete extends SubscriberEvent with Product with Serializable