object AssociationHandle

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. AssociationHandle
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class ActorHandleEventListener(actor: ActorRef) extends HandleEventListener with Product with Serializable

    Class to convert ordinary akka.actor.ActorRef instances to a HandleEventListener.

    Class to convert ordinary akka.actor.ActorRef instances to a HandleEventListener. The adapter will forward event objects as messages to the provided ActorRef.

  2. sealed trait DisassociateInfo extends AnyRef

    Supertype of possible disassociation reasons

  3. final case class Disassociated(info: DisassociateInfo) extends HandleEvent with DeadLetterSuppression with Product with Serializable

    Message sent to the listener registered to an association

    Message sent to the listener registered to an association


    information about the reason of disassociation

  4. sealed trait HandleEvent extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

    Trait for events that the registered listener for an akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle might receive.

  5. trait HandleEventListener extends AnyRef

    An interface that needs to be implemented by the user of an akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle to listen to association events.

  6. final case class InboundPayload(payload: ByteString) extends HandleEvent with Product with Serializable

    Message sent to the listener registered to an association (via the Promise returned by akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle#readHandlerPromise) when an inbound payload arrives.

    Message sent to the listener registered to an association (via the Promise returned by akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle#readHandlerPromise) when an inbound payload arrives.


    The raw bytes that were sent by the remote endpoint.

Value Members

  1. object Quarantined extends DisassociateInfo with Product with Serializable
  2. object Shutdown extends DisassociateInfo with Product with Serializable
  3. object Unknown extends DisassociateInfo with Product with Serializable