final case class AckedSendBuffer[T <: HasSequenceNumber](capacity: Int, nonAcked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T], nacked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T], maxSeq: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1)) extends Product with Serializable
Implements an immutable resend buffer that buffers messages until they have been acknowledged. Properly removes messages when an ack is received. This buffer works together with akka.remote.AckedReceiveBuffer on the receiving end.
- capacity
Maximum number of messages the buffer is willing to accept. If reached akka.remote.ResendBufferCapacityReachedException is thrown.
- nonAcked
Sequence of messages that has not yet been acknowledged.
- nacked
Sequence of messages that has been explicitly negative acknowledged.
- maxSeq
The maximum sequence number that has been stored in this buffer. Messages having lower sequence number will be not stored but rejected with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- Source
- AckedDelivery.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- AckedSendBuffer
- Serializable
- Serializable
- Product
- Equals
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
AckedSendBuffer(capacity: Int, nonAcked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T], nacked: IndexedSeq[T] = Vector.empty[T], maxSeq: SeqNo = SeqNo(-1))
- capacity
Maximum number of messages the buffer is willing to accept. If reached akka.remote.ResendBufferCapacityReachedException is thrown.
- nonAcked
Sequence of messages that has not yet been acknowledged.
- nacked
Sequence of messages that has been explicitly negative acknowledged.
- maxSeq
The maximum sequence number that has been stored in this buffer. Messages having lower sequence number will be not stored but rejected with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Value Members
acknowledge(ack: Ack): AckedSendBuffer[T]
Processes an incoming acknowledgement and returns a new buffer with only unacknowledged elements remaining.
Processes an incoming acknowledgement and returns a new buffer with only unacknowledged elements remaining.
- ack
The received acknowledgement
- returns
An updated buffer containing the remaining unacknowledged messages
buffer(msg: T): AckedSendBuffer[T]
Puts a new message in the buffer.
Puts a new message in the buffer. Throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if an out-of-sequence message is attempted to be stored.
- msg
The message to be stored for possible future retransmission.
- returns
The updated buffer
- val capacity: Int
- val maxSeq: SeqNo
- val nacked: IndexedSeq[T]
- val nonAcked: IndexedSeq[T]
toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AckedSendBuffer → AnyRef → Any