object RemoveInternalClusterShardingData
Utility program that removes the internal data stored with Akka Persistence
by the Cluster ShardCoordinator
. The data contains the locations of the
shards using Akka Persistence and it can safely be removed when restarting
the whole Akka Cluster. Note that this is not application data.
Never use this program while there are running Akka Cluster that is using Cluster Sharding. Stop all Cluster nodes before using this program.
It can be needed to remove the data if the Cluster ShardCoordinator
cannot startup because of corrupt data, which may happen if accidentally
two clusters were running at the same time, e.g. caused by using auto-down
and there was a network partition.
Use this program as a standalone Java main program:
java -classpath <jar files, including akka-cluster-sharding>
-2.3 entityType1 entityType2 entityType3
The program is included in the akka-cluster-sharding
jar file. It
is easiest to run it with same classpath and configuration as your ordinary
application. It can be run from sbt or maven in similar way.
Specify the entity type names (same as you use in the start
of ClusterSharding
) as program arguments.
If you specify -2.3
as the first program argument it will also try
to remove data that was stored by Cluster Sharding in Akka 2.3.x using
different persistenceId.
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- RemoveInternalClusterShardingData
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Value Members
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit
remove(system: ActorSystem, journalPluginId: String, typeNames: Set[String], remove2dot3Data: Boolean): Future[Unit]
API corresponding to the #main method as described in the RemoveInternalClusterShardingData companion object