
object UnpersistentBehavior

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. UnpersistentBehavior
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class DurableState[Command, State](behavior: Behavior[Command], stateProbe: PersistenceProbe[State]) extends UnpersistentBehavior[Command, State] with Product with Serializable
  2. final case class EventSourced[Command, Event, State](behavior: Behavior[Command], eventProbe: PersistenceProbe[Event], stateProbe: PersistenceProbe[State]) extends UnpersistentBehavior[Command, State] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. def fromDurableState[Command, State](behavior: Behavior[Command], initialState: Option[State] = None): DurableState[Command, State]
  2. def fromEventSourced[Command, Event, State](behavior: Behavior[Command], initialState: State): EventSourced[Command, Event, State]
  3. def fromEventSourced[Command, Event, State](behavior: Behavior[Command], initialStateAndSequenceNr: Option[(State, Long)] = None): EventSourced[Command, Event, State]

    Given an EventSourcedBehavior, produce a non-persistent Behavior which synchronously publishes events and snapshots for inspection.

    Given an EventSourcedBehavior, produce a non-persistent Behavior which synchronously publishes events and snapshots for inspection. State is updated as in the EventSourcedBehavior, and side effects are performed synchronously. The resulting Behavior is, contingent on the command handling, event handling, and side effects being compatible with the BehaviorTestKit, testable with the BehaviorTestKit.

    The returned Behavior does not intrinsically depend on configuration: it therefore does not serialize and assumes an unbounded stash for commands.