final class JacksonObjectMapperProvider extends Extension

Registry of shared ObjectMapper instances, each with it's unique bindingName.

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. JacksonObjectMapperProvider
  2. Extension
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new JacksonObjectMapperProvider(system: ExtendedActorSystem)

Value Members

  1. def create(bindingName: String, jsonFactory: Optional[JsonFactory]): ObjectMapper

    Java API: Creates a new instance of a Jackson ObjectMapper with sensible defaults and modules configured in akka.serialization.jackson.jackson-modules.

    Java API: Creates a new instance of a Jackson ObjectMapper with sensible defaults and modules configured in akka.serialization.jackson.jackson-modules. It's using JacksonObjectMapperProviderSetup if the ActorSystem is started with such


    name of this ObjectMapper


    optional JsonFactory such as CBORFactory, for plain JSON None (defaults) can be used

    See also


  2. def create(bindingName: String, jsonFactory: Option[JsonFactory]): ObjectMapper

    Scala API: Creates a new instance of a Jackson ObjectMapper with sensible defaults and modules configured in akka.serialization.jackson.jackson-modules.

    Scala API: Creates a new instance of a Jackson ObjectMapper with sensible defaults and modules configured in akka.serialization.jackson.jackson-modules. It's using JacksonObjectMapperProviderSetup if the ActorSystem is started with such


    name of this ObjectMapper


    optional JsonFactory such as CBORFactory, for plain JSON None (defaults) can be used

    See also


  3. def getOrCreate(bindingName: String, jsonFactory: Optional[JsonFactory]): ObjectMapper

    Java API: Returns an existing Jackson ObjectMapper that was created previously with this method, or creates a new instance.

    Java API: Returns an existing Jackson ObjectMapper that was created previously with this method, or creates a new instance.

    The ObjectMapper is created with sensible defaults and modules configured in akka.serialization.jackson.jackson-modules. It's using JacksonObjectMapperProviderSetup if the ActorSystem is started with such

    The returned ObjectMapper must not be modified, because it may already be in use and such modifications are not thread-safe.


    name of this ObjectMapper


    optional JsonFactory such as CBORFactory, for plain JSON None (defaults) can be used

  4. def getOrCreate(bindingName: String, jsonFactory: Option[JsonFactory]): ObjectMapper

    Scala API: Returns an existing Jackson ObjectMapper that was created previously with this method, or creates a new instance.

    Scala API: Returns an existing Jackson ObjectMapper that was created previously with this method, or creates a new instance.

    The ObjectMapper is created with sensible defaults and modules configured in akka.serialization.jackson.jackson-modules. It's using JacksonObjectMapperProviderSetup if the ActorSystem is started with such

    The returned ObjectMapper must not be modified, because it may already be in use and such modifications are not thread-safe.


    name of this ObjectMapper


    optional JsonFactory such as CBORFactory, for plain JSON None (defaults) can be used