
class PersistenceQuery extends PersistencePlugin[ReadJournal, ReadJournal, ReadJournalProvider] with Extension

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. PersistenceQuery
  2. Extension
  3. PersistencePlugin
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new PersistenceQuery(system: ExtendedActorSystem)

Value Members

  1. final def getReadJournalFor[T <: ReadJournal](clazz: Class[T], readJournalPluginId: String): T
  2. final def getReadJournalFor[T <: ReadJournal](clazz: Class[T], readJournalPluginId: String, readJournalPluginConfig: Config): T

    Java API: Returns the akka.persistence.query.javadsl.ReadJournal specified by the given read journal configuration entry.

  3. final def readJournalFor[T <: ReadJournal](readJournalPluginId: String): T

    Scala API: Returns the akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.ReadJournal specified by the given read journal configuration entry.

  4. final def readJournalFor[T <: ReadJournal](readJournalPluginId: String, readJournalPluginConfig: Config): T

    Scala API: Returns the akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.ReadJournal specified by the given read journal configuration entry.

    Scala API: Returns the akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.ReadJournal specified by the given read journal configuration entry.

    The provided readJournalPluginConfig will be used to configure the journal plugin instead of the actor system config.