
trait FlowOps[+Out, +Mat] extends AnyRef

Scala API: Operations offered by Sources and Flows with a free output side: the DSL flows left-to-right only.

INTERNAL API: this trait will be changed in binary-incompatible ways for classes that are derived from it! Do not implement this interface outside the Akka code base!

Binary compatibility is only maintained for callers of this trait’s interface.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. FlowOps
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract type Closed
  2. abstract type Repr[+O] <: FlowOps[O, Mat] { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def addAttributes(attr: Attributes): Repr[Out]
  2. abstract def async: Repr[Out]

    Put an asynchronous boundary around this Flow.

    Put an asynchronous boundary around this Flow.

    If this is a SubFlow (created e.g. by groupBy), this creates an asynchronous boundary around each materialized sub-flow, not the super-flow. That way, the super-flow will communicate with sub-flows asynchronously.

  3. abstract def named(name: String): Repr[Out]
  4. abstract def to[Mat2](sink: Graph[SinkShape[Out], Mat2]): Closed

    Connect this Flow to a Sink, concatenating the processing steps of both.

    Connect this Flow to a Sink, concatenating the processing steps of both.

        | Resulting Sink[In, Mat]      |
        |                              |
        |  +------+          +------+  |
        |  |      |          |      |  |
    In ~~> | flow | ~~Out~~> | sink |  |
        |  |   Mat|          |     M|  |
        |  +------+          +------+  |

    The materialized value of the combined Sink will be the materialized value of the current flow (ignoring the given Sink’s value), use toMat if a different strategy is needed.

    See also FlowOpsMat.toMat when access to materialized values of the parameter is needed.

  5. abstract def via[T, Mat2](flow: Graph[FlowShape[Out, T], Mat2]): Repr[T]

    Transform this Flow by appending the given processing steps.

    Transform this Flow by appending the given processing steps.

        | Resulting Flow[In, T, Mat]  |
        |                                 |
        |  +------+             +------+  |
        |  |      |             |      |  |
    In ~~> | this |  ~~Out~~>   | flow | ~~> T
        |  |   Mat|             |     M|  |
        |  +------+             +------+  |

    The materialized value of the combined Flow will be the materialized value of the current flow (ignoring the other Flow’s value), use viaMat if a different strategy is needed.

    See also FlowOpsMat.viaMat when access to materialized values of the parameter is needed.

  6. abstract def withAttributes(attr: Attributes): Repr[Out]

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def +(other: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FlowOps[Out, Mat] toany2stringadd[FlowOps[Out, Mat]] performed by method any2stringadd in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  4. def ++[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M]): Repr[U]

    Concatenates this Flow with the given Source so the first element emitted by that source is emitted after the last element of this flow.

    Concatenates this Flow with the given Source so the first element emitted by that source is emitted after the last element of this flow.

    This is a shorthand for concat

  5. def ->[B](y: B): (FlowOps[Out, Mat], B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FlowOps[Out, Mat] toArrowAssoc[FlowOps[Out, Mat]] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  6. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  7. def aggregateWithBoundary[Agg, Emit](allocate: () => Agg)(aggregate: (Agg, Out) => (Agg, Boolean), harvest: (Agg) => Emit, emitOnTimer: Option[((Agg) => Boolean, FiniteDuration)]): Repr[Emit]

    Aggregate input elements into an arbitrary data structure that can be completed and emitted downstream when custom condition is met which can be triggered by aggregate or timer.

    Aggregate input elements into an arbitrary data structure that can be completed and emitted downstream when custom condition is met which can be triggered by aggregate or timer. It can be thought of a more general groupedWeightedWithin.

    Emits when the aggregation function decides the aggregate is complete or the timer function returns true

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures and the aggregate is complete

    Completes when upstream completes and the last aggregate has been emitted downstream

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    allocate the initial data structure for aggregated elements


    update the aggregated elements, return true if ready to emit after update.


    this is invoked before emit within the current stage/operator


    decide whether the current aggregated elements can be emitted, the custom function is invoked on every interval

  8. def alsoTo(that: Graph[SinkShape[Out], _]): Repr[Out]

    Attaches the given Sink to this Source, meaning that elements that pass through will also be sent to the Sink.

    Attaches the given Sink to this Source, meaning that elements that pass through will also be sent to the Sink.

    It is similar to #wireTap but will backpressure instead of dropping elements when the given Sink is not ready.

    Emits when element is available and demand exists both from the Sink and the downstream.

    Backpressures when downstream or Sink backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream or Sink cancels

  9. def alsoToAll(those: Graph[SinkShape[Out], _]*): Repr[Out]

    Attaches the given Sinks to this Source, meaning that elements that pass through will also be sent to the Sink.

    Attaches the given Sinks to this Source, meaning that elements that pass through will also be sent to the Sink.

    It is similar to #wireTap but will backpressure instead of dropping elements when the given Sinks is not ready.

    Emits when element is available and demand exists both from the Sinks and the downstream.

    Backpressures when downstream or any of the Sinks backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream or any of the Sinks cancels

  10. def alsoToGraph[M](that: Graph[SinkShape[Out], M]): Graph[FlowShape[Out, Out], M]
  11. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  12. def ask[S](parallelism: Int)(ref: ActorRef)(implicit timeout: Timeout, tag: ClassTag[S]): Repr[S]

    Use the ask pattern to send a request-reply message to the target ref actor.

    Use the ask pattern to send a request-reply message to the target ref actor. If any of the asks times out it will fail the stream with a akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException.

    Do not forget to include the expected response type in the method call, like so:

    flow.ask[ExpectedReply](parallelism = 4)(ref)

    otherwise Nothing will be assumed, which is most likely not what you want.

    Parallelism limits the number of how many asks can be "in flight" at the same time. Please note that the elements emitted by this operator are in-order with regards to the asks being issued (i.e. same behaviour as mapAsync).

    The operator fails with an if the target actor is terminated, or with an java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException in case the ask exceeds the timeout passed in.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the futures (in submission order) created by the ask pattern internally are completed

    Backpressures when the number of futures reaches the configured parallelism and the downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and all futures have been completed and all elements have been emitted

    Fails when the passed in actor terminates, or a timeout is exceeded in any of the asks performed

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  13. def ask[S](ref: ActorRef)(implicit timeout: Timeout, tag: ClassTag[S]): Repr[S]

    Use the ask pattern to send a request-reply message to the target ref actor.

    Use the ask pattern to send a request-reply message to the target ref actor. If any of the asks times out it will fail the stream with a akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException.

    Do not forget to include the expected response type in the method call, like so:


    otherwise Nothing will be assumed, which is most likely not what you want.

    Defaults to parallelism of 2 messages in flight, since while one ask message may be being worked on, the second one still be in the mailbox, so defaulting to sending the second one a bit earlier than when first ask has replied maintains a slightly healthier throughput.

    Similar to the plain ask pattern, the target actor is allowed to reply with akka.util.Status. An akka.util.Status#Failure will cause the operator to fail with the cause carried in the Failure message.

    The operator fails with an if the target actor is terminated.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the futures (in submission order) created by the ask pattern internally are completed

    Backpressures when the number of futures reaches the configured parallelism and the downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and all futures have been completed and all elements have been emitted

    Fails when the passed in actor terminates, or a timeout is exceeded in any of the asks performed

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  14. def backpressureTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): Repr[Out]

    If the time between the emission of an element and the following downstream demand exceeds the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a

    If the time between the emission of an element and the following downstream demand exceeds the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a The timeout is checked periodically, so the resolution of the check is one period (equals to timeout value).

    Emits when upstream emits an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or fails if timeout elapses between element emission and downstream demand.

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  15. def batch[S](max: Long, seed: (Out) => S)(aggregate: (S, Out) => S): Repr[S]

    Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by aggregating elements into batches until the subscriber is ready to accept them.

    Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by aggregating elements into batches until the subscriber is ready to accept them. For example a batch step might store received elements in an array up to the allowed max limit if the upstream publisher is faster.

    This only rolls up elements if the upstream is faster, but if the downstream is faster it will not duplicate elements.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when downstream stops backpressuring and there is an aggregated element available

    Backpressures when there are max batched elements and 1 pending element and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and there is no batched/pending element waiting

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.conflateWithSeed, FlowOps.batchWeighted


    maximum number of elements to batch before backpressuring upstream (must be positive non-zero)


    Provides the first state for a batched value using the first unconsumed element as a start


    Takes the currently batched value and the current pending element to produce a new aggregate

  16. def batchWeighted[S](max: Long, costFn: (Out) => Long, seed: (Out) => S)(aggregate: (S, Out) => S): Repr[S]

    Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by aggregating elements into batches until the subscriber is ready to accept them.

    Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by aggregating elements into batches until the subscriber is ready to accept them. For example a batch step might concatenate ByteString elements up to the allowed max limit if the upstream publisher is faster.

    This element only rolls up elements if the upstream is faster, but if the downstream is faster it will not duplicate elements.

    Batching will apply for all elements, even if a single element cost is greater than the total allowed limit. In this case, previous batched elements will be emitted, then the "heavy" element will be emitted (after being applied with the seed function) without batching further elements with it, and then the rest of the incoming elements are batched.

    Emits when downstream stops backpressuring and there is a batched element available

    Backpressures when there are max weighted batched elements + 1 pending element and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and there is no batched/pending element waiting

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.conflateWithSeed, FlowOps.batch


    maximum weight of elements to batch before backpressuring upstream (must be positive non-zero)


    a function to compute a single element weight


    Provides the first state for a batched value using the first unconsumed element as a start


    Takes the currently batched value and the current pending element to produce a new batch

  17. def buffer(size: Int, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy): Repr[Out]

    Adds a fixed size buffer in the flow that allows to store elements from a faster upstream until it becomes full.

    Adds a fixed size buffer in the flow that allows to store elements from a faster upstream until it becomes full. Depending on the defined it might drop elements or backpressure the upstream if there is no space available

    Emits when downstream stops backpressuring and there is a pending element in the buffer

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or depending on OverflowStrategy:

    • Backpressure - backpressures when buffer is full
    • DropHead, DropTail, DropBuffer - never backpressures
    • Fail - fails the stream if buffer gets full

    Completes when upstream completes and buffered elements have been drained

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    The size of the buffer in element count


    Strategy that is used when incoming elements cannot fit inside the buffer

  18. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  19. def collect[T](pf: PartialFunction[Out, T]): Repr[T]

    Transform this stream by applying the given partial function to each of the elements on which the function is defined as they pass through this processing step.

    Transform this stream by applying the given partial function to each of the elements on which the function is defined as they pass through this processing step. Non-matching elements are filtered out.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the provided partial function is defined for the element

    Backpressures when the partial function is defined for the element and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  20. def collectType[T](implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Repr[T]

    Transform this stream by testing the type of each of the elements on which the element is an instance of the provided type as they pass through this processing step.

    Transform this stream by testing the type of each of the elements on which the element is an instance of the provided type as they pass through this processing step.

    Non-matching elements are filtered out.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the element is an instance of the provided type

    Backpressures when the element is an instance of the provided type and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  21. def completionTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): Repr[Out]

    If the completion of the stream does not happen until the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a

    If the completion of the stream does not happen until the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a

    Emits when upstream emits an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or fails if timeout elapses before upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  22. def concat[U >: Out, Mat2](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2]): Repr[U]

    Concatenate the given Source to this Flow, meaning that once this Flow’s input is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, the Source’s elements will be produced.

    Concatenate the given Source to this Flow, meaning that once this Flow’s input is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, the Source’s elements will be produced.

    Note that the Source is materialized together with this Flow and is "detached" meaning it will in effect behave as a one element buffer in front of both the sources, that eagerly demands an element on start (so it can not be combined with Source.lazy to defer materialization of that).

    The second source is then kept from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes.

    When needing a concat operator that is not detached use #concatLazy

    If this Flow gets upstream error - no elements from the given Source will be pulled.

    Emits when element is available from current stream or from the given Source when current is completed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when given Source completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  23. def concatAllLazy[U >: Out](those: Graph[SourceShape[U], _]*): Repr[U]

    Concatenate the given Sources to this Flow, meaning that once this Flow’s input is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, the Sources' elements will be produced.

    Concatenate the given Sources to this Flow, meaning that once this Flow’s input is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, the Sources' elements will be produced.

    Note that the Sources are materialized together with this Flow. If lazy materialization is what is needed the operator can be combined with for example Source.lazySource to defer materialization of that until the time when this source completes.

    The second source is then kept from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes.

    For a concat operator that is detached, use #concat

    If this Flow gets upstream error - no elements from the given Sources will be pulled.

    Emits when element is available from current stream or from the given Sources when current is completed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when given all those Sources completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  24. def concatGraph[U >: Out, Mat2](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2], detached: Boolean): Graph[FlowShape[Out, U], Mat2]
  25. def concatLazy[U >: Out, Mat2](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2]): Repr[U]

    Concatenate the given Source to this Flow, meaning that once this Flow’s input is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, the Source’s elements will be produced.

    Concatenate the given Source to this Flow, meaning that once this Flow’s input is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, the Source’s elements will be produced.

    Note that the Source is materialized together with this Flow. If lazy materialization is what is needed the operator can be combined with for example Source.lazySource to defer materialization of that until the time when this source completes.

    The second source is then kept from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes.

    For a concat operator that is detached, use #concat

    If this Flow gets upstream error - no elements from the given Source will be pulled.

    Emits when element is available from current stream or from the given Source when current is completed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when given Source completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  26. def conflate[O2 >: Out](aggregate: (O2, O2) => O2): Repr[O2]

    Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by conflating elements into a summary until the subscriber is ready to accept them.

    Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by conflating elements into a summary until the subscriber is ready to accept them. For example a conflate step might average incoming numbers if the upstream publisher is faster.

    This version of conflate does not change the output type of the stream. See FlowOps.conflateWithSeed for a more flexible version that can take a seed function and transform elements while rolling up.

    This element only rolls up elements if the upstream is faster, but if the downstream is faster it will not duplicate elements.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when downstream stops backpressuring and there is a conflated element available

    Backpressures when never

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    Takes the currently aggregated value and the current pending element to produce a new aggregate See also FlowOps.conflate, FlowOps.limit, FlowOps.limitWeighted FlowOps.batch FlowOps.batchWeighted

  27. def conflateWithSeed[S](seed: (Out) => S)(aggregate: (S, Out) => S): Repr[S]

    Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by conflating elements into a summary until the subscriber is ready to accept them.

    Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by conflating elements into a summary until the subscriber is ready to accept them. For example a conflate step might average incoming numbers if the upstream publisher is faster.

    This version of conflate allows to derive a seed from the first element and change the aggregated type to be different than the input type. See FlowOps.conflate for a simpler version that does not change types.

    This element only rolls up elements if the upstream is faster, but if the downstream is faster it will not duplicate elements.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when downstream stops backpressuring and there is a conflated element available

    Backpressures when never

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    Provides the first state for a conflated value using the first unconsumed element as a start


    Takes the currently aggregated value and the current pending element to produce a new aggregate See also FlowOps.conflate, FlowOps.limit, FlowOps.limitWeighted FlowOps.batch FlowOps.batchWeighted

  28. def delay(of: FiniteDuration, strategy: DelayOverflowStrategy = DelayOverflowStrategy.dropTail): Repr[Out]

    Shifts elements emission in time by a specified amount.

    Shifts elements emission in time by a specified amount. It allows to store elements in internal buffer while waiting for next element to be emitted. Depending on the defined it might drop elements or backpressure the upstream if there is no space available in the buffer.

    Delay precision is 10ms to avoid unnecessary timer scheduling cycles

    Internal buffer has default capacity 16. You can set buffer size by calling addAttributes(inputBuffer)

    Emits when there is a pending element in the buffer and configured time for this element elapsed * EmitEarly - strategy do not wait to emit element if buffer is full

    Backpressures when depending on OverflowStrategy * Backpressure - backpressures when buffer is full * DropHead, DropTail, DropBuffer - never backpressures * Fail - fails the stream if buffer gets full

    Completes when upstream completes and buffered elements have been drained

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    time to shift all messages


    Strategy that is used when incoming elements cannot fit inside the buffer

  29. def delayWith(delayStrategySupplier: () => DelayStrategy[Out], overFlowStrategy: DelayOverflowStrategy): Repr[Out]

    Shifts elements emission in time by an amount individually determined through delay strategy a specified amount.

    Shifts elements emission in time by an amount individually determined through delay strategy a specified amount. It allows to store elements in internal buffer while waiting for next element to be emitted. Depending on the defined it might drop elements or backpressure the upstream if there is no space available in the buffer.

    It determines delay for each ongoing element invoking DelayStrategy.nextDelay(elem: T): FiniteDuration.

    Note that elements are not re-ordered: if an element is given a delay much shorter than its predecessor, it will still have to wait for the preceding element before being emitted. It is also important to notice that scaladsl.DelayStrategy can be stateful.

    Delay precision is 10ms to avoid unnecessary timer scheduling cycles.

    Internal buffer has default capacity 16. You can set buffer size by calling addAttributes(inputBuffer)

    Emits when there is a pending element in the buffer and configured time for this element elapsed * EmitEarly - strategy do not wait to emit element if buffer is full

    Backpressures when depending on OverflowStrategy * Backpressure - backpressures when buffer is full * DropHead, DropTail, DropBuffer - never backpressures * Fail - fails the stream if buffer gets full

    Completes when upstream completes and buffered elements have been drained

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    creates new DelayStrategy object for each materialization


    Strategy that is used when incoming elements cannot fit inside the buffer

  30. def detach: Repr[Out]

    Detaches upstream demand from downstream demand without detaching the stream rates; in other words acts like a buffer of size 1.

    Detaches upstream demand from downstream demand without detaching the stream rates; in other words acts like a buffer of size 1.

    Emits when upstream emits an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  31. def divertTo(that: Graph[SinkShape[Out], _], when: (Out) => Boolean): Repr[Out]

    Attaches the given Sink to this Flow, meaning that elements will be sent to the Sink instead of being passed through if the predicate when returns true.

    Attaches the given Sink to this Flow, meaning that elements will be sent to the Sink instead of being passed through if the predicate when returns true.

    Emits when emits when an element is available from the input and the chosen output has demand

    Backpressures when the currently chosen output back-pressures

    Completes when upstream completes and no output is pending

    Cancels when any of the downstreams cancel

  32. def divertToGraph[M](that: Graph[SinkShape[Out], M], when: (Out) => Boolean): Graph[FlowShape[Out, Out], M]
  33. def drop(n: Long): Repr[Out]

    Discard the given number of elements at the beginning of the stream.

    Discard the given number of elements at the beginning of the stream. No elements will be dropped if n is zero or negative.

    Emits when the specified number of elements has been dropped already

    Backpressures when the specified number of elements has been dropped and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  34. def dropWhile(p: (Out) => Boolean): Repr[Out]

    Discard elements at the beginning of the stream while predicate is true.

    Discard elements at the beginning of the stream while predicate is true. All elements will be taken after predicate returns false first time.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when predicate returned false and for all following stream elements

    Backpressures when predicate returned false and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  35. def dropWithin(d: FiniteDuration): Repr[Out]

    Discard the elements received within the given duration at beginning of the stream.

    Discard the elements received within the given duration at beginning of the stream.

    Emits when the specified time elapsed and a new upstream element arrives

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  36. def ensuring(cond: (FlowOps[Out, Mat]) => Boolean, msg: => Any): FlowOps[Out, Mat]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FlowOps[Out, Mat] toEnsuring[FlowOps[Out, Mat]] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  37. def ensuring(cond: (FlowOps[Out, Mat]) => Boolean): FlowOps[Out, Mat]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FlowOps[Out, Mat] toEnsuring[FlowOps[Out, Mat]] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  38. def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: => Any): FlowOps[Out, Mat]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FlowOps[Out, Mat] toEnsuring[FlowOps[Out, Mat]] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  39. def ensuring(cond: Boolean): FlowOps[Out, Mat]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FlowOps[Out, Mat] toEnsuring[FlowOps[Out, Mat]] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  40. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  41. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  42. def expand[U](expander: (Out) => Iterator[U]): Repr[U]

    Allows a faster downstream to progress independently of a slower upstream by extrapolating elements from an older element until new element comes from the upstream.

    Allows a faster downstream to progress independently of a slower upstream by extrapolating elements from an older element until new element comes from the upstream. For example an expand step might repeat the last element for the subscriber until it receives an update from upstream.

    This element will never "drop" upstream elements as all elements go through at least one extrapolation step. This means that if the upstream is actually faster than the upstream it will be backpressured by the downstream subscriber.

    Expand does not support and Exceptions from the seed function will complete the stream with failure.

    Emits when downstream stops backpressuring

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or iterator runs empty

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    Takes the current extrapolation state to produce an output element and the next extrapolation state.

    See also

    #extrapolate for a version that always preserves the original element and allows for an initial "startup" element.

  43. def extrapolate[U >: Out](extrapolator: (U) => Iterator[U], initial: Option[U] = None): Repr[U]

    Allows a faster downstream to progress independent of a slower upstream.

    Allows a faster downstream to progress independent of a slower upstream.

    This is achieved by introducing "extrapolated" elements - based on those from upstream - whenever downstream signals demand.

    Extrapolate does not support and Exceptions from the extrapolate function will complete the stream with failure.

    Emits when downstream stops backpressuring, AND EITHER upstream emits OR initial element is present OR extrapolate is non-empty and applicable

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or current extrapolate runs empty

    Completes when upstream completes and current extrapolate runs empty

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    takes the current upstream element and provides a sequence of "extrapolated" elements based on the original, to be emitted in case downstream signals demand.


    the initial element to be emitted, in case upstream is able to stall the entire stream.

    See also

    #expand for a version that can overwrite the original element.

  44. def filter(p: (Out) => Boolean): Repr[Out]

    Only pass on those elements that satisfy the given predicate.

    Only pass on those elements that satisfy the given predicate.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the given predicate returns true for the element

    Backpressures when the given predicate returns true for the element and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  45. def filterNot(p: (Out) => Boolean): Repr[Out]

    Only pass on those elements that NOT satisfy the given predicate.

    Only pass on those elements that NOT satisfy the given predicate.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the given predicate returns false for the element

    Backpressures when the given predicate returns false for the element and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  46. def flatMapConcat[T, M](f: (Out) => Graph[SourceShape[T], M]): Repr[T]

    Transform each input element into a Source of output elements that is then flattened into the output stream by concatenation, fully consuming one Source after the other.

    Transform each input element into a Source of output elements that is then flattened into the output stream by concatenation, fully consuming one Source after the other.

    Emits when a currently consumed substream has an element available

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and all consumed substreams complete

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  47. def flatMapMerge[T, M](breadth: Int, f: (Out) => Graph[SourceShape[T], M]): Repr[T]

    Transform each input element into a Source of output elements that is then flattened into the output stream by merging, where at most breadth substreams are being consumed at any given time.

    Transform each input element into a Source of output elements that is then flattened into the output stream by merging, where at most breadth substreams are being consumed at any given time.

    Emits when a currently consumed substream has an element available

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and all consumed substreams complete

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  48. def flatMapPrefix[Out2, Mat2](n: Int)(f: (Seq[Out]) => Flow[Out, Out2, Mat2]): Repr[Out2]

    Takes up to n elements from the stream (less than n only if the upstream completes before emitting n elements), then apply f on these elements in order to obtain a flow, this flow is then materialized and the rest of the input is processed by this flow (similar to via).

    Takes up to n elements from the stream (less than n only if the upstream completes before emitting n elements), then apply f on these elements in order to obtain a flow, this flow is then materialized and the rest of the input is processed by this flow (similar to via). This method returns a flow consuming the rest of the stream producing the materialized flow's output.

    Emits when the materialized flow emits. Notice the first n elements are buffered internally before materializing the flow and connecting it to the rest of the upstream - producing elements at its own discretion (might 'swallow' or multiply elements).

    Backpressures when the materialized flow backpressures

    Completes when the materialized flow completes. If upstream completes before producing n elements, f will be applied with the provided elements, the resulting flow will be materialized and signalled for upstream completion, it can then complete or continue to emit elements at its own discretion.

    Cancels when the materialized flow cancels. When downstream cancels before materialization of the nested flow, the operator's default behaviour is to cancel immediately, this behaviour can be controlled by setting the attribute on the flow. When this attribute is configured to true, downstream cancellation is delayed until the nested flow's materialization which is then immediately cancelled (with the original cancellation cause).


    the number of elements to accumulate before materializing the downstream flow.


    a function that produces the downstream flow based on the upstream's prefix.

  49. def fold[T](zero: T)(f: (T, Out) => T): Repr[T]

    Similar to scan but only emits its result when the upstream completes, after which it also completes.

    Similar to scan but only emits its result when the upstream completes, after which it also completes. Applies the given function towards its current and next value, yielding the next current value.

    If the function f throws an exception and the supervision decision is current value starts at zero again the stream will continue.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Note that the zero value must be immutable.

    Emits when upstream completes

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.scan

  50. def foldAsync[T](zero: T)(f: (T, Out) => Future[T]): Repr[T]

    Similar to fold but with an asynchronous function.

    Similar to fold but with an asynchronous function. Applies the given function towards its current and next value, yielding the next current value.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    If the function f returns a failure and the supervision decision is current value starts at zero again the stream will continue.

    Note that the zero value must be immutable.

    Emits when upstream completes

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.fold

  51. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  52. def groupBy[K](maxSubstreams: Int, f: (Out) => K): SubFlow[Out, Mat, Repr, Closed]

    This operation demultiplexes the incoming stream into separate output streams, one for each element key.

    This operation demultiplexes the incoming stream into separate output streams, one for each element key. The key is computed for each element using the given function. When a new key is encountered for the first time a new substream is opened and subsequently fed with all elements belonging to that key.

    WARNING: The operator keeps track of all keys of streams that have already been closed. If you expect an infinite number of keys this can cause memory issues. Elements belonging to those keys are drained directly and not send to the substream.

    See also


  53. def groupBy[K](maxSubstreams: Int, f: (Out) => K, allowClosedSubstreamRecreation: Boolean): SubFlow[Out, Mat, Repr, Closed]

    This operation demultiplexes the incoming stream into separate output streams, one for each element key.

    This operation demultiplexes the incoming stream into separate output streams, one for each element key. The key is computed for each element using the given function. When a new key is encountered for the first time a new substream is opened and subsequently fed with all elements belonging to that key.

    WARNING: If allowClosedSubstreamRecreation is set to false (default behavior) the operator keeps track of all keys of streams that have already been closed. If you expect an infinite number of keys this can cause memory issues. Elements belonging to those keys are drained directly and not send to the substream.

    Note: If allowClosedSubstreamRecreation is set to true substream completion and incoming elements are subject to race-conditions. If elements arrive for a stream that is in the process of closing these elements might get lost.

    The object returned from this method is not a normal Source or Flow, it is a SubFlow. This means that after this operator all transformations are applied to all encountered substreams in the same fashion. Substream mode is exited either by closing the substream (i.e. connecting it to a Sink) or by merging the substreams back together; see the to and mergeBack methods on SubFlow for more information.

    It is important to note that the substreams also propagate back-pressure as any other stream, which means that blocking one substream will block the groupBy operator itself—and thereby all substreams—once all internal or explicit buffers are filled.

    If the group by function f throws an exception and the supervision decision is the stream and substreams will be completed with failure.

    If the group by function f throws an exception and the supervision decision is or the element is dropped and the stream and substreams continue.

    Function f MUST NOT return null. This will throw exception and trigger supervision decision mechanism.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when an element for which the grouping function returns a group that has not yet been created. Emits the new group

    Backpressures when there is an element pending for a group whose substream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels and all substreams cancel


    configures the maximum number of substreams (keys) that are supported; if more distinct keys are encountered then the stream fails


    computes the key for each element


    enables recreation of already closed substreams if elements with their corresponding keys arrive after completion

  54. def grouped(n: Int): Repr[Seq[Out]]

    Chunk up this stream into groups of the given size, with the last group possibly smaller than requested due to end-of-stream.

    Chunk up this stream into groups of the given size, with the last group possibly smaller than requested due to end-of-stream.

    n must be positive, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

    Emits when the specified number of elements have been accumulated or upstream completed

    Backpressures when a group has been assembled and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  55. def groupedWeighted(minWeight: Long)(costFn: (Out) => Long): Repr[Seq[Out]]

    Chunk up this stream into groups of elements that have a cumulative weight greater than or equal to the minWeight, with the last group possibly smaller than requested minWeight due to end-of-stream.

    Chunk up this stream into groups of elements that have a cumulative weight greater than or equal to the minWeight, with the last group possibly smaller than requested minWeight due to end-of-stream.

    minWeight must be positive, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown. costFn must return a non-negative result for all inputs, otherwise the stage will fail with an IllegalArgumentException.

    Emits when the cumulative weight of elements is greater than or equal to the minWeight or upstream completed

    Backpressures when a buffered group weighs more than minWeight and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  56. def groupedWeightedWithin(maxWeight: Long, maxNumber: Int, d: FiniteDuration)(costFn: (Out) => Long): Repr[Seq[Out]]

    Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, or limited by the weight and number of the elements, whatever happens first.

    Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, or limited by the weight and number of the elements, whatever happens first. Empty groups will not be emitted if no elements are received from upstream. The last group before end-of-stream will contain the buffered elements since the previously emitted group.

    maxWeight must be positive, maxNumber must be positive, and d must be greater than 0 seconds, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

    Emits when the configured time elapses since the last group has been emitted or weight limit reached

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures, and buffered group (+ pending element) weighs more than maxWeight or has more than maxNumber elements

    Completes when upstream completes (emits last group)

    Cancels when downstream completes

  57. def groupedWeightedWithin(maxWeight: Long, d: FiniteDuration)(costFn: (Out) => Long): Repr[Seq[Out]]

    Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, or limited by the weight of the elements, whatever happens first.

    Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, or limited by the weight of the elements, whatever happens first. Empty groups will not be emitted if no elements are received from upstream. The last group before end-of-stream will contain the buffered elements since the previously emitted group.

    maxWeight must be positive, and d must be greater than 0 seconds, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

    Emits when the configured time elapses since the last group has been emitted or weight limit reached

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures, and buffered group (+ pending element) weighs more than maxWeight

    Completes when upstream completes (emits last group)

    Cancels when downstream completes

  58. def groupedWithin(n: Int, d: FiniteDuration): Repr[Seq[Out]]

    Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, or limited by the given number of elements, whatever happens first.

    Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, or limited by the given number of elements, whatever happens first. Empty groups will not be emitted if no elements are received from upstream. The last group before end-of-stream will contain the buffered elements since the previously emitted group.

    n must be positive, and d must be greater than 0 seconds, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

    Emits when the configured time elapses since the last group has been emitted or n elements is buffered

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures, and there are n+1 buffered elements

    Completes when upstream completes (emits last group)

    Cancels when downstream completes

  59. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  60. def idleTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): Repr[Out]

    If the time between two processed elements exceeds the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a

    If the time between two processed elements exceeds the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a The timeout is checked periodically, so the resolution of the check is one period (equals to timeout value).

    Emits when upstream emits an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or fails if timeout elapses between two emitted elements

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  61. def initialDelay(delay: FiniteDuration): Repr[Out]

    Delays the initial element by the specified duration.

    Delays the initial element by the specified duration.

    Emits when upstream emits an element if the initial delay is already elapsed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or initial delay is not yet elapsed

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  62. def initialTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): Repr[Out]

    If the first element has not passed through this operator before the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a

    If the first element has not passed through this operator before the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a

    Emits when upstream emits an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or fails if timeout elapses before first element arrives

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  63. def interleave[U >: Out](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], _], segmentSize: Int, eagerClose: Boolean): Repr[U]

    Interleave is a deterministic merge of the given Source with elements of this Flow.

    Interleave is a deterministic merge of the given Source with elements of this Flow. It first emits segmentSize number of elements from this flow to downstream, then - same amount for that source, then repeat process.

    If eagerClose is false and one of the upstreams complete the elements from the other upstream will continue passing through the interleave operator. If eagerClose is true and one of the upstream complete interleave will cancel the other upstream and complete itself.

    If it gets error from one of upstreams - stream completes with failure.

    Emits when element is available from the currently consumed upstream

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures. Signal to current upstream, switch to next upstream when received segmentSize elements

    Completes when the Flow and given Source completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  64. def interleave[U >: Out](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], _], segmentSize: Int): Repr[U]

    Interleave is a deterministic merge of the given Source with elements of this Flow.

    Interleave is a deterministic merge of the given Source with elements of this Flow. It first emits segmentSize number of elements from this flow to downstream, then - same amount for that source, then repeat process.


    Source(List(1, 2, 3)).interleave(List(4, 5, 6, 7), 2) // 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7

    After one of upstreams is complete then all the rest elements will be emitted from the second one

    If it gets error from one of upstreams - stream completes with failure.

    Emits when element is available from the currently consumed upstream

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures. Signal to current upstream, switch to next upstream when received segmentSize elements

    Completes when the Flow and given Source completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  65. def interleaveAll[U >: Out](those: Seq[Graph[SourceShape[U], _]], segmentSize: Int, eagerClose: Boolean): Repr[U]

    Interleave is a deterministic merge of the given Sources with elements of this Flow.

    Interleave is a deterministic merge of the given Sources with elements of this Flow. It first emits segmentSize number of elements from this flow to downstream, then - same amount for that source, then repeat process.

    If eagerClose is false and one of the upstreams complete the elements from the other upstream will continue passing through the interleave operator. If eagerClose is true and one of the upstream complete interleave will cancel the other upstream and complete itself.

    If it gets error from one of upstreams - stream completes with failure.

    Emits when element is available from the currently consumed upstream

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures. Signal to current upstream, switch to next upstream when received segmentSize elements

    Completes when the Flow and given Source completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  66. def interleaveGraph[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], segmentSize: Int, eagerClose: Boolean = false): Graph[FlowShape[Out, U], M]
  67. def intersperse[T >: Out](inject: T): Repr[T]

    Intersperses stream with provided element, similar to how scala.collection.immutable.List.mkString injects a separator between a List's elements.

    Intersperses stream with provided element, similar to how scala.collection.immutable.List.mkString injects a separator between a List's elements.

    Additionally can inject start and end marker elements to stream.


    val nums = Source(List(1,2,3)).map(_.toString)
    nums.intersperse(",")            //   1 , 2 , 3
    nums.intersperse("[", ",", "]")  // [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]

    Emits when upstream emits (or before with the start element if provided)

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  68. def intersperse[T >: Out](start: T, inject: T, end: T): Repr[T]

    Intersperses stream with provided element, similar to how scala.collection.immutable.List.mkString injects a separator between a List's elements.

    Intersperses stream with provided element, similar to how scala.collection.immutable.List.mkString injects a separator between a List's elements.

    Additionally can inject start and end marker elements to stream.


    val nums = Source(List(1,2,3)).map(_.toString)
    nums.intersperse(",")            //   1 , 2 , 3
    nums.intersperse("[", ",", "]")  // [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]

    In case you want to only prepend or only append an element (yet still use the intercept feature to inject a separator between elements, you may want to use the following pattern instead of the 3-argument version of intersperse (See Source.concat for semantics details):

    Source.single(">> ") ++ Source(List("1", "2", "3")).intersperse(",")
    Source(List("1", "2", "3")).intersperse(",") ++ Source.single("END")

    Emits when upstream emits (or before with the start element if provided)

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  69. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  70. def keepAlive[U >: Out](maxIdle: FiniteDuration, injectedElem: () => U): Repr[U]

    Injects additional elements if upstream does not emit for a configured amount of time.

    Injects additional elements if upstream does not emit for a configured amount of time. In other words, this operator attempts to maintains a base rate of emitted elements towards the downstream.

    If the downstream backpressures then no element is injected until downstream demand arrives. Injected elements do not accumulate during this period.

    Upstream elements are always preferred over injected elements.

    Emits when upstream emits an element or if the upstream was idle for the configured period

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  71. def limit(max: Long): Repr[Out]

    Ensure stream boundedness by limiting the number of elements from upstream.

    Ensure stream boundedness by limiting the number of elements from upstream. If the number of incoming elements exceeds max, it will signal upstream failure StreamLimitException downstream.

    Due to input buffering some elements may have been requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream of this step.

    Emits when upstream emits and the number of emitted elements has not reached max

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and the number of emitted elements has not reached max

    Errors when the total number of incoming element exceeds max

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.take, FlowOps.takeWithin, FlowOps.takeWhile

  72. def limitWeighted[T](max: Long)(costFn: (Out) => Long): Repr[Out]

    Ensure stream boundedness by evaluating the cost of incoming elements using a cost function.

    Ensure stream boundedness by evaluating the cost of incoming elements using a cost function. Exactly how many elements will be allowed to travel downstream depends on the evaluated cost of each element. If the accumulated cost exceeds max, it will signal upstream failure StreamLimitException downstream.

    Due to input buffering some elements may have been requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream of this step.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when upstream emits and the accumulated cost has not reached max

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and the number of emitted elements has not reached max

    Errors when when the accumulated cost exceeds max

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.take, FlowOps.takeWithin, FlowOps.takeWhile

  73. def log(name: String, extract: (Out) => Any = ConstantFun.scalaIdentityFunction)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = null): Repr[Out]

    Logs elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring.

    Logs elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring.

    By default element and completion signals are logged on debug level, and errors are logged on Error level. This can be adjusted according to your needs by providing a custom Attributes.LogLevels attribute on the given Flow:

    Uses implicit LoggingAdapter if available, otherwise uses an internally created one, which uses akka.event.Logging(materializer.system, materializer) as its source (use this class to configure slf4j loggers).

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the mapping function returns an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  74. def logWithMarker(name: String, marker: (Out) => LogMarker, extract: (Out) => Any = ConstantFun.scalaIdentityFunction)(implicit log: MarkerLoggingAdapter = null): Repr[Out]

    Logs elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring.

    Logs elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring.

    By default element and completion signals are logged on debug level, and errors are logged on Error level. This can be adjusted according to your needs by providing a custom Attributes.LogLevels attribute on the given Flow:

    Uses implicit MarkerLoggingAdapter if available, otherwise uses an internally created one, which uses akka.event.Logging.withMarker(materializer.system, materializer) as its source (use this class to configure slf4j loggers).

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the mapping function returns an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  75. def map[T](f: (Out) => T): Repr[T]

    Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements as they pass through this processing step.

    Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements as they pass through this processing step.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the mapping function returns an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  76. def mapAsync[T](parallelism: Int)(f: (Out) => Future[T]): Repr[T]

    Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements as they pass through this processing step.

    Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements as they pass through this processing step. The function returns a Future and the value of that future will be emitted downstream. The number of Futures that shall run in parallel is given as the first argument to mapAsync. These Futures may complete in any order, but the elements that are emitted downstream are in the same order as received from upstream.

    If the function f throws an exception or if the Future is completed with failure and the supervision decision is the stream will be completed with failure.

    If the function f throws an exception or if the Future is completed with failure and the supervision decision is or the element is dropped and the stream continues.

    If the Future is completed with null, it is ignored and the next element is processed.

    The function f is always invoked on the elements in the order they arrive.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the Future returned by the provided function finishes for the next element in sequence

    Backpressures when the number of futures reaches the configured parallelism and the downstream backpressures or the first future is not completed

    Completes when upstream completes and all futures have been completed and all elements have been emitted

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also

    #mapAsyncUnordered and #mapAsyncPartitioned

  77. def mapAsyncPartitioned[T, P](parallelism: Int, perPartition: Int)(partitioner: (Out) => P)(f: (Out, P) => Future[T]): Repr[T]

    Transform this stream by partitioning elements based on the provided partitioner as they pass through this step and then applying a given Future-returning function to each element and its partition key.

    Transform this stream by partitioning elements based on the provided partitioner as they pass through this step and then applying a given Future-returning function to each element and its partition key. The value of the returned future, if successful, will be emitted downstream.

    The number of Futures running at any given time is bounded by the 'parallelism' and 'perPartition' values. The futures may complete in any order, but the results are emitted in the same order as the corresponding elements were received.

    If the functions 'partitioner' or 'f' throw an exception, or the Future completes with failure, supervision will be applied to determine a decision. If the decision is the stream will be stopped with failure; otherwise, the element will be dropped and the stream continues.

    The function 'partitioner' is always invoked on the elements in the order they arrive.

    The function 'f' is invoked on elements with the same partition key in the order they arrive. The order of invocation of 'f' for elements with different partition keys is undefined and subject to factors including, but not limited to, the distribution of partition keys within the stream.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the Future returned by 'f' finishes for the next element in sequence

    Backpressures when the number of elements for which no resulting future has completed reaches the configured parallelism and the downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and all futures have been completed and all results have been emitted

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    at most this many futures will be incomplete at any time


    at most this many futures will be incomplete for a given partition key at any time


    function to generate a partition key


    function to generate a Future

    See also

    #mapAsync and #mapAsyncUnordered

  78. def mapAsyncUnordered[T](parallelism: Int)(f: (Out) => Future[T]): Repr[T]

    Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements as they pass through this processing step.

    Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements as they pass through this processing step. The function returns a Future and the value of that future will be emitted downstream. The number of Futures that shall run in parallel is given as the first argument to mapAsyncUnordered. Each processed element will be emitted downstream as soon as it is ready, i.e. it is possible that the elements are not emitted downstream in the same order as received from upstream.

    If the function f throws an exception or if the Future is completed with failure and the supervision decision is the stream will be completed with failure.

    If the function f throws an exception or if the Future is completed with failure and the supervision decision is or the element is dropped and the stream continues.

    If the Future is completed with null, it is ignored and the next element is processed.

    The function f is always invoked on the elements in the order they arrive (even though the result of the futures returned by f might be emitted in a different order).

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when any of the Futures returned by the provided function complete

    Backpressures when the number of futures reaches the configured parallelism and the downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and all futures have been completed and all elements have been emitted

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also

    #mapAsync and #mapAsyncPartitioned

  79. def mapConcat[T](f: (Out) => IterableOnce[T]): Repr[T]

    Transform each input element into an Iterable of output elements that is then flattened into the output stream.

    Transform each input element into an Iterable of output elements that is then flattened into the output stream.

    The returned Iterable MUST NOT contain null values, as they are illegal as stream elements - according to the Reactive Streams specification.

    Emits when the mapping function returns an element or there are still remaining elements from the previously calculated collection

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or there are still remaining elements from the previously calculated collection

    Completes when upstream completes and all remaining elements have been emitted

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  80. def mapError(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Throwable]): Repr[Out]

    While similar to recover this operator can be used to transform an error signal to a different one *without* logging it as an error in the process.

    While similar to recover this operator can be used to transform an error signal to a different one *without* logging it as an error in the process. So in that sense it is NOT exactly equivalent to recover(t => throw t2) since recover would log the t2 error.

    Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. This operator can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.

    Similarly to recover throwing an exception inside mapError _will_ be logged.

    Emits when element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and pf returns an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  81. def mapWithResource[R, T](create: () => R)(f: (R, Out) => T, close: (R) => Option[T]): Repr[T]

    Transform each stream element with the help of a resource.

    Transform each stream element with the help of a resource.

    The resource creation function is invoked once when the stream is materialized and the returned resource is passed to the mapping function for mapping the first element. The mapping function returns a mapped element to emit downstream. The returned T MUST NOT be null as it is illegal as stream element - according to the Reactive Streams specification.

    The close function is called only once when the upstream or downstream finishes or fails. You can do some clean-up here, and if the returned value is not empty, it will be emitted to the downstream if available, otherwise the value will be dropped.

    Early completion can be done with combination of the takeWhile operator.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    You can configure the default dispatcher for this Source by changing the or set it for a given Source by using ActorAttributes.

    Emits when the mapping function returns an element and downstream is ready to consume it

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    the type of the resource


    the type of the output elements


    function that creates the resource


    function that transforms the upstream element and the resource to output element


    function that closes the resource, optionally outputting a last element

  82. def merge[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], eagerComplete: Boolean = false): Repr[U]

    Merge the given Source to this Flow, taking elements as they arrive from input streams, picking randomly when several elements ready.

    Merge the given Source to this Flow, taking elements as they arrive from input streams, picking randomly when several elements ready.

    Emits when one of the inputs has an element available

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when all upstreams complete (eagerComplete=false) or one upstream completes (eagerComplete=true), default value is false

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  83. def mergeAll[U >: Out](those: Seq[Graph[SourceShape[U], _]], eagerComplete: Boolean): Repr[U]

    Merge the given Sources to this Flow, taking elements as they arrive from input streams, picking randomly when several elements ready.

    Merge the given Sources to this Flow, taking elements as they arrive from input streams, picking randomly when several elements ready.

    Emits when one of the inputs has an element available

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when all upstreams complete (eagerComplete=false) or one upstream completes (eagerComplete=true), default value is false

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  84. def mergeGraph[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], eagerComplete: Boolean): Graph[FlowShape[Out, U], M]
  85. def mergeLatest[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], eagerComplete: Boolean = false): Repr[Seq[U]]

    MergeLatest joins elements from N input streams into stream of lists of size N.

    MergeLatest joins elements from N input streams into stream of lists of size N. i-th element in list is the latest emitted element from i-th input stream. MergeLatest emits list for each element emitted from some input stream, but only after each input stream emitted at least one element.

    Emits when an element is available from some input and each input emits at least one element from stream start

    Completes when all upstreams complete (eagerClose=false) or one upstream completes (eagerClose=true)

  86. def mergeLatestGraph[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], eagerComplete: Boolean): Graph[FlowShape[Out, Seq[U]], M]
  87. def mergePreferred[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], preferred: Boolean, eagerComplete: Boolean = false): Repr[U]

    Merge two sources.

    Merge two sources. Prefer one source if both sources have elements ready.

    emits when one of the inputs has an element available. If multiple have elements available, prefer the 'right' one when 'preferred' is 'true', or the 'left' one when 'preferred' is 'false'.

    backpressures when downstream backpressures

    completes when all upstreams complete (This behavior is changeable to completing when any upstream completes by setting eagerComplete=true.)

  88. def mergePreferredGraph[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], preferred: Boolean, eagerComplete: Boolean): Graph[FlowShape[Out, U], M]
  89. def mergePrioritized[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], leftPriority: Int, rightPriority: Int, eagerComplete: Boolean = false): Repr[U]

    Merge two sources.

    Merge two sources. Prefer the sources depending on the 'priority' parameters.

    emits when one of the inputs has an element available, preferring inputs based on the 'priority' parameters if both have elements available

    backpressures when downstream backpressures

    completes when both upstreams complete (This behavior is changeable to completing when any upstream completes by setting eagerComplete=true.)

  90. def mergePrioritizedGraph[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], leftPriority: Int, rightPriority: Int, eagerComplete: Boolean): Graph[FlowShape[Out, U], M]
  91. def mergeSorted[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M])(implicit ord: Ordering[U]): Repr[U]

    Merge the given Source to this Flow, taking elements as they arrive from input streams, picking always the smallest of the available elements (waiting for one element from each side to be available).

    Merge the given Source to this Flow, taking elements as they arrive from input streams, picking always the smallest of the available elements (waiting for one element from each side to be available). This means that possible contiguity of the input streams is not exploited to avoid waiting for elements, this merge will block when one of the inputs does not have more elements (and does not complete).

    Emits when all of the inputs have an element available

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when all upstreams complete

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  92. def mergeSortedGraph[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M])(implicit ord: Ordering[U]): Graph[FlowShape[Out, U], M]
  93. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  94. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  95. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  96. def onErrorComplete(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Boolean]): Repr[Out]

    onErrorComplete allows to complete the stream when an upstream error occurs.

    onErrorComplete allows to complete the stream when an upstream error occurs.

    Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. This operator can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.

    Emits when element is available from the upstream

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or failed with exception pf can handle

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  97. def onErrorComplete[T <: Throwable]()(implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Repr[Out]

    onErrorComplete allows to complete the stream when an upstream error occurs.

    onErrorComplete allows to complete the stream when an upstream error occurs.

    Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. This operator can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.

    Emits when element is available from the upstream

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or failed with exception is an instance of the provided type

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  98. def orElse[U >: Out, Mat2](secondary: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2]): Repr[U]

    Provides a secondary source that will be consumed if this stream completes without any elements passing by.

    Provides a secondary source that will be consumed if this stream completes without any elements passing by. As soon as the first element comes through this stream, the alternative will be cancelled.

    Note that this Flow will be materialized together with the Source and just kept from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes or it gets cancelled.

    On errors the operator is failed regardless of source of the error.

    Emits when element is available from first stream or first stream closed without emitting any elements and an element is available from the second stream

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when the primary stream completes after emitting at least one element, when the primary stream completes without emitting and the secondary stream already has completed or when the secondary stream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels and additionally the alternative is cancelled as soon as an element passes by from this stream.

  99. def orElseGraph[U >: Out, Mat2](secondary: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2]): Graph[FlowShape[Out, U], Mat2]
  100. def prefixAndTail[U >: Out](n: Int): Repr[(Seq[Out], Source[U, NotUsed])]

    Takes up to n elements from the stream (less than n only if the upstream completes before emitting n elements) and returns a pair containing a strict sequence of the taken element and a stream representing the remaining elements.

    Takes up to n elements from the stream (less than n only if the upstream completes before emitting n elements) and returns a pair containing a strict sequence of the taken element and a stream representing the remaining elements. If n is zero or negative, then this will return a pair of an empty collection and a stream containing the whole upstream unchanged.

    In case of an upstream error, depending on the current state

    • the master stream signals the error if less than n elements has been seen, and therefore the substream has not yet been emitted
    • the tail substream signals the error after the prefix and tail has been emitted by the main stream (at that point the main stream has already completed)

    Emits when the configured number of prefix elements are available. Emits this prefix, and the rest as a substream

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or substream backpressures

    Completes when prefix elements have been consumed and substream has been consumed

    Cancels when downstream cancels or substream cancels

  101. def prepend[U >: Out, Mat2](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2]): Repr[U]

    Prepend the given Source to this Flow, meaning that before elements are generated from this Flow, the Source's elements will be produced until it is exhausted, at which point Flow elements will start being produced.

    Prepend the given Source to this Flow, meaning that before elements are generated from this Flow, the Source's elements will be produced until it is exhausted, at which point Flow elements will start being produced.

    Note that the Source is materialized together with this Flow and is "detached" meaning in effect behave as a one element buffer in front of both the sources, that eagerly demands an element on start (so it can not be combined with Source.lazy to defer materialization of that).

    This flow will then be kept from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes.

    When needing a prepend operator that is not detached use #prependLazy

    Emits when element is available from the given Source or from current stream when the Source is completed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when this Flow completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  102. def prependGraph[U >: Out, Mat2](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2], detached: Boolean): Graph[FlowShape[Out, U], Mat2]
  103. def prependLazy[U >: Out, Mat2](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2]): Repr[U]

    Prepend the given Source to this Flow, meaning that before elements are generated from this Flow, the Source's elements will be produced until it is exhausted, at which point Flow elements will start being produced.

    Prepend the given Source to this Flow, meaning that before elements are generated from this Flow, the Source's elements will be produced until it is exhausted, at which point Flow elements will start being produced.

    Note that the Source is materialized together with this Flow and will then be kept from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes.

    When needing a prepend operator that is also detached use #prepend

    If the given Source gets upstream error - no elements from this Flow will be pulled.

    Emits when element is available from the given Source or from current stream when the Source is completed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when this Flow completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  104. def recover[T >: Out](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, T]): Repr[T]

    Recover allows to send last element on failure and gracefully complete the stream Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements.

    Recover allows to send last element on failure and gracefully complete the stream Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. This operator can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.

    Throwing an exception inside recover _will_ be logged on ERROR level automatically.

    Emits when element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and pf returns an element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  105. def recoverWith[T >: Out](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Graph[SourceShape[T], NotUsed]]): Repr[T]

    RecoverWith allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure.

    RecoverWith allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure. It will stay in effect after a failure has been recovered so that each time there is a failure it is fed into the pf and a new Source may be materialized.

    Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. This operator can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.

    Throwing an exception inside recoverWith _will_ be logged on ERROR level automatically.

    Emits when element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and element is available from alternative Source

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  106. def recoverWithRetries[T >: Out](attempts: Int, pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Graph[SourceShape[T], NotUsed]]): Repr[T]

    RecoverWithRetries allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure.

    RecoverWithRetries allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure. It will stay in effect after a failure has been recovered up to attempts number of times so that each time there is a failure it is fed into the pf and a new Source may be materialized. Note that if you pass in 0, this won't attempt to recover at all.

    A negative attempts number is interpreted as "infinite", which results in the exact same behavior as recoverWith.

    Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. This operator can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.

    Throwing an exception inside recoverWithRetries _will_ be logged on ERROR level automatically.

    Emits when element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and element is available from alternative Source

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    Maximum number of retries or -1 to retry indefinitely


    Receives the failure cause and returns the new Source to be materialized if any

  107. def reduce[T >: Out](f: (T, T) => T): Repr[T]

    Similar to fold but uses first element as zero element.

    Similar to fold but uses first element as zero element. Applies the given function towards its current and next value, yielding the next current value.

    If the stream is empty (i.e. completes before signalling any elements), the reduce operator will fail its downstream with a NoSuchElementException, which is semantically in-line with that Scala's standard library collections do in such situations.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when upstream completes

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.fold

  108. def scan[T](zero: T)(f: (T, Out) => T): Repr[T]

    Similar to fold but is not a terminal operation, emits its current value which starts at zero and then applies the current and next value to the given function f, emitting the next current value.

    Similar to fold but is not a terminal operation, emits its current value which starts at zero and then applies the current and next value to the given function f, emitting the next current value.

    If the function f throws an exception and the supervision decision is current value starts at zero again the stream will continue.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Note that the zero value must be immutable.

    Emits when the function scanning the element returns a new element

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.scanAsync

  109. def scanAsync[T](zero: T)(f: (T, Out) => Future[T]): Repr[T]

    Similar to scan but with an asynchronous function, emits its current value which starts at zero and then applies the current and next value to the given function f, emitting a Future that resolves to the next current value.

    Similar to scan but with an asynchronous function, emits its current value which starts at zero and then applies the current and next value to the given function f, emitting a Future that resolves to the next current value.

    If the function f throws an exception and the supervision decision is current value starts at zero again the stream will continue.

    If the function f throws an exception and the supervision decision is current value starts at the previous current value, or zero when it doesn't have one, and the stream will continue.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Note that the zero value must be immutable.

    Emits when the future returned by f completes

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes and the last future returned by f completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.scan

  110. def sliding(n: Int, step: Int = 1): Repr[Seq[Out]]

    Apply a sliding window over the stream and return the windows as groups of elements, with the last group possibly smaller than requested due to end-of-stream.

    Apply a sliding window over the stream and return the windows as groups of elements, with the last group possibly smaller than requested due to end-of-stream.

    n must be positive, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown. step must be positive, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

    Emits when enough elements have been collected within the window or upstream completed

    Backpressures when a window has been assembled and downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  111. def splitAfter(p: (Out) => Boolean): SubFlow[Out, Mat, Repr, Closed]

    This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and emits them to a stream of output streams.

    This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and emits them to a stream of output streams. It *ends* the current substream when the predicate is true.

    See also


  112. def splitAfter(substreamCancelStrategy: SubstreamCancelStrategy)(p: (Out) => Boolean): SubFlow[Out, Mat, Repr, Closed]

    This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and emits them to a stream of output streams.

    This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and emits them to a stream of output streams. It *ends* the current substream when the predicate is true. This means that for the following series of predicate values, three substreams will be produced with lengths 2, 2, and 3:

    false, true,        // elements go into first substream
    false, true,        // elements go into second substream
    false, false, true  // elements go into third substream

    The object returned from this method is not a normal Source or Flow, it is a SubFlow. This means that after this operator all transformations are applied to all encountered substreams in the same fashion. Substream mode is exited either by closing the substream (i.e. connecting it to a Sink) or by merging the substreams back together; see the to and mergeBack methods on SubFlow for more information.

    It is important to note that the substreams also propagate back-pressure as any other stream, which means that blocking one substream will block the splitAfter operator itself—and thereby all substreams—once all internal or explicit buffers are filled.

    If the split predicate p throws an exception and the supervision decision is the stream and substreams will be completed with failure.

    If the split predicate p throws an exception and the supervision decision is or the element is dropped and the stream and substreams continue.

    Emits when an element passes through. When the provided predicate is true it emits the element and opens a new substream for subsequent element

    Backpressures when there is an element pending for the next substream, but the previous is not fully consumed yet, or the substream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels and substreams cancel on SubstreamCancelStrategy.drain, downstream cancels or any substream cancels on SubstreamCancelStrategy.propagate

    See also FlowOps.splitWhen.

  113. def splitWhen(p: (Out) => Boolean): SubFlow[Out, Mat, Repr, Closed]

    This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and emits them to a stream of output streams, always beginning a new one with the current element if the given predicate returns true for it.

    This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and emits them to a stream of output streams, always beginning a new one with the current element if the given predicate returns true for it.

    See also


  114. def splitWhen(substreamCancelStrategy: SubstreamCancelStrategy)(p: (Out) => Boolean): SubFlow[Out, Mat, Repr, Closed]

    This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and emits them to a stream of output streams, always beginning a new one with the current element if the given predicate returns true for it.

    This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and emits them to a stream of output streams, always beginning a new one with the current element if the given predicate returns true for it. This means that for the following series of predicate values, three substreams will be produced with lengths 1, 2, and 3:

    false,             // element goes into first substream
    true, false,       // elements go into second substream
    true, false, false // elements go into third substream

    In case the *first* element of the stream matches the predicate, the first substream emitted by splitWhen will start from that element. For example:

    true, false, false // first substream starts from the split-by element
    true, false        // subsequent substreams operate the same way

    The object returned from this method is not a normal Source or Flow, it is a SubFlow. This means that after this operator all transformations are applied to all encountered substreams in the same fashion. Substream mode is exited either by closing the substream (i.e. connecting it to a Sink) or by merging the substreams back together; see the to and mergeBack methods on SubFlow for more information.

    It is important to note that the substreams also propagate back-pressure as any other stream, which means that blocking one substream will block the splitWhen operator itself—and thereby all substreams—once all internal or explicit buffers are filled.

    If the split predicate p throws an exception and the supervision decision is the stream and substreams will be completed with failure.

    If the split predicate p throws an exception and the supervision decision is or the element is dropped and the stream and substreams continue.

    Emits when an element for which the provided predicate is true, opening and emitting a new substream for subsequent element

    Backpressures when there is an element pending for the next substream, but the previous is not fully consumed yet, or the substream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels and substreams cancel on SubstreamCancelStrategy.drain, downstream cancels or any substream cancels on SubstreamCancelStrategy.propagate

    See also FlowOps.splitAfter.

  115. def statefulMap[S, T](create: () => S)(f: (S, Out) => (S, T), onComplete: (S) => Option[T]): Repr[T]

    Transform each stream element with the help of a state.

    Transform each stream element with the help of a state.

    The state creation function is invoked once when the stream is materialized and the returned state is passed to the mapping function for mapping the first element. The mapping function returns a mapped element to emit downstream and a state to pass to the next mapping function. The state can be the same for each mapping return, be a new immutable state but it is also safe to use a mutable state. The returned T MUST NOT be null as it is illegal as stream element - according to the Reactive Streams specification. A null state is not allowed and will fail the stream.

    For stateless variant see

    The onComplete function is called only once when the upstream or downstream finished, You can do some clean-up here, and if the returned value is not empty, it will be emitted to the downstream if available, otherwise the value will be dropped.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the mapping function returns an element and downstream is ready to consume it

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels


    the type of the state


    the type of the output elements


    a function that creates the initial state


    a function that transforms the upstream element and the state into a pair of next state and output element


    a function that transforms the ongoing state into an optional output element

  116. def statefulMapConcat[T](f: () => (Out) => IterableOnce[T]): Repr[T]

    Transform each input element into an Iterable of output elements that is then flattened into the output stream.

    Transform each input element into an Iterable of output elements that is then flattened into the output stream. The transformation is meant to be stateful, which is enabled by creating the transformation function anew for every materialization — the returned function will typically close over mutable objects to store state between invocations. For the stateless variant see FlowOps.mapConcat.

    The returned Iterable MUST NOT contain null values, as they are illegal as stream elements - according to the Reactive Streams specification.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the mapping function returns an element or there are still remaining elements from the previously calculated collection

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or there are still remaining elements from the previously calculated collection

    Completes when upstream completes and all remaining elements has been emitted

    Cancels when downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.mapConcat

  117. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  118. def take(n: Long): Repr[Out]

    Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after the given number of elements.

    Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after the given number of elements. Due to input buffering some elements may have been requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream of this step.

    The stream will be completed without producing any elements if n is zero or negative.

    Emits when the specified number of elements to take has not yet been reached

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when the defined number of elements has been taken or upstream completes

    Cancels when the defined number of elements has been taken or downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.limit, FlowOps.limitWeighted

  119. def takeWhile(p: (Out) => Boolean, inclusive: Boolean): Repr[Out]

    Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after predicate returns false for the first time, including the first failed element iff inclusive is true Due to input buffering some elements may have been requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream of this step.

    Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after predicate returns false for the first time, including the first failed element iff inclusive is true Due to input buffering some elements may have been requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream of this step.

    The stream will be completed without producing any elements if predicate is false for the first stream element.

    Adheres to the ActorAttributes.SupervisionStrategy attribute.

    Emits when the predicate is true

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when predicate returned false (or 1 after predicate returns false if inclusive or upstream completes

    Cancels when predicate returned false or downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.limit, FlowOps.limitWeighted

  120. def takeWhile(p: (Out) => Boolean): Repr[Out]

    Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after predicate returns false for the first time, Due to input buffering some elements may have been requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream of this step.

    Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after predicate returns false for the first time, Due to input buffering some elements may have been requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream of this step.

    The stream will be completed without producing any elements if predicate is false for the first stream element.

    Emits when the predicate is true

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when predicate returned false (or 1 after predicate returns false if inclusive or upstream completes

    Cancels when predicate returned false or downstream cancels

    See also FlowOps.limit, FlowOps.limitWeighted

  121. def takeWithin(d: FiniteDuration): Repr[Out]

    Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after the given duration.

    Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after the given duration. Due to input buffering some elements may have been requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream of this step.

    Note that this can be combined with #take to limit the number of elements within the duration.

    Emits when an upstream element arrives

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes or timer fires

    Cancels when downstream cancels or timer fires

  122. def throttle(cost: Int, per: FiniteDuration, maximumBurst: Int, costCalculation: (Out) => Int, mode: ThrottleMode): Repr[Out]

    Sends elements downstream with speed limited to cost/per.

    Sends elements downstream with speed limited to cost/per. Cost is calculating for each element individually by calling calculateCost function. This operator works for streams when elements have different cost(length). Streams of ByteString for example.

    Throttle implements the token bucket model. There is a bucket with a given token capacity (burst size or maximumBurst). Tokens drops into the bucket at a given rate and can be spared for later use up to bucket capacity to allow some burstiness. Whenever stream wants to send an element, it takes as many tokens from the bucket as element costs. If there isn't any, throttle waits until the bucket accumulates enough tokens. Elements that costs more than the allowed burst will be delayed proportionally to their cost minus available tokens, meeting the target rate. Bucket is full when stream just materialized and started.

    Parameter mode manages behavior when upstream is faster than throttle rate:

    It is recommended to use non-zero burst sizes as they improve both performance and throttling precision by allowing the implementation to avoid using the scheduler when input rates fall below the enforced limit and to reduce most of the inaccuracy caused by the scheduler resolution (which is in the range of milliseconds).

    WARNING: Be aware that throttle is using scheduler to slow down the stream. This scheduler has minimal time of triggering next push. Consequently it will slow down the stream as it has minimal pause for emitting. This can happen in case burst is 0 and speed is higher than 30 events per second. You need to increase the maximumBurst if elements arrive with small interval (30 milliseconds or less). Use the overloaded throttle method without maximumBurst parameter to automatically calculate the maximumBurst based on the given rate (cost/per). In other words the throttler always enforces the rate limit when maximumBurst parameter is given, but in certain cases (mostly due to limited scheduler resolution) it enforces a tighter bound than what was prescribed.

    Emits when upstream emits an element and configured time per each element elapsed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or the incoming rate is higher than the speed limit

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  123. def throttle(cost: Int, per: FiniteDuration, costCalculation: (Out) => Int): Repr[Out]

    Sends elements downstream with speed limited to cost/per.

    Sends elements downstream with speed limited to cost/per. Cost is calculating for each element individually by calling calculateCost function. This operator works for streams when elements have different cost(length). Streams of ByteString for example.

    Throttle implements the token bucket model. There is a bucket with a given token capacity (burst size). Tokens drops into the bucket at a given rate and can be spared for later use up to bucket capacity to allow some burstiness. Whenever stream wants to send an element, it takes as many tokens from the bucket as element costs. If there isn't any, throttle waits until the bucket accumulates enough tokens. Elements that costs more than the allowed burst will be delayed proportionally to their cost minus available tokens, meeting the target rate. Bucket is full when stream just materialized and started.

    The burst size is calculated based on the given rate (cost/per) as 0.1 * rate, for example: - rate < 20/second => burst size 1 - rate 20/second => burst size 2 - rate 100/second => burst size 10 - rate 200/second => burst size 20

    The throttle mode is, which makes pauses before emitting messages to meet throttle rate.

    Emits when upstream emits an element and configured time per each element elapsed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or the incoming rate is higher than the speed limit

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  124. def throttle(elements: Int, per: FiniteDuration, maximumBurst: Int, mode: ThrottleMode): Repr[Out]

    Sends elements downstream with speed limited to elements/per.

    Sends elements downstream with speed limited to elements/per. In other words, this operator set the maximum rate for emitting messages. This operator works for streams where all elements have the same cost or length.

    Throttle implements the token bucket model. There is a bucket with a given token capacity (burst size or maximumBurst). Tokens drops into the bucket at a given rate and can be spared for later use up to bucket capacity to allow some burstiness. Whenever stream wants to send an element, it takes as many tokens from the bucket as element costs. If there isn't any, throttle waits until the bucket accumulates enough tokens. Elements that costs more than the allowed burst will be delayed proportionally to their cost minus available tokens, meeting the target rate. Bucket is full when stream just materialized and started.

    Parameter mode manages behavior when upstream is faster than throttle rate:

    It is recommended to use non-zero burst sizes as they improve both performance and throttling precision by allowing the implementation to avoid using the scheduler when input rates fall below the enforced limit and to reduce most of the inaccuracy caused by the scheduler resolution (which is in the range of milliseconds).

    WARNING: Be aware that throttle is using scheduler to slow down the stream. This scheduler has minimal time of triggering next push. Consequently it will slow down the stream as it has minimal pause for emitting. This can happen in case burst is 0 and speed is higher than 30 events per second. You need to increase the maximumBurst if elements arrive with small interval (30 milliseconds or less). Use the overloaded throttle method without maximumBurst parameter to automatically calculate the maximumBurst based on the given rate (cost/per). In other words the throttler always enforces the rate limit when maximumBurst parameter is given, but in certain cases (mostly due to limited scheduler resolution) it enforces a tighter bound than what was prescribed.

    Emits when upstream emits an element and configured time per each element elapsed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or the incoming rate is higher than the speed limit

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  125. def throttle(elements: Int, per: FiniteDuration): Repr[Out]

    Sends elements downstream with speed limited to elements/per.

    Sends elements downstream with speed limited to elements/per. In other words, this operator set the maximum rate for emitting messages. This operator works for streams where all elements have the same cost or length.

    Throttle implements the token bucket model. There is a bucket with a given token capacity (burst size). Tokens drops into the bucket at a given rate and can be spared for later use up to bucket capacity to allow some burstiness. Whenever stream wants to send an element, it takes as many tokens from the bucket as element costs. If there isn't any, throttle waits until the bucket accumulates enough tokens. Elements that costs more than the allowed burst will be delayed proportionally to their cost minus available tokens, meeting the target rate. Bucket is full when stream just materialized and started.

    The burst size is calculated based on the given rate (cost/per) as 0.1 * rate, for example: - rate < 20/second => burst size 1 - rate 20/second => burst size 2 - rate 100/second => burst size 10 - rate 200/second => burst size 20

    The throttle mode is, which makes pauses before emitting messages to meet throttle rate.

    Emits when upstream emits an element and configured time per each element elapsed

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures or the incoming rate is higher than the speed limit

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  126. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  127. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  128. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  129. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  130. def watch(ref: ActorRef): Repr[Out]

    The operator fails with an if the target actor is terminated.

    The operator fails with an if the target actor is terminated.

    Emits when upstream emits

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Fails when the watched actor terminates

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  131. def wireTap(that: Graph[SinkShape[Out], _]): Repr[Out]

    Attaches the given Sink to this Flow as a wire tap, meaning that elements that pass through will also be sent to the wire-tap Sink, without the latter affecting the mainline flow.

    Attaches the given Sink to this Flow as a wire tap, meaning that elements that pass through will also be sent to the wire-tap Sink, without the latter affecting the mainline flow. If the wire-tap Sink backpressures, elements that would've been sent to it will be dropped instead.

    It is similar to #alsoTo which does backpressure instead of dropping elements.

    Emits when element is available and demand exists from the downstream; the element will also be sent to the wire-tap Sink if there is demand.

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  132. def wireTap(f: (Out) => Unit): Repr[Out]

    This is a simplified version of wireTap(Sink) that takes only a simple function.

    This is a simplified version of wireTap(Sink) that takes only a simple function. Elements will be passed into this "side channel" function, and any of its results will be ignored.

    If the wire-tap operation is slow (it backpressures), elements that would've been sent to it will be dropped instead. It is similar to #alsoTo which does backpressure instead of dropping elements.

    This operation is useful for inspecting the passed through element, usually by means of side-effecting operations (such as println, or emitting metrics), for each element without having to modify it.

    For logging signals (elements, completion, error) consider using the log operator instead, along with appropriate ActorAttributes.logLevels.

    Emits when upstream emits an element; the same element will be passed to the attached function, as well as to the downstream operator

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  133. def wireTapGraph[M](that: Graph[SinkShape[Out], M]): Graph[FlowShape[Out, Out], M]
  134. def zip[U](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], _]): Repr[(Out, U)]

    Combine the elements of current flow and the given Source into a stream of tuples.

    Combine the elements of current flow and the given Source into a stream of tuples.

    Emits when all of the inputs have an element available

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when any upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  135. def zipAll[U, A >: Out](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], _], thisElem: A, thatElem: U): Repr[(A, U)]

    Combine the elements of current flow and the given Source into a stream of tuples.

    Combine the elements of current flow and the given Source into a stream of tuples.

    Emits when at first emits when both inputs emit, and then as long as any input emits (coupled to the default value of the completed input).

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when all upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  136. def zipAllFlow[U, A >: Out, Mat2](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2], thisElem: A, thatElem: U): Flow[Out, (A, U), Mat2]
  137. def zipGraph[U, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M]): Graph[FlowShape[Out, (Out, U)], M]
  138. def zipLatest[U](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], _]): Repr[(Out, U)]

    Combine the elements of 2 streams into a stream of tuples, picking always the latest element of each.

    Combine the elements of 2 streams into a stream of tuples, picking always the latest element of each.

    A ZipLatest has a left and a right input port and one out port.

    No element is emitted until at least one element from each Source becomes available.

    Emits when all of the inputs have at least an element available, and then each time an element becomes available on either of the inputs

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when any upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  139. def zipLatestGraph[U, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M]): Graph[FlowShape[Out, (Out, U)], M]
  140. def zipLatestWith[Out2, Out3](that: Graph[SourceShape[Out2], _], eagerComplete: Boolean)(combine: (Out, Out2) => Out3): Repr[Out3]

    Combine the elements of multiple streams into a stream of combined elements using a combiner function, picking always the latest of the elements of each source.

    Combine the elements of multiple streams into a stream of combined elements using a combiner function, picking always the latest of the elements of each source.

    No element is emitted until at least one element from each Source becomes available. Whenever a new element appears, the zipping function is invoked with a tuple containing the new element and the other last seen elements.

    Emits when all of the inputs have at least an element available, and then each time an element becomes available on either of the inputs

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when any upstream completes if eagerComplete is enabled or wait for all upstreams to complete

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  141. def zipLatestWith[Out2, Out3](that: Graph[SourceShape[Out2], _])(combine: (Out, Out2) => Out3): Repr[Out3]

    Combine the elements of multiple streams into a stream of combined elements using a combiner function, picking always the latest of the elements of each source.

    Combine the elements of multiple streams into a stream of combined elements using a combiner function, picking always the latest of the elements of each source.

    No element is emitted until at least one element from each Source becomes available. Whenever a new element appears, the zipping function is invoked with a tuple containing the new element and the other last seen elements.

    Emits when all of the inputs have at least an element available, and then each time an element becomes available on either of the inputs

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when any of the upstreams completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  142. def zipLatestWithGraph[Out2, Out3, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[Out2], M], eagerComplete: Boolean)(combine: (Out, Out2) => Out3): Graph[FlowShape[Out, Out3], M]
  143. def zipLatestWithGraph[Out2, Out3, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[Out2], M])(combine: (Out, Out2) => Out3): Graph[FlowShape[Out, Out3], M]
  144. def zipWith[Out2, Out3](that: Graph[SourceShape[Out2], _])(combine: (Out, Out2) => Out3): Repr[Out3]

    Put together the elements of current flow and the given Source into a stream of combined elements using a combiner function.

    Put together the elements of current flow and the given Source into a stream of combined elements using a combiner function.

    Emits when all of the inputs have an element available

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when any upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

  145. def zipWithGraph[Out2, Out3, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[Out2], M])(combine: (Out, Out2) => Out3): Graph[FlowShape[Out, Out3], M]
  146. def zipWithIndex: Repr[(Out, Long)]

    Combine the elements of current flow into a stream of tuples consisting of all elements paired with their index.

    Combine the elements of current flow into a stream of tuples consisting of all elements paired with their index. Indices start at 0.

    Emits when upstream emits an element and is paired with their index

    Backpressures when downstream backpressures

    Completes when upstream completes

    Cancels when downstream cancels

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

    (Since version 9)

  2. def formatted(fmtstr: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FlowOps[Out, Mat] toStringFormat[FlowOps[Out, Mat]] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.12.16) Use formatString.format(value) instead of value.formatted(formatString), or use the f"" string interpolator. In Java 15 and later, formatted resolves to the new method in String which has reversed parameters.

  3. def [B](y: B): (FlowOps[Out, Mat], B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FlowOps[Out, Mat] toArrowAssoc[FlowOps[Out, Mat]] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use -> instead. If you still wish to display it as one character, consider using a font with programming ligatures such as Fira Code.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Inherited by implicit conversion any2stringadd fromFlowOps[Out, Mat] to any2stringadd[FlowOps[Out, Mat]]

Inherited by implicit conversion StringFormat fromFlowOps[Out, Mat] to StringFormat[FlowOps[Out, Mat]]

Inherited by implicit conversion Ensuring fromFlowOps[Out, Mat] to Ensuring[FlowOps[Out, Mat]]

Inherited by implicit conversion ArrowAssoc fromFlowOps[Out, Mat] to ArrowAssoc[FlowOps[Out, Mat]]
