
package journal

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package inmem
  2. package japi
  3. package leveldb

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncRecovery extends AnyRef

    Asynchronous message replay and sequence number recovery interface.

  2. trait AsyncReplay extends AnyRef

    A plugin may implement this trait as an optimization.

    A plugin may implement this trait as an optimization. Combining asyncReplayMessages and asyncReadHighestSequenceNr into one method. If this trait is implemented the methods in AsyncRecovery will not be called.

  3. class AsyncReplayTimeoutException extends AkkaException

    Thrown if replay inactivity exceeds a specified timeout.

    Thrown if replay inactivity exceeds a specified timeout.

  4. trait AsyncWriteJournal extends Actor with WriteJournalBase with AsyncRecovery

    Abstract journal, optimized for asynchronous, non-blocking writes.

  5. sealed trait EmptyEventSeq extends EventSeq
  6. trait EventAdapter extends WriteEventAdapter with ReadEventAdapter

    An EventAdapter is both a WriteEventAdapter and a ReadEventAdapter.

    An EventAdapter is both a WriteEventAdapter and a ReadEventAdapter. Facility to convert from and to specialised data models, as may be required by specialized persistence Journals.

    Typical use cases include (but are not limited to):

    • adding metadata, a.k.a. "tagging" - by wrapping objects into tagged counterparts
    • manually converting to the Journals storage format, such as JSON, BSON or any specialised binary format
    • adapting incoming events in any way before persisting them by the journal
  7. class EventAdapters extends AnyRef

    EventAdapters serves as a per-journal collection of bound event adapters.

  8. sealed abstract class EventSeq extends AnyRef
  9. final case class EventsSeq[E](events: Seq[E]) extends EventSeq with Product with Serializable
  10. abstract class JournalPerfSpec extends JournalSpec

    This spec measures execution times of the basic operations that an akka.persistence.PersistentActor provides, using the provided Journal (plugin).

    This spec measures execution times of the basic operations that an akka.persistence.PersistentActor provides, using the provided Journal (plugin).

    It is *NOT* meant to be a comprehensive benchmark, but rather aims to help plugin developers to easily determine if their plugin's performance is roughly as expected. It also validates the plugin still works under "more messages" scenarios.

    In case your journal plugin needs some kind of setup or teardown, override the beforeAll or afterAll methods (don't forget to call super in your overridden methods).

    For a Java and JUnit consumable version of the TCK please refer to akka.persistence.japi.journal.JavaJournalPerfSpec.

    See also


  11. abstract class JournalSpec extends PluginSpec with MayVerb with OptionalTests with JournalCapabilityFlags

    This spec aims to verify custom akka-persistence Journal implementations.

    This spec aims to verify custom akka-persistence Journal implementations. Plugin authors are highly encouraged to include it in their plugin's test suites.

    In case your journal plugin needs some kind of setup or teardown, override the beforeAll or afterAll methods (don't forget to call super in your overridden methods).

    For a Java and JUnit consumable version of the TCK please refer to akka.persistence.japi.journal.JavaJournalSpec.

    See also



  12. final class PersistencePluginProxy extends Actor with Stash with ActorLogging
  13. class PersistencePluginProxyExtensionImpl extends Extension

    PersistencePluginProxyExtensionImpl is an Extension that enables initialization of the PersistencePluginProxy via configuration, without requiring any code changes or the creation of any actors.

  14. trait ReadEventAdapter extends AnyRef

    Facility to convert from and to specialised data models, as may be required by specialized persistence Journals.

    Facility to convert from and to specialised data models, as may be required by specialized persistence Journals.

    Typical use cases include (but are not limited to):

    • extracting events from "envelopes"
    • manually converting to the Journals storage format, such as JSON, BSON or any specialised binary format
    • adapting incoming events from a "data model" to the "domain model"
  15. final case class SingleEventSeq(event: Any) extends EventSeq with Product with Serializable
  16. case class Tagged(payload: Any, tags: Set[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    The journal may support tagging of events that are used by the EventsByTag query and it may support specifying the tags via an akka.persistence.journal.EventAdapter that wraps the events in a Tagged with the given tags.

    The journal may support tagging of events that are used by the EventsByTag query and it may support specifying the tags via an akka.persistence.journal.EventAdapter that wraps the events in a Tagged with the given tags. The journal may support other ways of doing tagging. Please consult the documentation of the specific journal implementation for more information.

    The journal will unwrap the event and store the payload.

  17. trait WriteEventAdapter extends AnyRef

    Facility to convert to specialised data models, as may be required by specialized persistence Journals.

    Facility to convert to specialised data models, as may be required by specialized persistence Journals.

    Typical use cases include (but are not limited to):

    • adding metadata, a.k.a. "tagging" - by wrapping objects into tagged counterparts
    • manually converting to the Journals storage format, such as JSON, BSON or any specialised binary format
    • splitting up large events into sequences of smaller ones

Value Members

  1. object EmptyEventSeq extends EventSeq with EmptyEventSeq
  2. object EventSeq
  3. case object IdentityEventAdapter extends EventAdapter with Product with Serializable

    No-op model adapter which passes through the incoming events as-is.

  4. object JournalPerfSpec extends Serializable
  5. object JournalSpec extends Serializable
  6. object PersistencePluginProxy
  7. object PersistencePluginProxyExtension extends ExtensionId[PersistencePluginProxyExtensionImpl] with ExtensionIdProvider
