To use Akka Streams, add the module to your project:
- Working with Graphs
- Dependency
- Introduction
- Constructing Graphs
- Constructing and combining Partial Graphs
- Constructing Sources, Sinks and Flows from Partial Graphs
- Combining Sources and Sinks with simplified API
- Building reusable Graph components
- Predefined shapes
- Bidirectional Flows
- Accessing the materialized value inside the Graph
- Graph cycles, liveness and deadlocks
- Operators
- Source operators
- Sink operators
- Additional Sink and Source converters
- File IO Sinks and Sources
- Simple operators
- Flow operators composed of Sinks and Sources
- Asynchronous operators
- Timer driven operators
- Backpressure aware operators
- Nesting and flattening operators
- Time aware operators
- Fan-in operators
- Watching status operators
- Actor interop operators
- Error handling
- combine
- Source.asSourceWithContext
- fromPublisher
- fromIterator
- cycle
- Source/Flow.setup
- fromFuture
- fromCompletionStage
- fromFutureSource
- fromSourceCompletionStage
- Source.tick
- Source.single
- Source.repeat
- Source.unfold
- Source.unfoldAsync
- empty
- maybe
- failed
- lazily
- lazilyAsync
- asSubscriber
- actorRef
- actorRefWithAck
- Source.zipN
- Source.zipWithN
- Source.queue
- Source.unfoldResource
- Source.unfoldResourceAsync
- from
- Source.range
- concat
- prepend
- orElse
- alsoTo
- divertTo
- wireTap
- interleave
- merge
- mergeSorted
- zip
- zipLatest
- zipWith
- zipLatestWith
- zipWithIndex
- map
- recover
- mapError
- recoverWith
- recoverWithRetries
- mapConcat
- statefulMapConcat
- mapAsync
- mapAsyncUnordered
- Flow.ask
- watch
- filter
- filterNot
- collect
- collectType
- grouped
- limit
- limitWeighted
- sliding
- scan
- scanAsync
- fold
- foldAsync
- reduce
- intersperse
- groupedWithin
- groupedWeightedWithin
- delay
- drop
- dropWithin
- takeWhile
- dropWhile
- take
- takeWithin
- conflateWithSeed
- conflate
- batch
- batchWeighted
- expand
- extrapolate
- buffer
- prefixAndTail
- groupBy
- splitWhen
- splitAfter
- flatMapConcat
- flatMapMerge
- initialTimeout
- completionTimeout
- idleTimeout
- backpressureTimeout
- keepAlive
- throttle
- detach
- watchTermination
- monitor
- initialDelay
- log
- Flow.asFlowWithContext
- Flow.fromSinkAndSource
- Flow.fromSinkAndSourceCoupled
- Flow.lazyInitAsync
- Sink.preMaterialize
- Sink.setup
- fromSubscriber
- cancelled
- head
- Sink.headOption
- Sink.last
- Sink.lastOption
- Sink.takeLast
- Sink.seq
- asPublisher
- Sink.ignore
- foreach
- foreachAsync
- combine
- foreachParallel
- fold
- Sink.reduce
- Sink.onComplete
- actorRef
- Sink.actorRefWithAck
- Sink.queue
- Sink.lazyInitAsync
- StreamConverters.fromInputStream
- StreamConverters.asOutputStream
- StreamConverters.fromOutputStream
- StreamConverters.asInputStream
- StreamConverters.javaCollector
- StreamConverters.javaCollectorParallelUnordered
- StreamConverters.asJavaStream
- StreamConverters.fromJavaStream
- FileIO.fromFile
- FileIO.fromPath
- FileIO.toFile
- FileIO.toPath
- RestartSource.withBackoff
- RestartSource.onFailuresWithBackoff
- RestartFlow.withBackoff
- RestartFlow.onFailuresWithBackoff
- RestartSink.withBackoff
- actorRefWithAck
- ActorFlow.ask
- ActorSink.actorRef