def logRequest(marker: String): Directive0
def logRequest(marker: String, level: LogLevel): Directive0
def logRequest(show: HttpRequest => String): Directive0
def logRequest(show: HttpRequest => LogEntry): Directive0
def logRequest(magnet: LoggingMagnet[HttpRequest => Unit]): Directive0
The signature shown is simplified, the real signature uses magnets. [1]
[1] See The Magnet Pattern for an explanation of magnet-based overloading.
Logs the request using the supplied LoggingMagnet[HttpRequest => Unit]
using the LoggingAdapter
of the RequestContext
. The LoggingMagnet
is a wrapped function HttpRequest => Unit
that can be implicitly created from the different constructors shown above. These constructors build a LoggingMagnet
from these components:
- A marker to prefix each log message with.
- A log level.
- A
function that calculates a string representation for a request. - A function that creates a
which is a combination of the elements above.
It is also possible to use any other function HttpRequest => Unit
for logging by wrapping it with LoggingMagnet
. See the examples for ways to use the logRequest
Use logResult
for logging the response, or logRequestResult
for logging both.
To change the logger, wrap this directive by withLog.
- Scala
// different possibilities of using logRequest // The first alternatives use an implicitly available LoggingContext for logging // marks with "get-user", log with debug level, HttpRequest.toString DebuggingDirectives.logRequest("get-user") // marks with "get-user", log with info level, HttpRequest.toString DebuggingDirectives.logRequest(("get-user", Logging.InfoLevel)) // logs just the request method at debug level def requestMethod(req: HttpRequest): String = req.method.name DebuggingDirectives.logRequest(requestMethod _) // logs just the request method at info level def requestMethodAsInfo(req: HttpRequest): LogEntry = LogEntry(req.method.name, Logging.InfoLevel) DebuggingDirectives.logRequest(requestMethodAsInfo _) // This one doesn't use the implicit LoggingContext but uses `println` for logging def printRequestMethod(req: HttpRequest): Unit = println(req.method.name) val logRequestPrintln = DebuggingDirectives.logRequest(LoggingMagnet(_ => printRequestMethod)) // tests: Get("/") ~> logRequestPrintln(complete("logged")) ~> check { responseAs[String] shouldEqual "logged" }
- Java