Migration Guide 1.0.x to 1.1.x¶
Akka has now moved to Scala 2.9.x
Akka Actor¶
is now dependency free, with the exception of the dependency on the scala-library.jar
does not bundle any logging anymore, but you can subscribe to events within Akka by registering an event handler on akka.event.EventHandler or by specifying the FQN of an Actor in the akka.conf under akka.event-handlers; there is an akka-slf4j module which still provides the Logging trait and a default SLF4J logger adapter.
Don’t forget to add a SLF4J backend though, we recommend:
lazy val logback = "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "0.9.28" % "runtime"
If you used HawtDispatcher and want to continue using it, you need to include akka-dispatcher-extras.jar from Akka Modules, in your akka.conf you need to specify: akka.dispatch.HawtDispatcherConfigurator instead of HawtDispatcher
FSM: the onTransition method changed from Function1 to PartialFunction; there is an implicit conversion for the precise types in place, but it may be necessary to add an underscore if you are passing an eta-expansion (using a method as function value).
Akka Typed Actor¶
- All methods starting with get* are deprecated and will be removed in post 1.1 release.
Akka Remote¶
- UnparsebleException has been renamed to CannotInstantiateRemoteExceptionDueToRemoteProtocolParsingErrorException(exception, classname, message)
Akka HTTP¶
- akka.servlet.Initializer has been moved to akka-kernel to be able to have akka-http not depend on akka-remote. If you don’t want to use the class for kernel, just create your own version of akka.servlet.Initializer, it’s just a couple of lines of code and there are instructions in the HTTP docs.
- akka.http.ListWriter has been removed in full, if you use it and want to keep using it, here’s the code: ListWriter.
- Jersey-server is now a “provided” dependency for akka-http, so you’ll need to add the dependency to your project, it’s built against Jersey 1.3
Akka Testkit¶
- The TestKit moved into the akka-testkit subproject and correspondingly into the akka.testkit package.