Source Streaming
Akka HTTP supports completing a request with an Akka Source<T, ?>
, which makes it possible to easily build and consume streaming end-to-end APIs which apply back pressure throughout the entire stack.
It is possible to complete requests with raw Source<ByteString, ?>
, however often it is more convenient to stream on an element-by-element basis, and allow Akka HTTP to handle the rendering internally - for example as a JSON array, or CSV stream (where each element is followed by a newline).
In the following sections we investigate how to make use of the JSON Streaming infrastructure, however the general hints apply to any kind of element-by-element streaming you could imagine.
JSON Streaming
JSON Streaming is a term referring to streaming a (possibly infinite) stream of element as independent JSON objects as a continuous HTTP request or response. The elements are most often separated using newlines, however do not have to be. Concatenating elements side-by-side or emitting “very long” JSON array is also another use case.
In the below examples, we’ll be referring to the Tweet
case class as our model, which is defined as:
- Scala
- Java
private static final class JavaTweet { private int id; private String message; public JavaTweet(int id, String message) { = id; this.message = message; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String getMessage() { return message; } }
Responding with JSON Streams
In this example we implement an API representing an infinite stream of tweets, very much like Twitter’s Streaming API.
Firstly, we’ll need to get some additional marshalling infrastructure set up, that is able to marshal to and from an Akka Streams Source<T, ?>
. Here we’ll use the Jackson
helper class from akka-http-jackson
(a separate library that you should add as a dependency if you want to use Jackson with Akka HTTP).
First we enable JSON Streaming by making an implicit EntityStreamingSupport
instance available (Step 1).
The default mode of rendering a Source
is to represent it as an JSON Array. If you want to change this representation for example to use Twitter style new-line separated JSON objects, you can do so by configuring the support trait accordingly.
In Step 1.1. we demonstrate how to configure the rendering to be new-line separated, and also how parallel marshalling can be applied. We configure the Support object to render the JSON as series of new-line separated JSON objects, simply by appending a ByteString consisting of a single new-line character to each ByteString in the stream. Although this format is not valid JSON, it is pretty popular since parsing it is relatively simple - clients need only to find the new-lines and apply JSON unmarshalling for an entire line of JSON.
The final step is simply completing a request using a Source of tweets, as simple as that:
- Scala
- Java
import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.completeOKWithSource; import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.get; import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.parameter; import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.path; // Step 1: Enable JSON streaming // we're not using this in the example, but it's the simplest way to start: // The default rendering is a JSON array: `[el, el, el , ...]` final JsonEntityStreamingSupport jsonStreaming = EntityStreamingSupport.json(); // Step 1.1: Enable and customise how we'll render the JSON, as a compact array: final ByteString start = ByteString.fromString("["); final ByteString between = ByteString.fromString(","); final ByteString end = ByteString.fromString("]"); final Flow<ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed> compactArrayRendering = Flow.of(ByteString.class).intersperse(start, between, end); final JsonEntityStreamingSupport compactJsonSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json() .withFramingRendererFlow(compactArrayRendering); // Step 2: implement the route final Route responseStreaming = path("tweets", () -> get(() -> parameter(StringUnmarshallers.INTEGER, "n", n -> { final Source<JavaTweet, NotUsed> tws = Source.repeat(new JavaTweet(12, "Hello World!")).take(n); // Step 3: call complete* with your source, marshaller, and stream rendering mode return completeOKWithSource(tws, Jackson.marshaller(), compactJsonSupport); }) ) ); // tests: final TestRoute routes = testRoute(tweets()); // test happy path final Accept acceptApplication = Accept.create(MediaRanges.create(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_JSON));"/tweets?n=2").addHeader(acceptApplication)) .assertStatusCode(200) .assertEntity("[{\"id\":12,\"message\":\"Hello World!\"},{\"id\":12,\"message\":\"Hello World!\"}]"); // test responses to potential errors final Accept acceptText = Accept.create(MediaRanges.ALL_TEXT);"/tweets?n=3").addHeader(acceptText)) .assertStatusCode(StatusCodes.NOT_ACCEPTABLE) // 406 .assertEntity("Resource representation is only available with these types:\napplication/json"); // tests -------------------------------------------- final TestRoute routes = testRoute(csvTweets()); // test happy path final Accept acceptCsv = Accept.create(MediaRanges.create(MediaTypes.TEXT_CSV));"/tweets?n=2").addHeader(acceptCsv)) .assertStatusCode(200) .assertEntity("12,Hello World!\n" + "12,Hello World!\n"); // test responses to potential errors final Accept acceptText = Accept.create(MediaRanges.ALL_APPLICATION);"/tweets?n=3").addHeader(acceptText)) .assertStatusCode(StatusCodes.NOT_ACCEPTABLE) // 406 .assertEntity("Resource representation is only available with these types:\ntext/csv; charset=UTF-8");
The reason the EntityStreamingSupport
has to be enabled explicitly is that one might want to configure how the stream should be rendered. We’ll discuss this in depth in the next section though.
Consuming JSON Streaming uploads
Sometimes a client sends a streaming request. For example, an embedded device initiated a connection with the server and is feeding it with one line of measurement data.
In this example, we want to consume this data in a streaming fashion from the request entity and also apply back pressure to the underlying TCP connection should the server be unable to cope with the rate of incoming data. Back pressure is automatically applied thanks to Akka Streams.
- Scala
- Java
private static final class Measurement { private String id; private int value; public Measurement(String id, int value) { = id; this.value = value; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } } final Unmarshaller<ByteString, Measurement> Measurements = Jackson.byteStringUnmarshaller(Measurement.class);
- Scala
- Java
import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.complete; import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.entityAsSourceOf; import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.extractMaterializer; import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.onComplete; import static; final Route incomingStreaming = path("metrics", () -> post(() -> extractMaterializer(mat -> { final JsonEntityStreamingSupport jsonSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json(); return entityAsSourceOf(Measurements, jsonSupport, sourceOfMeasurements -> { final CompletionStage<Integer> measurementCount = sourceOfMeasurements.runFold(0, (acc, measurement) -> acc + 1, mat); return onComplete(measurementCount, c -> complete("Total number of measurements: " + c)); }); } ) ) );
Simple CSV streaming example
Akka HTTP provides another EntityStreamingSupport
out of the box, namely csv
(comma-separated values). For completeness, we demonstrate its usage in the snippet below. As you’ll notice, switching between streaming modes is fairly simple: You only have to make sure that an implicit Marshaller
of the requested type is available and that the streaming support operates on the same Content-Type
as the rendered values. Otherwise, you’ll see an error during runtime that the marshaller did not expose the expected content type and thus we can’t render the streaming response).
- Scala
- Java
import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.get; import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.path; import static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.completeWithSource; final Marshaller<JavaTweet, ByteString> renderAsCsv = Marshaller.withFixedContentType(ContentTypes.TEXT_CSV_UTF8, t -> ByteString.fromString(t.getId() + "," + t.getMessage()) ); final CsvEntityStreamingSupport compactJsonSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.csv(); final Route responseStreaming = path("tweets", () -> get(() -> parameter(StringUnmarshallers.INTEGER, "n", n -> { final Source<JavaTweet, NotUsed> tws = Source.repeat(new JavaTweet(12, "Hello World!")).take(n); return completeWithSource(tws, renderAsCsv, compactJsonSupport); }) ) );
Implementing custom EntityStreamingSupport traits
The EntityStreamingSupport
infrastructure is open for extension and not bound to any single format, content type, or marshalling library. The provided JSON support does not rely on spray-json
directly, but uses Marshaller<T, ByteString>
instances, which can be provided using any JSON marshalling library (such as Circe, Jawn or Play JSON).
When implementing a custom support trait, one should simply extend the EntityStreamingSupport
abstract class and implement all of its methods. It’s best to use the existing implementations as a guideline.
Supporting custom content types
In order to marshal into custom content types, both a Marshaller
that can handle that content type as well as an EntityStreamingSupport
of matching content type is required.
Refer to the complete example below, showcasing how to configure a custom marshaller and change the entity streaming support’s content type to be compatible. This is an area that would benefit from additional type safety, which we hope to add in a future release.
- Scala
- Java
import akka.NotUsed; import; import akka.http.javadsl.Http; import akka.http.javadsl.common.EntityStreamingSupport; import akka.http.javadsl.marshalling.Marshaller; import akka.http.javadsl.model.*; import akka.http.javadsl.server.AllDirectives; import akka.http.javadsl.server.Route; import; import java.util.Random; import; public class JsonStreamingFullExample extends AllDirectives { public Route createRoute() { final MediaType.WithFixedCharset mediaType = MediaTypes.applicationWithFixedCharset("vnd.example.api.v1+json", HttpCharsets.UTF_8); final ContentType.WithFixedCharset contentType = ContentTypes.create(mediaType); final Marshaller<User, RequestEntity> userMarshaller = Marshaller.withFixedContentType(contentType, (User user) -> HttpEntities.create(contentType, user.toJson())); final EntityStreamingSupport jsonStreamingSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json() .withContentType(contentType) .withParallelMarshalling(10, false); return get(() -> pathPrefix("users", () -> completeOKWithSource(fetchUsers(), userMarshaller, jsonStreamingSupport) ) ); } private Source<User, NotUsed> fetchUsers() { final Random rnd = new Random(); return Source.fromIterator(() -> Stream.generate(rnd::nextInt).map(this::dummyUser).limit(10000).iterator()); } private User dummyUser(int id) { return new User(id, "User " + id); } static final class User { int id; String name; User(int id, String name) { = id; = name; } String toJson() { return "{\"id\":\"" + id + "\", \"name\":\"" + name + "\"}"; } } public static void main(String[] args) { ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create(); final JsonStreamingFullExample app = new JsonStreamingFullExample(); final Http http = Http.get(system); http.newServerAt("localhost", 8080).bind(app.createRoute()); } }
Consuming streaming JSON on client-side
For consuming such streaming APIs with, for example, JSON responses refer to Consuming JSON Streaming style APIs documentation in the JSON support section.